johanne t.g. joan

The ancient Gospel of the Essenes and its falsification

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language of the Essene Prophet taught no new doctrine per se, rather translated the Language of Nature (the Holy Scrolls), which are the thoughts of God, because mankind, out of blindness, could not attain these themselves. This language is to be understood from at least three perspectives and constitutes the true Trinity, namely mother-son-father. One can recognize a Divine Message, because no one would be able to so effortlessly compose texts integrating several perspectives.

      In order to make the Divine Order intelligible, the prophet spoke in metaphors, because people, depending upon their stage of maturity, will attain a level of understanding at which the true meaning can be grasped. In other words, in a single metaphoric phrase he can express three sentences, which become clear as the veil dissipates before the spiritual eye.

      The purity of the body, the basis for spiritual development of a human being, can only be achieved if the elements: water, air, sun and earth, are held in harmony within the body. The Essene Prophet compares humans with fruit. This person is not a sinner, rather the accomplished human being.

      The Prophet spoke of universal equality, therefore women were equal to men and slavery was viewed as a violation of the Divine Order. The same was true of poverty, which he described as a contradiction of the law, for physical poverty leads to starvation of the body. That is why, in his model of brotherhood, there could be neither poor nor rich because wealth opens the door to all other sins and leads to the starvation of the soul. For this reason, there was no monetary currency. The Essenes also possessed no valuables, neither silver nor gold.

      Regarding equality he said the following:

      "Then all are the Sons of Man, regardless of their rank and task whether their eyes have been opened to see the heavenly kingdoms, or whether they still walk in darkness and ignorance, because the Sons of Light have not come for the healthy, rather for the sick.6

      The Essene Baptist asserted that animals are our brethren and need our protection. He affirmed with plausible arguments that the greatest sin which a person commits against his own body and soul is the consumption of the flesh of animals, for in this way he would allow death to enter into himself. He states:

      "… For all are Sons of Men, whatever be their station, whatever be their calling, whether their eyes have been opened to see the heavenly kingdoms, or whether they yet walk in darkness and ignorance. For the justice of men may reward the undeserving and punish the innocent, but Holy Law is the same for all, whether beggar or king, whether shepherd or priest."7

      The health and purity of the body, which he described as a temple, that mankind ought to build stone by stone in harmony with nature, was for the Essene probably the most important priority, for the body is where the Spirit of God takes residence, when the time for this has matured. Therefore, he compared the body and the soul of man and their relationship to one another with a burning candle:

      "… For if the wax is not pure, the candle cannot produce a steady flame …"8

      A purity that would at any rate bring peace to the people around the world.

      Many joined the Essene Brotherhood: everyone was welcome and no one had to suffer from hunger.

      First came the sick and beggars, and those who had no family. Slaves regained their freedom there. Women who wished to no longer be subject to a man’s will.

      Each obtained his own domain and they tilled the earth together to nourish themselves by their own harvest. The brotherhood, calling themselves Christians, spread inexorably throughout the country.

      The brotherhood paid no taxes, for they had neither money nor gold, and they did not regard the Emperor as sovereign.

      Pontius Pilate, who was more interested in filling his pockets, had allowed the critical moment to pass. When he realized that he had not responded quickly enough, panic broke out.

      Initially the doctrine of the brotherhood and the formation of the brotherhood were forbidden. Christians who belonged to a brotherhood and did not want to renounce their faith were persecuted, tortured and murdered. The persecution of these Christians was the true persecution of

      Christ, which the plagiarist concealed and replaced with another on paper.

      When the Romans realized that the killing of the Christians could not stop the development of the brotherhood, as they could not kill all the Jews, they arrived at the idea of falsifying the Gospel. Confiscated Gospels were collected and supplemented with texts that Romans extorted from their prisoners. When all the writings were compiled, the Gospel amounted to around a thousand pages. The Romans began to falsify the Gospel. This occurred at the earliest in 70 AD, or perhaps later.

      Using the same words from the authentic Gospel, the Romans succeeded half-way in cloaking themselves in a supposed message of love, a contrary doctrine, and in this way were able to restore the old system, for according to the Gospel of Mercy everything remained as it was, only that Rome had become to this day the center of Christianity.

      The Jewish people saw in this man, who described himself as “messenger,” the promised Prophet. Therefore, he became the target of the Romans because the Jews understood the true message and continued to proclaim it, such that many were forced to flee to foreign lands and countless found death for they would not renounce their faith.

      For this reason, the conspirator tried from the very beginning to slander and denigrate the Jewish people, also succeeding in this, denouncing them as greedy, faithless, despicable and deceitful: a treachery which reached its climax in the crucifixion of the supposed Son of God.

      The Romans had to find a way to slander and denigrate the Jews as liars, at which they ultimately succeeded. They presented the Jews as avaricious, deceitful and vile, a slander that reached its culmination in crucifying the supposed Son of God.

      I gradually discovered that the so-called Holy Scripture is the greatest and most effective anti-semitic manifesto that ever existed, for the simple reason that this intention is not immediately recognizable and because this message of hate is transmitted through the subconscious and achieves the effect of brainwashing.

      Martin Luther also fell into the trap of the conspirator, only giving the lie a different name.

      The falsifiers invested a very great effort in their work, making discovery of their conspiracy very difficult.

      That is why the matter is complicated and cannot be explained in a few sentences. For this reason I am going to restore and explain the original terminology of the Holy Message to which a different meaning had been given by the falsifiers. That is why the NT has a different, a wrong content.

      Let’s start with the concept of Christ. After seven years of research, it became clear that Christ was not a man but a state of mind.

      Flowers, herbs, vegetables or fruits, which have grown naturally and not with the help of artificial fertilizer etc., grow under the influence of the elements: sun, water, air and earth. They consist of billions of cells, in which these elements are held in harmony and the life pulses from inside. We can best recognize this by the sight of a flower that radiates life and spreads joy.

      Or in the spring, when buds emerge from the bare branches and cover the whole tree with blossoms. If an element is missing, the plant withers, the flower or even the tree dies. In fact, Christ is light, He is the truth and life. The life that dominates all creation and keeps it alive. Christ is not a man, but the sum of the elements that exist in every living being in harmony with Mother Earth and the Cosmos. Christ is the fullness.

      The goal of every human, according to the Essene Baptist, is to build these living elements into himself by ingesting these elements in their original form. Everyone is to transform his body into a holy temple. That’s how a person regains his original purity, his spiritual virginity that the fathers and forefathers had lost.

      This purity would make him a new creation, and he would not die and not decay. He is to receive Christ, light, truth, and life, so that he may not die, even if he has died. Life cannot be destroyed. It escapes and the celestial can only be attained through the earth.

      If a human being consumes