interview,’ Skylar said.
It really wasn’t going well if this was all the advert had come up with.
‘There’s one more candidate. But they didn’t give all the correct details on the application so that’s not very hopeful. If they haven’t managed that, I’m not sure they’ll even turn up.’
Olive was pretty sure she heard some mutterings coming from Aiden’s phone, but she figured it was better not to pay it any extra attention and risk getting Tony and his son into a whole heap of trouble.
There was another twenty minutes to wait until the next interviewee arrived and Skylar set to making them all teas and coffees. It really was a disappointing substitute when Olive thought she’d have tried twenty cocktails by the end of the day.
Aiden fiddled with his phone while Esme was in the toilet and hopefully he’d muted any further outbursts from his father.
Before everyone had returned, the door that had been shut so violently creaked open as if the woodwork itself was letting out a sigh of relief at being better handled.
‘Hello, Richard. Would you like a coffee?’ Skylar offered.
It was Olive’s son arriving for his extended weekend stay. He looked so much more relaxed than he had. Even in the last few weeks there’d been a difference. No longer did he always turn up in his formal shirt and tie – a lawyer unable to switch off from his daytime job to the point it ran twenty-four-seven. These days he seemed to enjoy his weekends down here among their friends. And they were their friends. They may have started off as Olive’s, but Richard had been such a support all during the whole Oakley West fiasco, and since Tony had been poorly everyone had warmed to him. He had a well-deserved hero status among them after everything he’d done to help save Tony’s life.
‘Yes, please, that would be lovely.’ Richard offered Skylar a smile, and who could blame him when a beautiful woman had offered to make him a drink as soon as he entered the building?
Olive got up from her stool to give her son a hug. She couldn’t have him forgetting his own mother, not that he would. ‘But hang on…’ The cogs in Olive’s brain really were slower to function of late. ‘Why are you here this early? I thought you had to work today.’
He wasn’t due until the evening. Or at least that’s what Olive had thought. Was Olive getting confused again?
‘I am early. You’re right.’ Richard checked his watch. ‘Ten minutes early by the looks of things.’
It didn’t take much to confuse Olive. ‘About eight hours more like it.’
Esme returned from the loo and broke into a broad smile at seeing Richard. ‘You’re early.’
‘I’m glad everyone’s noticing,’ Richard said.
The pair embraced while Olive returned to the bar, wishing she could openly talk to Tony and ask him if he had a clue what was going on.
‘You’ll never believe who turned up to interview for the job before you arrived,’ Skylar said when she handed Richard his cup of tea.
They filled Richard in on the cheek of the woman they all knew as Matron. She was a blast from the past none of them had ever expected to encounter again, least of all with her waltzing through the doors like nothing had ever happened. Knowing she was still local made Olive wonder if she might have been responsible for the bottom craft-fiti. She’d certainly have the time on her hands and reason to cause upset.
‘Time for our last interview, if they even turn up,’ Esme said, also joining everyone at the bar.
‘Well, they’re late, so that’s not exactly a good start,’ Randy said, glancing towards the door.
‘There I was thinking I was early. You lot even said I was,’ Richard said from his position at the bar with the rest of them.
‘What? So you’re here to interview?’ Skylar asked.
Olive had reached the point in life when sometimes it hurt her brain to put two and two together.
‘Of course.’
Olive furrowed her brow in a way she knew would be most displeasing to her permanent wrinkles. They didn’t need temporary ones joining the fold. ‘But what about your business? The Gin Shack won’t manage when you’re only here at the weekends.’
‘I wasn’t proposing on being here just at the weekends. I figured, if I got the job, I’d take some time off from my business, which can pretty much run itself without me, to make sure this one stays afloat.’
‘Job’s yours then. That was easy. Couldn’t think of anyone better,’ Randy said, raising his mug in a toast.
‘Hold your horses,’ Veronica said from the furthest position on the bar. ‘He hasn’t had his interview yet.’
‘We know he can do the job,’ Randy said
‘Yes, but can he make a cocktail?’ Aiden said.
Olive wondered if it was Tony who really wanted to know if Richard could make one. It wasn’t like the entertainment programme he was watching had provided him with much cocktail-making so far. And as her son had been a teetotaller until the opening of the Gin Shack, was it possible for him to mix cocktails without the knowledge most would have? Had he managed to learn that quickly?
‘What do you say, Esme?’ Veronica prompted.
Esme placed her mug down and stared at it for a moment. ‘I guess it’s only fair Richard should interview like everyone else.’
‘Of course I should. Besides, I’ve come prepared. Don’t let me waste my efforts.’
Olive was just about catching up now she knew she was right about him being here earlier than he was due to be. She wasn’t sure how she felt about Richard coming here to take over, though. There was no doubt he had a bit of a controlling nature and, while much of it had been with her welfare in mind, she wasn’t sure he’d be able to help interfering in her life given the opportunity. She pushed those thoughts away, though. She’d deal with that if it ever came to it.
‘Did you know Richard was coming to interview, Esme?’ Veronica asked.
‘Nope. There wasn’t a name on the application. I thought it was a no-hoper who wasn’t able to manage the most straightforward question there was. Anyway, as we’ve agreed, we can’t fairly give you the job, Richard, without your demonstrating your cocktail-making skills.’
‘With pleasure.’ Richard went behind the bar and took a few extra ingredients out of his weekend bag.
It was really nice to think Richard had gone to some effort. Olive wasn’t sure of his motives for wanting to work there, but she knew it would be a great comfort to Tony if someone capable of doing the job was left in charge.
‘Right, I must confess that having some insider knowledge of what the Gin Shack has featured has helped make my decision easier. I’m not sure even my mum has tried this one before.’
Richard carefully poured out measures of gin with some fresh lemon juice, adding them to the cocktail shaker. He then raided his own supplies again, adding sugar and runny honey. ‘This cocktail is called the Bee’s Knees and it dates back to Prohibition. So it’s a bit vintage, but we could say that about some of our best customers.’
Richard offered Olive a cheeky smile. The cheek of it, referring to his mother and friends as vintage. But then he might have a point and, quite frankly, there was nothing wrong with that. As far as she knew it was the “in” thing and she had no problem with being in.
‘I’ve been practising this next bit. I don’t think even Tony can do this.’ With his cocktail shaker fully charged, Richard did an impressive little routine, including a throw in the air as he spun round, ready to catch it. There were delighted shrieks from everyone, the loudest coming from Skylar.
Richard took