Rebecca Winters

An Heir For The Prince

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together. I can’t emphasize enough how much progress she’ll make if you’re available on a regular basis.”

      He shifted his weight. “How long do you think this will take?”

      “Months to possibly several years. It’s a gradual process and requires patience on everyone’s part. When you feel confident, then another therapist can come in my place and—”

      “I hired you,” he interrupted her, underlining as never before that she was speaking to a prince.

      “Yes, for the initial phase, but I’m a diagnostician and am needed other places.”

      His eyes narrowed on her face. “Is there a man in New York waiting for you to get back to him?”

      No. That was a long time ago, she thought sorrowfully. Since then she’d devoted her time to her career. “Why does my personal life have to enter into this discussion?”

      “I thought the point was obvious. You’re young and attractive.”

      “Thank you. For that matter so are you, Your Highness, but you have more serious matters on your mind. So do I.”

      There she went again, speaking her thoughts out loud, offending him right and left. He studied her for a long time. “If it’s money …”

      “It’s not. The Institute pays me well.”

      “Then?” He left the word hanging in the air.

      “There is no then. You have your country to rule over. I have a career. The people with speech problems are my country. But for the time I’m here, I’ll do everything in my power to get this program going for Zoe.”

      An odd tension had sprung between them. “Zoe only agreed to stop crying and eat lunch with the queen as long as she could return to the patio to play with you this afternoon,” he said. “She had a better time with you this morning than I think she’s ever had with anyone else.”

      Dottie smiled. “You mean besides you. That’s because she was given the nonstop attention every child craves without being negatively judged. Would it be all right with you if she comes to my room for her lessons?”

      “After the grilling you gave me, will I be welcome, too?” he countered in a silky voice that sent darts of awareness through her body. The prince was asking her permission after the outspoken way she’d just addressed him?

      “I doubt Zoe will stay if you don’t join us. Hopefully in a few days she’ll come to my room, even when you can’t be there. The alcove with the table makes it especially convenient for the games I’ve brought. If you’ll make out a schedule and rules for me to follow, then there won’t have to be so many misunderstandings on my part.”

      “Anything else?” She had a feeling he was teasing her now. This side of him revealed his charm and added to the depth of the man.

      “Where does her Greek tutor teach her?”

      “In the library, but she’s developed an aversion to it and stays in her bedroom.”

      “That’s what I used to do. It’s where you can sleep and have no worries. In that room you can pretend you’re normal like everyone else.” Maybe it was a trick of light, but she thought she saw a glimmer of compassion radiate from those black depths. “As for your patio, I think it ought to remain your special treat for her.”

      “So do I. Why don’t you go on up to your room. I’ll bring Zoe in a few minutes. Later this evening you’ll join me in the guest dining room near your suite and we’ll discuss how you want to spend your time while you’re in Hellenica when you’re not with my daughter.”

      “That’s very kind of you,” Dottie murmured, but she didn’t move because she didn’t know if she’d been dismissed or not. When he didn’t speak, she said, “Do I need to wait for a maid to escort me back to my room?”

      His lips twitched, causing her breath to catch at the sight of such a beautiful man whose human side was doing things to her equilibrium without her consent. “Only if you’re afraid you can’t find it.”

      She stared into his eyes. “Thank you for trusting me. With work, Zoe’s speech will improve.”

      On that note she left his office, feeling his all-seeing gaze on her retreating back. She hurried along the corridor on trembling legs and found the staircase back to the guest suite. Now that she’d discovered she was still employed by him, she was ravenous and ate the lunch she’d left on the tray.

      Before he came with Zoe, she set things up to resemble a mini schoolroom; crayons, scissors, paper, building blocks, beads to string, hide-and-seek games, puzzles, sorting games. Flash cards. She’d brought several sets so he could keep a pack on him. All of it served as a device while she helped his daughter with her sounds.

      That’s why you’re here, Dottie. It’s the only reason. Don’t ever forget it.

      Alex found Dottie already seated in the guest dining room when he joined her that evening. She looked summery in a soft blue crochet top and white skirt that followed the lines and curves of her alluring figure.

      He smiled. “May I join you?”

      “Of course.”

      “You’re sure?”

      “I came from New York to try to be of help.”

      It wasn’t the answer he’d wanted. In truth, he wasn’t exactly sure what he wanted, but he felt her reserve around him when she wasn’t with Zoe and was determined to get to the bottom of it. He sat down opposite her and within a minute their dinner was served.

      Once they were alone again he said, “Whenever you wish to leave the palace, a car and driver will be at your disposal. Hector will arrange it. A bodyguard will always be with you. Hopefully you won’t find my security people obtrusive.”

      “I’m sure I won’t. Thank you.” She began eating, but the silence stretched between them. Finally she said, “Could I ask you something without you thinking I’m criticizing you or stepping over the line?”

      “Because I’m a prince?”

      “Because you’re a prince, a man and a father.” She lifted her fabulous blue eyes to him. “I don’t know which of those three people will be irked and maybe even angered.”

      Alex tried to keep a straight face. “I guess we won’t know until I hear your question.”

      A sigh came out of her. “When did you stop eating dinner with Zoe as part of your natural routine?”

      He hadn’t seen that question coming. “After my wife died, I had to make up for a lot of missed work in my capacity as overseer of the mining industry of our country. Hellenica couldn’t have the high quality of life it enjoys without the revenue paid by other countries needing our resources. It requires constant work and surveillance.

      “I spent my weekends with Zoe, but weekdays my hours were long, so she ate dinner with her nannies and my grandmother, who could get around then and spent a lot of her time on Aurum with us. However, I never missed kissing my daughter good-night and putting her to bed. That routine has gradually become the norm.

      “With Stasio gone the past six weeks, I’ve had to be here and have been stretched to the max with monarchy business plus my own work.”

      “Do you mind if I ask what it is you do for your brother? I’ve often wondered what a crown prince’s daily routine is really like.”

      “Let me put it this way. On top of working with the ministers while he runs the complex affairs of our country on a daily basis, Stasio has at least four hundred events to attend or oversee during a year’s time. That’s more than one a day where he either gives a speech, entertains international dignitaries, attends openings or christens institutions, all while promoting the general welfare of Hellenica.”
