Shirlee McCoy

Deadly Vows

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jumped, her heart slamming against her ribs as she turned to face the woman. “No, I was just…”

      What was she doing? Hiding from the federal government and hired assassins didn’t seem like an answer she should give.

      “I heard you come in several minutes ago, but I was on the phone with a parishioner. Couldn’t get the poor old soul off the phone. You know how that is,” the woman said, smiling from behind large, broad-rimmed glasses.


      “I did finally manage to convince her that choir practice shouldn’t be canceled just because she couldn’t make it. And, now, I’ll be happy to help you with whatever it is you need.” Her smile continued as she drew closer, her gold-green eyes resting on Olivia’s face, dropping to her clothes and then returning. “Are you all right?”

      “Fine. I’m just waiting for a friend. I hope that’s okay.”

      “Of course it is,” she responded, her wiry gray hair bouncing as she cocked her head to the side. “I hope you don’t think I’m being nosey, but it looks like you’ve been in an accident. Is there something I can do to help?”

      An accident?

      For a moment Olivia wasn’t sure what the woman was talking about. Then it clicked. The fire. Heaven knew what she looked like after standing in the smoky kitchen and crawling across the floor. The rag she’d wrapped around her face had probably streaked whatever soot and grime had been there. She started to wipe at her cheeks, but stopped herself. The damage was already done and the mess she was in couldn’t be hidden. She needed to answer the question in such a way that the woman didn’t feel the need to call the police. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m fine. It’s just…I was in a house fire.”

      “That explains all those sirens I heard. It sounded like the entire fire department was racing through town.”

      “It was an extensive fire. I think my house is totally destroyed. The firefighters are still working to control the blaze, and I just couldn’t bear to watch it burn. I started walking and found myself here. It seemed like the right place to stop.” The words spewed out, and Olivia bit her lip to keep from saying more. Too much information, and she might give something away that she shouldn’t.

      “I’m glad you thought so. You’ve been through something terrible, but thank the good Lord you survived. Why don’t you have a seat? I’ll get you some hot, sweet tea. Is there someone you’d like me to call for you? A friend or family member who can take you in until your house is rebuilt? If not, I’m sure someone in our church can help you out.”

      “I’ve got my…” Husband. The word was on the tip of her tongue, but she refused to give it voice. She’d put Ford in a box after she’d left Chicago. A box she’d titled The Man I Used To Be Married To. Changing the title just might change how she saw him, and that could only lead to hurt. “Friend. He’ll be here shortly.”

      “Good. I’d hate for you to be alone at a time like this. Especially in your condition.”


      “You’re not pregnant?”

      Surprised, Olivia glanced down at her stomach. She’d noticed the slight pop to her belly. Now, in the course of several hours, two other people had commented on it. One of them was a complete stranger. How long would it take Ford to notice? “I didn’t think it was that noticeable.”

      “I’m sure it’s not, but I’ve got three daughters and nine grandkids. I can spot a pregnant woman a mile away. Now, how about I get you that tea?”

      “That’s okay. I’m fine. I’ll just wait here until my friend comes if that’s okay.”

      “Of course it is. I’ll be in the office if you need anything.”

      “Thank you.” Olivia smiled, but it fell away as soon as the woman disappeared into an office at the end of the hall.

      In the two and a half months it had been since she’d taken the first pregnancy test and realized she was carrying Ford’s child, she’d felt guilty for not letting him know. That guilt had been tempered by the reality of her situation. If she contacted him, there was every chance the Martinos would find her. It had been a valid excuse for keeping him in the dark, but there was no excuse now. She’d been found. Ford had reentered her life. Telling him about the baby was the only logical thing to do.

      Except that Ford had made it very clear he didn’t want children. Ever. They’d discussed it before their marriage and Olivia had brought it up several times after they’d said “I do,” but Ford’s stance on children hadn’t wavered. They were too much work, too much mess and too time-consuming. He had other things he wanted to expend his energy on.

      One thing, anyway.

      His career. Building a real estate brokerage and a fortune.

      Maybe telling him about the baby was the wrong thing to do. Despite his tender kisses and sweet words of love, Ford was more committed to his work than he was to anything else. A clean break, a new start, was what they both needed, and she was sure that Ford would be happy enough to go back to his busy schedule and workaholic ways once he was sure she was safe.

      But could Olivia go on with her life knowing that she had kept something so important from him?

      She rubbed the back of her neck as she stared out into the night. In a few months she’d turn thirty-three. An age when she’d thought she would have her life figured out. Instead she was more confused than ever.

      A car pulled up in front the church, idled there for a moment and sped away. Olivia shrank back from the window, her heart beating wildly. Worrying about whether or not she should tell Ford about the baby was a waste of energy. What she should really be worrying about was getting out of Pine Bluff alive.

      You shouldn’t be worrying about anything. God is in control. You just have to trust Him.

      The thought flitted through her mind, and she tried to cling to it, believe it. But belief was as elusive as a dream, and all she could do was pray that whatever decision she made would be the right one.

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