Ryshia Kennie

Sheikh's Rescue

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      As a sheik, he always got what he wanted—until he met his beautiful and challenging new partner...

      Zafir Al-Nassar knows everything about Jade Van Everett. He’s studied the cases she’s worked for his family’s company and for the FBI. And it’s hard not to notice that she’s absolutely gorgeous. Teaming up for a routine security detail, Jade is desperate to prove herself and Zafir can’t help but admire her determination. But when their assignment turns deadly, it becomes difficult to stay focused on the job. Because although they were hired to protect a Morrocan royal from a trained assassin, Zafir also has every intention of keeping Jade safe and by his side. Forever.

      Desert Justice

      He leaned over and silenced her with a kiss as he pulled her tight against him.

      She could feel his arousal pushing against her and all she wanted was to give every ounce of passion she had to him. But this wasn’t the place, not here on a plane with their client only yards away from them. It couldn’t happen and she wanted so badly for it to happen.

      Her heart pounded and something deep inside wanted only to melt into him. Her mind screamed to pull away. It couldn’t be—this was the wrong time, the wrong place, the wrong man. And yet, her body felt differently.

      She put her hands on his shoulder, creating a suggestion of distance between them.


      “No.” She shook her head. For as much as she wanted him against her, as much as she wanted his lips ravishing hers, as much as she wanted all of it and more, she couldn’t.

      She was a professional agent and she refused to sleep with her boss. No matter how good she knew it would be.

      Sheikh’s Rescue

      Ryshia Kennie


      RYSHIA KENNIE has received a writing award from the City of Regina, Saskatchewan, and was also a semifinalist for the Kindle Book Awards. She finds that there’s never a lack of places to set an edge-of-the-seat suspense, as prairie winters find her dreaming of warmer places for heart-stopping stories. They are places where deadly villains threaten intrepid heroes and heroines who battle for their right to live or even to love. For more, visit www.ryshiakennie.com.

      Every girl should be as lucky as me to have a spare mother. Ma D—for all the moments you listened and all the thoughtful advice you gave. Raise your teacup. This one is for you.



       Back Cover Text


       Title Page

       About the Author


       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen

       Chapter Eighteen

       Chapter Nineteen

       Chapter Twenty

       Chapter Twenty-One

       Chapter Twenty-Two



       Chapter One

      The howl of a lone wolf cut through the gray Wyoming sky, shattering the valley’s early-morning silence. The howl echoed across the sharp lines of the Teton mountain range, which rose in a jagged line against the horizon. The raw cry broke through the unseasonably late April snow as it drifted down in a freezing veil that covered the prairie grass surrounding Nassar Security.

      On his office balcony just outside Jackson, Wyoming, Vice President Zafir Al-Nassar took a deep breath. A sense of foreboding ran through him. Normally he would have enjoyed the reflective stillness of the late-spring snowfall, but now his thoughts were elsewhere. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for. There was nothing disturbing the area except the blanket of snow that covered everything. It seemed to mock his unease as it powdered the nearby landscape and the roofs of the distant houses. It was Hollywood snow, big white flakes coming down in a gentle curtain beneath a still sky. It was the kind