Оливия Гейтс

Immortal, Insatiable, Indomitable

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imagined himself walking to her, then without saying a word, pushing her back on that bench she was sitting on and mounting her.

      He hadn’t done anything close to that even when he’d been a barbarian and behavior like that was the norm.

      He wanted to do it to her now.

      Now that was desire. Although of something south of the heart.

      And it was reciprocated. She wanted him to ravish her.

      She was coming to him, the demand for his possession, his pleasures, rising in urgency with her every step closer.

      How he would answer it.

      Kara neared the man, only the crush of sweating bodies slowing her advance. The emptiness between her thighs throbbed harder with every step.

      But along with arousal, anxiety intensified, too.

      It would serve her right if he did something obscene when she reached him. Her off-the-charts, out-of-character behavior in walking up to a man who looked like a…a marauder, with drool no doubt trailing behind her, deserved at least a breast grope.

      What would she do if he did that, or worse? Slap him? Run away? Rub herself against his rock-solid gorgeousness and beg for more? For everything?

      That was it. She’d lost whatever had been left of her mind.

      Don’t do this. Turn around, walk away.

      If she didn’t, she’d blow away whatever normalcy remained in her life. After her “family’s” recent revelations, she barely had any left. This was just the guy to end “normal” once and for all.

      But she could be imagining things. He might be just another mediocre guy, and she’d soon get this will-siphoning lust out of her system with some quickie that didn’t involve actual sex or the removal of either of their clothes.

      Yeah, sure. Like she’d been imagining things when she’d thought there was something seriously wrong with her. Her “foster family” had set her straight on that.

      Next to what they’d revealed, walking up to the most incredible and lethal-looking man she’d ever seen with the intention of asking him to fuck her brains out seemed tame.

      To make things worse, he hadn’t moved an inch to meet her halfway, just kept staring at her. If you could call that denuding/dissecting/devouring gaze a stare. And if she trusted her senses at all now, she would swear he was getting…bigger.

      She was only a dozen feet from him when he suddenly looked away.

      Mortification scalded her.

      He gazed with even more intensity at whatever had caught his attention. So he looked at everything that way. It hadn’t been for her. He might even be here with someone. He…

      He had men converging on him. Lumbering, black-leather-clad men whose heads were shaved in patterns that looked like gothic runes.

      And from their body language, they didn’t want to buy him another drink.

      Vidar wanted to kick himself.

      He’d been so lost in the mortal’s eyes, in his fantasies of how many ways, how long and hard, he’d fuck her, he hadn’t noticed the minions of Odin closing in on him. Not until they were a dozen feet away. He usually felt them from at least a mile.

      He transferred his gaze to them, cursed them most for forcing him to relinquish savoring his mortal vision’s approach.

      Odinians, like most religious cultists, were sociopaths desperate to belong to something bigger than they were, to draw importance and power from the affiliation. Even if it killed them. But preferably if it killed others.

      He wondered how they’d realized what he was. Before arriving at the club, he’d shifted to only three-quarters of his real size.

      Maybe the hair? He hadn’t shifted that.

      Daven always advised him to cut his “goldilocks,” shave his beard, ditch the marauding Viking look. As if shaving his own head hadn’t made Daven look even more intimidating and conspicuous.

      But of course, that wasn’t the explanation. These weren’t the garden-variety, fanatical mortal fare. They were Endowed. With echoes of the Odinforce. Wonder what they’d paid in return for it.

      Someone with Asgard-based Endowment would sense another on the juice. And those with any trace of Odinforce were attracted to Lokians like a negative to a positive charge. They all had this ridiculous belief that they could tap a Lokian’s Endowment.

      Well, no point hiding in a six-foot body now. Might as well slip into something more comfortable.

      He stood, caught the satisfying blip of terror in the men’s eyes as he shifted to his full size. But he couldn’t engage them here. Especially with the mortal woman in range.

      He used their hesitation to cast her a warning look.

      Kara froze as the man’s gaze slammed back into her.

      Before her heart could recover, it stumbled over a new shock.

      Either he had gotten bigger, or she’d severely underestimated his size. He stood well over seven feet tall.

      And as stupid as it was in the circumstances, her eyes darted downward, investigating what mattered to the body that was functioning on auto-nympho mode right now.

      Her gaze lingered there for only a moment. But it was enough. Much, much more than enough. If what she’d seen was to be believed.

      The moment her gaze moved back to his face, to the scene, air emptied from her lungs yet again. The aggression emanating from the men, the danger rising from him, hit her like a gut punch.

      No one else seemed to sense the disturbance, kept gyrating and slithering over one another in oblivious abandon. Maybe she was the one whose senses were scrambled beyond repair?

      No. She wasn’t imagining it. This would turn ugly. For him. And for who knew how many others in the packed place.

      And like she made lightning decisions in the E.R., she made one now. She’d give aborting this a shot. She’d pretend she was with him, and that many others were joining them in moments. Maybe that would make those goons walk away.

      Vidar’s heart shook off its slow steadiness once more, thudded.

      She was moving toward him again. And after he’d given her a look that had given Loki’s child, Jörmungandr the world serpent itself, pause.

      She must have misread it, must be oblivious to the danger.

      And the advantage he’d gained by revealing his true stature was fading. The thugs were psyching themselves up that numbers would trump size and power. He had about a minute to take this away from her. From the rest of the mortals.

      He moved before the Odinians could throng around him, force him to engage them here.

      He strode toward her. That made her stop, the heat and greed in her eyes replaced with alarm. So she was aware of the danger. Then why had she kept approaching?

      No time to contemplate this. And he expected her to step aside when he neared her. She didn’t. The brush-by he’d intended ended up being a bump and grind against her hot, pliant flesh.

      For a split second, he almost forgot the thugs on his tail. He almost crushed that intoxicatingly scented body to him and took those lips that trembled apart on a hungry sound.

      He shoved down the urge, resigned he wouldn’t fulfill it. Now or ever. He’d never see her again.

      He’d tell her something, though.

      The only thing he’d ever tell her.

      He bumped into her. Kara would have fallen if she hadn’t had bodies at her back. She felt as if she’d run into a wall of hot steel. And what she smelled of him during that momentary contact