Kayla Perrin


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sleepyhead,” she crooned when my eyes met hers.

      I took a moment to register that she was really there, that this wasn’t a dream. I could smell the fresh scent of some sort of floral soap, could see that her short black hair was wet and slicked back. Yep, she was definitely here. And she looked surprisingly well rested for a woman who’d spent most of the night screwing her brains out. Her dark complexion never gave anything away.

      “You’d still be sleeping too if you were woken up by the sounds of serious fucking.”

      “You heard us?” Marnie asked, sounding surprised.

      “You’ve got to be kidding. How could I not hear you?”

      “Oops,” Marnie said sheepishly.

      “Is the room a total disaster zone or what? Cuz it sure sounded like you were doing some serious damage to it.”

      “We broke one of the lamps.” Marnie spoke almost proudly.

      “What?” But I was really wondering, how? “And you’re smiling about that?”

      “Don’t worry. I already went to the front desk to let them know, and I paid to replace it.”

      “Oh. Okay.” Though I was dead tired, I eased myself up on an elbow. Stretching, a yawn escaped my throat.

      Marnie grinned from ear to ear. “And trust me, I’m not smiling because we broke a lamp.”

      I shook my head in mock reproof. “I can’t believe you’re up already. After the workout you got.”

      “I know.” Marnie sighed happily. “He only left an hour ago, so I knew there was no way I’d be getting any sleep if I was going to make it to that boat later today. I took a shower, had a couple cups of coffee and, amazingly, I feel fine.”

      “You’d never know. Not with that, ‘I’ve been fucked so hard, I could die a happy woman’ look on your face.”

      “I know.” Marnie giggled. “It was incredible, Sophie. Out of this world.”

      “You don’t have to tell me. I feel like I was a spectator. All I was missing was the popcorn and the dildo.”

      Marnie roared with laughter. “I should be embarrassed—but, what can I say, I’m shameless.”

      I yawned again, then asked, “So you like this guy?”

      “I like his cock. No, I love his cock.”

      Marnie had been my best friend since eighth grade, and we didn’t have a problem speaking explicitly to each other. But if the parents of any of our students happened to overhear us talking when we were out on the town, they’d likely be pulling their kids from our classes.

      Of course, we didn’t have to worry about that here. And we definitely didn’t have foul mouths when we were at the front of our grade-school classrooms.

      “I do like him,” Marnie went on, “but we leave today. Maybe if he lived in Orlando. Heck, if he even lived in the Bahamas. But he’s headed back to the Dominican Republic the day after tomorrow.”

      “It was cute watching you two trying to talk to each other at the bar.” What Soriano had lacked in language skills he had easily made up in charm. And that radiant smile of his hadn’t hurt.

      “At least he served his purpose,” Marnie said. “Which was to totally get me to forget about Brian. I don’t know if it’s because this guy was a one-night stand, but nothing Brian did in bed with me was ever as exciting as what Soriano and I did.”

      “It probably was, in the beginning with Brian,” I pointed out. “New sex and all that.”

      Marnie shrugged. “Maybe. But now my body knows that there’s life after Brian, and that that life can be quite exciting.”

      I smiled at my friend. For her sake, I was glad. For a good three months, she had moped over the end of her relationship with Brian, and she’d needed something to get her out of her funk.

      She’d already had one marriage fall apart after her husband repeatedly cheated on her, and now that she and Brian had ended things, I knew she was depressed over the thought that she’d never meet her Mr. Right.

      I sat up fully and swung my feet off the bed. “I’m gonna go take a shower. Is there any coffee left?”

      “I’ll make another pot.”

      “Thank you, babe. I’m going to need it.”


      It was a little after nine in the evening when I pulled into the driveway of my Orlando home. My husband’s Cadillac Escalade was there—as I’d expected on a Sunday evening—and excited, I sprinted inside. I wanted to throw my arms around his neck and kiss him until we ended up naked on the living room floor.

      I was hoping he would have heard me pull up and be waiting for me at the door. He wasn’t. But Peaches, our orange and white tabby, was. She purred in greeting, and I bent to give her a quick rub on the head before making my way into the living room.

      Peaches followed me, clearly needing more attention. I needed Andrew.

      But he wasn’t in the living room. Hadn’t he heard me? He had to be somewhere in the house, so why hadn’t he come out to welcome me home? We hadn’t seen each other in five days. Maybe it was a little corny, but I expected him to stop whatever he was doing and rush out to meet me. Sweep me in his arms and not let me go until we were both screaming as we came.

      “Andrew?” I called. When he didn’t answer, I frowned. Tonight, I wanted spontaneity. And creativity.

      And sex all night long.

      I wandered into the bedroom, where I found Andrew lying on the bed. My frown morphed into a small smile as I regarded him. He was on his back, his lips slightly parted as he snored softly.

      “Oh, baby,” I said softly. “At least you’re getting your rest, so you should be in full form when I wake you up.”

      The cat rubbed her body against my legs, purring. I bent down and scooped her up, then put her out the door and closed it.

      “Sorry, Peaches, but I want no spectators for this.”

      I padded across the room to the bed and eased my body down beside my husband’s. He didn’t stir. I stretched out beside him and planted my lips on his.

      Andrew jerked awake, his eyes widening as he saw me.

      I giggled. “Hi, baby.”

      “Hi,” he said, his voice hoarse, then cleared his throat.

      “Looks like someone had a hard day,” I commented. I placed my palm on his belly and kissed his chin. “But hopefully your little nap helped you regain some energy.”

      “What time is it?”

      “A little after nine,” I replied. Now, I kissed his lips.

      “How was your trip?”

      “Fun. Marnie definitely had a good time.” I smiled inwardly, remembering just how good a time, but I’d never share that with Andrew. “The trip was great for her.”

      “That’s good, sweetheart.”

      Good? Why wasn’t Andrew taking me in his arms and really kissing me?

      I guess he was still groggy, but I was determined to wake him up. Lowering my hand to his groin, I stroked him through his pants. Then I pressed my mouth against his and kissed him deeply.

      His cock hardened, and I purred, satisfied. Feeling a surge of feminine power, I eased my body onto his and straddled him. His hands went to my breasts, gently squeezing.

      I gyrated myself against him, feeling his cock through my shorts. I moved my mouth from his, to his jaw, then to his earlobe, where I nibbled gently.