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      2 trolley

      la carta NOUN

      1 letter Le he escrito una carta a Juan. I’ve written Juan a letter.

      2 card jugar a las cartas to play cards

      el cartel NOUN

      1 poster

      2 sign

      la cartera NOUN

      1 satchel

      2 wallet

      el cartero NOUN


      el cartón (PL los cartones) NOUN

      cardboard una caja de cartón a cardboard box

      el cartucho NOUN


      la cartulina NOUN


      la casa NOUN

      1 house

      2 home

      Estábamos en casa. We were at home. Nos vamos a casa. We’re going home. Estábamos en casa de Juan. We were at Juan’s.

      casado (FEM casada) ADJECTIVE

      married una mujer casada a married woman Está casado con una francesa. He’s married to a French woman.

      casarse VERB

      to get married Quieren casarse. They want to get married.

      la cascada NOUN


      la cáscara NOUN

      1 shell

      2 skin

      casi ADVERB

      almost Casi me ahogo. I almost drowned. Son casi las cinco. It’s nearly five o’clock. Casi no comí. I hardly ate.

      la casilla NOUN


      el caso NOUN

      case En casos así es mejor callarse. In such cases it’s better to keep quiet. El caso es que no me queda dinero. The thing is, I haven’t got any money left. No le hagas caso. Don’t take any notice of him.

      la caspa NOUN


      la castaña NOUN


      castaño (FEM castaña) ADJECTIVE

      brown Mi hermana tiene el pelo castaño. My sister has brown hair.

      castigar VERB

      to punish Mi padre me castigó por contestarle. My father punished me for answering him back.

      el castigo NOUN

      punishment Tuve que escribirlo diez veces, como castigo. I had to write it out ten times, as punishment.

      el castillo NOUN

      castle un castillo de arena a sandcastle

      la casualidad NOUN

      coincidence ¡Qué casualidad! What a coincidence! Nos encontramos por casualidad. We met by chance.

      el catarro NOUN

      cold Vas a pillar un catarro. You’re going to catch a cold.

      la catástrofe NOUN


      catorce (FEM catorce) ADJECTIVE, PRONOUN


      el catorce de enero the fourteenth of January Nació el catorce de enero. He was born on the fourteenth of January.

      la causa NOUN

      cause No se sabe la causa del accidente. The cause of the accident is unknown.

      a causa de because of

      causar VERB

      to cause La lluvia causó muchos daños. The rain caused a lot of damage.

      cayendo VERB ▷see caer

      Está cayendo nieve. It’s snowing.

      la cazadora NOUN


      la cebolla NOUN


      la ceja NOUN


      celebrar VERB

       to celebrate

      el celo NOUN


      los celos NOUN

      jealousy Lo hizo por celos. He did it out of jealousy. Tiene celos de su mejor amiga. She’s jealous of her best friend.

      celoso (FEM celosa) ADJECTIVE

      jealous Está celoso de su hermano. He’s jealous of his brother.

      el cemento NOUN


      la cena NOUN

      dinner La cena es a las ocho. Dinner is at eight o’clock.

      cenar VERB

      to have dinner No he cenado. I haven’t had dinner. ¿Qué quieres cenar? What do you want for dinner?

       Did you know…?

       In Spain, people generally eat later than in the UK. Lunch is usually around two and people tend to have dinner around nine or ten.

      el cenicero