Theresa Cheung

The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays

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and business may appeal. They also have an interest in fashion, hospitality and catering, as well as teaching, writing and humanitarian work. People with this birthday have a tendency to repress their emotions, so they need to find activities such as competitive sport or other forms of vigorous exercise, which can act as an emotional release. For self-care, make a point in conversation to ask other people as many questions as you can. You don’t have to agree. Simply learn a new perspective and add it to your store of knowledge.

      These direct and driven people take the lead in both their working life and relationships. They are loving and generous, but can become controlling of those closest to them and need to give their loved ones freedom as well as intimacy. Fortunately, in their early thirties, there is a shift toward allowing both themselves and others greater freedom, with another powerful shift happening in their early sixties. Once they have learned to get others on their side through cooperation rather than control, and to truly believe there is always a better way, their destiny is to lead by their powerful example and help others to work harmoniously toward the greater good.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, day, colors: The Star, 8, 9, Saturday, brown, green

      Born today: Michelle Obama (US First Lady); Benjamin Franklin (US President); Muhammad Ali (boxer); Jim Carrey (comedian)

      Potential: Purposeful, committed

      Dark side: Intolerant, domineering


       18 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of Fantasy

       “I can show you the world”

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      The life lesson: is learning to concentrate.

      The way forward: is not to stop daydreaming—this is the secret to your creativity—but when your mind wanders to gently bring your thoughts back to the present moment.

      Luck maker: Finish what you start, even if that means doing things you find boring.

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      The creative powers of people born on January 18 can lead them to pure visionary heights. They have a quick wit and boundless energy that often delights others and are often surrounded by admirers. Optimistic, the only things that can bring down these endearing child-like souls are rules. They place a high value on independence and need to find an environment in which their need for freedom and play (fun) is respected because, if they don’t, this will lead them to bitterness. They can become bored quickly, losing their concentration and retreating into a world of fantasy or fits of temper if their needs aren’t being met, or becoming restless and impatient if they feel too confined.

      Born creators, if a career interests them enough, they are likely to excel. Once they learn to combine their creativity with practical application, the fields of advertising, fashion, business, banking, property development and online influencing may appeal. Their idealism draws them to teaching, medicine, science, technology and charity work, and their sense of playful expression to art, film, literature, the media and entertainment. Because they live so much in their heads, they need to make sure they pay attention to their physical wellbeing and avoid mood-altering substances. For self-care, when you eat your evening meal, switch off your phone and any distractions. Focus your attention only on the food. Put your life and fork down between bites. Savor the moment.

      These people throw themselves deeply into relationships and can be hurt easily if their partner does not respond the same. They often fear they will not find a soul mate who will love them with the intensity they offer and crave, but more often than not they do. They become more emotionally balanced and mature in their thirties, and this empowering trend continues building momentum as they age. Asking them to be more realistic about love and life simply isn’t an option or worth forcing on them, as imagination is who they are. Their destiny is to inspire others with their flights of fantasy and encourage them to take a more courageous and imaginative perspective.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The moon, 1, 9, Saturday, Tuesday, red, brown

      Born today: Peter Mark Roget (lexicographer); Daniel Hale Williams (surgeon); A. A. Milne (author)

      Potential: Visionary, stimulating

      Dark side: Impractical, undisciplined


       19 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of Originality

       “I see the world in a grain of sand”

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      The life lesson: is coping with routine and boring details.

      The way forward: is to understand that the devil (and the potential for success) is often in the detail.

      Luck maker: Find out what you love to do and what you are good at. Then think about how you can use your passion and talents to help others.

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      January 19-born are often honest and direct, with a genuine appreciation of beauty. There is an endearing, sometimes child-like, energy and wonder about them; they are blessed with genuine originality. Independent and free-spirited, they really don’t care too much what people think and don’t take well to rules and being told what to do, so they often rebel with immature behavior. Even if they appear respectable, they soon show what truly unique individuals they are, as anyone who gets to know them soon appreciates. Destined to shine brightly and to attract others to them like magnets, they become unhappy if they try to repress their originality.

      Born movers and shakers, they tend to do better in solitary positions but can work well in groups that allow them to freely use their imagination. The fields of literature, art, engineering and science appeal, and they may be drawn to sports or other physical types of work, as well as careers as experts, advisors and consultants. They can be engaging online experts and video or social media influencers. Bursting with energy, they need to pace themselves; otherwise they risk depression or burning out, so positive thinking and practicing meditation and yoga is strongly advised. For self-care, think like a solo mountain climber. Don’t underestimate the value of the small and steady steps you need to take to succeed. At the end of each day ask yourself if you gave everything you did that day your very best.

      Prone to extremes, these people make intense lovers and need a partner who can keep them balanced and give them the occasional reality check. They are intuitive and can often sense what others miss, but it isn’t until their early thirties that