Hairy Buttercup
Hairy Buttercup Ranunculus sardous
Hairy annual of grassy places, especially near the coast. FLOWERS 15–25mm across with 5 pale yellow petals and reflexed sepals (May–Oct). FRUITS With a green border, inside which they are adorned with warts. LEAVES Divided into 3 lobes; mainly basal. STATUS Local, mainly in the south and in coastal habitats.
Corn Buttercup
Corn Buttercup Ranunculus arvensis
Downy annual of arable fields. FLOWERS 10–12mm across with 5 pale lemon-yellow petals (May–July). FRUITS Distinctly spiny and bur-like. LEAVES Divided into narrow lobes. STATUS Formerly widespread but now scarce, local and declining because of agricultural herbicide use; regular only in S England.
Goldilocks Buttercup
Goldilocks Buttercup
Imperfect flower
Goldilocks Buttercup Ranunculus auricomus
Slightly hairy perennial of damp, undisturbed woodland. FLOWERS 15–25mm across with yellow petals, 1 or more of which is sometimes imperfect or absent (Apr–May). FRUITS Roughly hairy. LEAVES Rounded, 3-lobed basal leaves, narrowly lobed stem leaves. STATUS Widespread but local and declining.
Small-flowered Buttercup
Small-flowered Buttercup Ranunculus parviflorus
Sprawling, hairy annual of dry, bare ground, often on sandy soils. FLOWERS 3–5mm across with pale yellow petals; on furrowed stalks, often arising from the fork of a branch (May–July). FRUITS Roughly hairy. LEAVES Rounded and lobed (basal leaves); stem leaves narrowly lobed. STATUS Local in S England and S Wales.
Greater Spearwort
Lesser Spearwort
Greater Spearwort
Greater Spearwort Ranunculus lingua
Robust, upright perennial of fens and the shallow margins of ponds and lakes. Plant has long runners. FLOWERS 20–40mm across with 5 yellow petals; on furrowed stalks (June–Sep). FRUITS Rough, winged, with a curved beak. LEAVES Narrow, 25cm long, sometimes toothed. STATUS Widespread but local.
Lesser Spearwort
Lesser Spearwort Ranunculus flammula HEIGHT to 50cm
Upright or creeping perennial. Often roots where leaf nodes touch the ground. Favours damp ground, often beside rivers. FLOWERS 5–15mm across, usually solitary; on furrowed stalks (June–Oct). FRUITS Beaked but not winged. LEAVES Oval basal leaves; stem leaves narrow. STATUS Widespread, commonest in the north.
Celery-leaved Buttercup
Celery-leaved Buttercup
Celery-leaved Buttercup Ranunculus sceleratus HEIGHT to 50cm
Yellowish-green annual with hollow stems. Favours marshes and wet grazing meadows, often on trampled ground. FLOWERS 5–10mm across with pale yellow petals; in clusters (May–Sep). FRUITS With elongated heads. LEAVES Celery-like, divided into 3 lobes (basal leaves); stem leaves less divided. STATUS Locally common in the south.
Lesser Celandine
Weston, Andrew
Lesser Celandine
Lesser Celandine Ranunculus ficaria HEIGHT to 25cm
Perennial of hedgerows and open woodland; sometimes forms patches. FLOWERS 20–30mm across with 8–12 shiny yellow petals and 3 sepals (Mar–May); opening only in sunshine. FRUITS In a rounded head. LEAVES Heart-shaped, glossy, dark green. STATUS