suddenly afraid. It was all right imagining herself capable of manipulating this man in the warmth and light of her bedroom and quite another considering it here, alone with him. Why had he invited her to dine? What possible advantage could he gain that he had not gained already?
They dined at a small Italian restaurant on the fringes of Soho. It was not a place Stephanie had previously visited although it was gradually gaining in popularity. Pietro was greeted like a long-lost cousin and their service was impeccable. The food was slightly rich for Stephanie’s taste, but the wine was exquisite and she commented upon it.
Pietro smiled, handling his glass within his two hands, holding it up to the level of his eyes. ‘Yes,’ he said slowly. ‘This wine comes from Sicily. From the vineyards of the Castello di Strega.’
‘The Castello di Strega,’ echoed Stephanie curiously.
‘That sounds an unusual name.’
‘It is. The castle of the witch. It is the home of my employer and brother-in-law, Santino Ventura.’
‘Oh, I see.’ Stephanie’s glass landed on the table with a little thud.
‘You do not like my brother-in-law, signorino?’
‘I scarcely know him.’ Stephanie was abrupt.
‘But you disapprove of his actions?’
‘Naturally. It’s my father who is involved.’
‘Ah, yes, your father.’
Stephanie leaned forward. ‘Why did you invite me out this evening?’ she asked.
Pietro brought out his cigarettes and lit one slowly. ‘What do you think of this place?’ he inquired, waving a casual arm at the decor.
Stephanie compressed her lips. ‘It’s very nice.’
‘It belongs to one of my brother-in-law’s companies.’
‘Indeed?’ Stephanie was getting impatient. ‘Signor Bastinado—’
‘Oh, make it Pietro, please.’
‘Very well, then, Pietro.’ Stephanie sighed. ‘I want to know why you invited me to dine with you.’
Pietro tapped ash into the ashtray. ‘You haven’t told me why you came yet,’ he countered, rather mockingly.
Stephanie sighed again. ‘It doesn’t seem important now.’
‘Oh, but it is.’ Pietro leaned towards her. ‘Believe me, Stephanie, I want you to know, what happened this afternoon was not of my choosing.’
Stephanie moved back. ‘I – I find that hard to believe.’
‘Why should you? Am I my brother-in-law’s keeper? What Santino does he does because he wants to do it. I have no control over his actions.’
‘None?’ All of a sudden Stephanie felt deflated.
‘None.’ Pietro shook his head, ‘If you imagine that by humouring me you stand some chance of influencing Santino, I regret you are to be disappointed. I can do nothing.’
Stephanie bent her head and her attitude was one of defeat. Pietro sighed. ‘I am sorry,’ he said. ‘If it’s any consolation to you, I did try. I did not want this to happen, believe me. You and your father have offered me your hospitality and I must be honest. I wanted Santino to leave everything to me, but unfortunately I showed my feelings and he would not allow me to continue. He took the affair out of my bungling hands …’
Stephanie looked up. ‘I’m glad you’ve told me,’ she said. ‘It was kind of you to try and help us …’
Pietro’s eyes darkened. ‘Not your father, Stephanie – you! And it was not kind at all.’ His hand closed over hers as it lay on the table. ‘My reasons for wanting my position made clear concern you and me. I do not want you to hate me, not when I find you so disturbingly attractive. Do you understand?’ His eyes burned into hers passionately.
Stephanie felt horrified. She had not thought, she had not dreamed that Pietro might imagine there was more to this assignation than a desire to help her father. She tried in vain to tug her hand away from his, but his hold was unyielding and he leaned towards her urgently.
‘Pietro!’ she exclaimed. ‘I appreciate what you’ve tried to do for us – for me, but this – this is impossible! I – I – you’re making a terrible mistake—’
‘I would agree with you, signorina!’
The harsh accented tones almost startled Stephanie out of her seat and Pietro released her hand abruptly to rise and face the grim angry countenance of the man he had told her was his brother-in-law …
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