Carla Cassidy

Mercenary's Perfect Mission

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know with Samuel anything is possible,” Micah replied, his stomach churning at the possibility.

      “I’ll check her out and if she is the real deal, then a statement from her would go a long way in helping us build our case against Samuel,” Hawk said.

      “She already told me she isn’t talking to anyone official until she gets her other son back.”

      “Are you sure there really is another son?” Hawk’s distrust was warranted. If there was one thing Micah had quickly learned in his brief time working with the FBI, it was that nobody in the town of Cold Plains could be trusted.

      “The only thing I’m sure of at the moment is that she won’t be left alone until we’re sure we can trust her. June or one of the others won’t let her out of their sight,” Micah replied.

      “I’ll do a little snooping around in town and see if I can definitely confirm her identity and her story,” Hawk replied as he shoved himself off the tree where he’d been leaning. “It shouldn’t be too hard to find out if the secretary for the Community Center has suddenly disappeared and left one of her kids behind, although it might be more difficult to identify who Samuel shot.”

      “And it’s a sure bet that if Samuel didn’t know she saw what he did, he’ll definitely wonder what drove her away from town without Ethan and he’ll be frantic to find her.” Micah felt the muscles in his jaw tighten as he thought of his brother, who had grown more and more dangerous with each passing day, especially since feeling the pressure of the investigation.

      If Olivia Conner was truly who and what she said she was, then if Samuel found her, she would probably wind up like the other five dead women … with a bullet in the back of her head.

      Five murdered women and any number of other deaths, all attributed to Samuel and his cult henchmen. Devotees, that’s what Samuel called the people who followed him and his teachings like blind sheep. Some of them were simply deluded, others desperate to belong to something bigger than themselves, but there were a handful of Samuel’s closest followers who were simply evil at their very hearts and souls.

      “I’ll check in with you in the morning, let you know what I’ve found out,” Hawk said and a moment later he’d disappeared into the darkness.

      Micah remained where he stood, the memory of one particular woman filling his head. He rarely allowed himself to go back in time to when he’d been in high school and ridiculously in love with Johanna Tate.

      Even now after all these years he could still remember the vanilla scent of her straight black hair and the long lashes that fringed her pale brown eyes. He still remembered the sound of her laughter, a melodious sound that had melted his heart the first time he’d heard it.

      He’d loved her with all the lust and passion that a teenage boy could own. At the time he’d thought her the woman he’d marry and build a family with, the one who would be at his side throughout his life.

      Unfortunately, she’d only been his for a brief period of time before Samuel had seduced her away from him. Even after all these years Micah still felt the pain, the rage, of what his brother had done.

      He’d seduced her, brought her to Cold Plains where she had been rumored to be Samuel’s main girlfriend, and then she’d been killed with a bullet to the back of her head, her body found eighty miles away in Eden, Wyoming.

      Despite the distance between Samuel and where her body had been found, Micah knew in his gut that his brother was responsible for her death.

      He now headed back to the safe house, a burning in the pit of his stomach as he tried not to think about how many other lives his brother had destroyed.

      As he drew closer to the house, his thoughts turned to another woman, one with eyes the color of the forest and hair like spun silk, a woman who had been prepared to attack him with a sharp stick as she’d huddled in the brush with her son.

      Olivia Conner. Even with the dirt on her face and leaves in her hair, holding a baby in one arm and a makeshift weapon in the other, Micah had, on some base level, registered the fact that she was an extremely attractive woman. He was vaguely surprised that he’d even noticed. It had been a very long time since a woman had appeared on his radar in any fashion.

      At the moment she was potentially an eyewitness to a murder that Samuel had committed. If he could convince her to talk to one of the FBI agents working the case, then her statement might prove invaluable in breaking everything wide open.

      Samuel had always been so careful. It was rare for him to get his own hands dirty but, in Olivia Conner, he’d apparently unknowingly allowed an eyewitness to get away. Micah knew the more Samuel recognized a loss of control, the more dangerous he became.

      The best thing for everyone was for Olivia to speak to the authorities and give them a statement, and then be spirited away from here and into some sort of protective custody far away from Cold Plains.

      It was this thought that filled his head as he slipped back into the cave where June and two other women were seated at the rough-hewn table. Olivia wasn’t one of them.

      “She took a shower and then went to bed,” June said before he could ask. “The poor thing was absolutely exhausted after being in the woods for two nights all alone with her baby.”

      Micah poured himself a cup of coffee and then joined them at the table. “Hawk is planning on checking out her story. We want to make sure she really is who she says she is.”

      “Her little boy is a doll. I peeked in on him when I heard they’d arrived,” Darcy Craven said.

      As always when Micah looked at Darcy with her beautiful long, dark hair and blue eyes, he felt a strange sense of familiarity. Her eyes were those of a woman he’d known a long time ago in his hometown, but then again he couldn’t imagine what this young woman would have to do with anyone from his past.

      He knew little about Darcy, only that she’d come to Cold Plains seeking news of a mother she’d never known and had developed a romance with Rafe Black, a new doctor in town.

      Rafe had shown up in town because the fourth murder victim, Abby Michaels, an old girlfriend of his, had contacted him to tell him he was the father of her three-month-old baby boy. Abby’s body had been found in a wooded area in Laramie, fifty miles away from Cold Plains Day Care Center, where she’d worked as a teacher’s aide. The baby, now an almost nine-month-old named Devin, had been missing since her disappearance.

      A month earlier a little boy had been found by police officer Ford McCall with a note stating that he was Devin Black and needed to be reunited with his father. According to what Micah had heard, Rafe believed he’d finally had a happy ending, not only with his son found but also with a romantic relationship with Darcy.

      But, the happy ending had been short-lived. The baby boy had been kidnapped by a man claiming to be the real child’s father. A birthmark on the boy had confirmed it. He had said he’d been forced by Samuel and Bo Fargo, the chief of police and Samuel’s right-hand man, to give up the boy for the good of the community. He’d done what he’d been told, but couldn’t live with his actions.

      He’d stolen the baby back from Rafe, leaving the doctor to wonder about the whereabouts of his own son. The man had refused to make any official statements indicting either Samuel or Bo Fargo in the scheme and had disappeared from town soon after.

      Even though he and Darcy were still very much in love, Rafe had insisted Darcy go to the safe house until his son could be found again.

      There were so many players in this deadly game, and both June and Hawk had spent a lot of time trying to fill Micah in on everything that had been happening both in the town of Cold Plains and in his brother’s life.

      At night Micah’s head spun as he tried to put names with people and figure out who was on their side and who was one of Samuel’s Devotees. There were so many people in town that nobody knew exactly where they landed in the grand scheme of things—if they were Samuel’s people or not.
