Margaret Daley

The Cowboy's Texas Family

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her biological father. “Which side of the argument do you support?”

      “One hundred percent for the boys ranch. My husband was there for a few years as a kid when his dad died and his mother couldn’t manage him. Fletcher thinks of the boys as juvenile delinquents. They are troubled but still children.”

      As Darcy ate her omelet, she decided she would drive out there and look into the ranch. Without seeing it, she couldn’t form an opinion. Did Fletcher have a legitimate concern? “I’d like to see the place, maybe later today if I get my car back. How would the people running it feel if I went to see the ranch?”

      “I’m sure Bea Brewster, the director, would welcome you.” Carol rose and stacked their plates. “I’ll make a map for you. And I’ll call her to let her know you’re coming by.”

      As Carol hurried away, Darcy finished the last of her coffee, pleased she had something to do. When she’d planned to come here, she hadn’t thought of how she would spend her time other than catching up on her reading. She liked to keep busy, and looking into the boys ranch was a good way to have something to do—and possibly see Nick when he volunteered.

      A minute after the phone rang, Carol reappeared in the living room. “Nick’s on the phone for you.”

      “He is?” Darcy followed Carol to the phone in the hallway, surprised to be hearing from him, especially after she had just been thinking of him. When she answered, she asked, “Is Corey okay?”

      “Not exactly. I’m at Mrs. Scott’s house. The state is taking Corey to the boys ranch, and he’s locked himself in the bathroom, screaming he won’t go there. Mrs. Scott is looking for the skeleton key.”

      Her first urge was to drive to Mrs. Scott’s house and do...what? She was a relative stranger to Corey. “I wish I could help. My car won’t be repaired until late this afternoon or possibly tomorrow. Will he go to the ranch today?”

      “Yes. I just wanted to let you know because of your concern last night.”

      “Thanks. I appreciate it. If I get my car fixed later today, could I visit Corey at the ranch?”

      “Seeing someone familiar would be great.”

      “We don’t know each other well, but I’m glad to come as soon as I can.”

      When Darcy hung up, Carol came over to her. “I couldn’t help overhearing that Nick’s friend is going to the boys ranch. If you don’t get your car back, I’ll drive you.”

      “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

      “It would be a good reason for me to pay a visit to my friend Bea. I could take you after I do a few things around here.”

      “Thanks. I’ll let you know about my car.”

      An hour and a half later, Carol drove Darcy to the boys ranch. Carol had called and discovered Corey was there at the barn with Nick. Darcy dressed in jeans, a white blouse and tennis shoes. As she strolled to the porch with Carol, she noticed Nick’s beat-up pickup parked next to the barn. Before she had a chance to ring the bell, the front door swung open and an older woman with brown hair and brown eyes appeared in the entrance.

      The lady hugged Carol and then turned to Darcy. “It’s nice to meet you, Darcy.” She stood to the side. “Come in. I understand you’re staying at the inn for a few weeks. What has brought you here to Haven?”

      “A forced vacation.”

      Bea’s eyebrows rose. “Forced?”

      “My parents, who fund a legal-aid office in Mobile, insisted I finally use my vacation days. It’s their way of telling me I work too much.”

      “Why Haven?”

      “Texas interests me, but I don’t want to go to a large city. I’m here for rest, not sightseeing. I thought I could help out while I was visiting. It’s hard to go from working ten-hour days to no hours.” When she’d been diagnosed six months ago with celiac disease, her parents were convinced the stress of her job had made her symptoms worse.

      “She’s met Nick and even helped with locating Corey last night,” Carol said as Bea closed the front door.

      The manager of the boys ranch grinned. “My, you’ve jumped right in. So you’re familiar with ranches or, in your area, farms?”

      “Well, no. But I’m a quick learner. I help out in my church’s nursery as well as in a shelter for families. I love animals and children.”

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