fingers, and resumed work.
She tried to ignore the steady drone of his husky voice, interspersed with laughter and long pauses. The gentle tone she’d never heard him use before implied it had to be a woman he cared for. Her stomach knotted and her fingers curled. If she’d dared, she’d have closed the communicating door so she wouldn’t have to hear.
His call ended, and she sighed with relief, entered a date for checking, and scrolled down peering at the screen. Neck tingles alerted her as he walked in and sat on the edge of her desk.
Letting her hands fall into her lap, she looked up. Her throat dried, and she wished she’d gone for that drink. Her chest tightened under the intensity of his gaze. It was as if he were searching for her innermost secrets.
‘Do you have plans for Saturday night?’
‘What?’ She jolted upright, gripping the armrests for support. Stared, mouth open, too shocked to think.
His sudden wide smile confused her more, sending her body temperature soaring. Heart-stoppingly handsome before, even with the ravages of fatigue, he was elevated to drop-dead gorgeous.
‘It’s a simple question. Are you free on Saturday night?’
‘I may not be here by then.’ Breathless and throaty, not sounding like herself at all.
‘No.’ Sharp. Irascible. ‘No.’ Gentler, more controlled. ‘Even if you find the cause of the anomalies, there’ll be tidying up to do.’
‘Why are you asking?’
What could he possibly want from her?
His light chuckle skimmed across her skin.
‘I’d like you to be my partner at a corporate dinner.’
‘Dinner? Why me?’ Her common sense brain patterns seemed to have deserted her.
He leaned forward, and what little breath she managed to inhale was pure ocean breeze.
‘A thank you for having my back today. Duncan and Clair like you, and we’ll be at their table.’
‘Surely there’s someone else you could take.’
‘After seven years away and working up to eighty hours a week? Anyone I knew is long spoken for. My sister only consented to accompany me out of pity.’
His sister. She flopped. She’d been jealous of his sister.
No! Not jealous.
‘Well?’ His eyes were like laser beams searching for the answer he wanted.
‘Won’t she be disappointed?’
‘Ah, that’s where my negotiating skills came in. I’ve offered to babysit my two nephews, and shout her and her husband dinner at the restaurant of her choice. She’ll have a romantic evening for two instead of set menu, speeches and dancing with her brother.’
Dancing. In his arms.
Too close. Too dangerous. You’re already in too deep. Say no, thank you.
The phone on his desk rang. He muttered a low hoarse sound, and appeared reluctant to move.
‘Will you come with me, Lauren?’
Wrong. Idiot. Wrong.
He stroked a feather-touch path down her cheek, immobilising her senses, then smiled again, sending them all haywire.
‘Thank you. I promise you won’t regret accepting. Do you want to take an early leave? You’ve had an eventful day.’
‘I’m fine. I’ll keep going, and you need to reply to that call.’
Fine didn’t come near to describing how she felt. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, her lungs were having trouble pumping air and her heart was pounding. And she couldn’t tell if it was joy or fear driving them.
Matt had avidly watched the ever-changing emotions in her eyes. Confusion, surprise, shock when he mentioned his sister, and then pleasure as she blurted out her answer. It was as if she were afraid her brain would rebel and refuse his request if she dithered any longer.
He’d gripped the desk to prevent his arms reaching for her, the urge to hold her stronger than he’d ever felt. And then what? He had no idea; with her he was in uncharted waters.
He was, however, determined that before he let her go he’d persuade her to reveal her inner torments, and help her overcome them. He knew with an innate certainty the inner woman was as beautiful as her outward appearance.
* * *
Lauren arrived early the next morning even though she’d taken extra time on her hair and make-up. She’d fallen asleep thinking of ball gowns—she’d have to buy one, plus matching accessories—romantic music and dancing with a stunning male in tailor-made formal wear.
It had been dark when she’d woken, her mind buzzing with an idea generated by her discussion over the phone with Pete in Sydney. Eagerness to try it had warred with the desire to look extra good for Matt, so she’d skipped breakfast and bought a sandwich on the way.
The disappointment at his absence was countered with optimism that she’d be able to give him the answers he’d requested. Her fingers hesitated over the keyboard. If she was correct, today might be her last day in this room, so close to him. Even when he was elsewhere in the building, she felt his presence, and his unique aroma lingered in the air.
She’d spend the rest of her working life breathing in expectantly and being disenchanted. Not even the same brand would suit because it wouldn’t have his essence.
She booted up. She’d promised to do her best for him, and would, even if it meant she lost out.
* * *
Matt arrived mid-morning, eager to see her. He was perplexed by her reticence on the phone when he’d called to say he’d been delayed. If she was having second thoughts about Saturday, he’d have to talk her round.
In his hurry to see her he left his jacket in the car. Not caring, he barrelled through his office to her door where her grave expression pulled him up short. Even as the truth hit home his subliminal mind noted she wore extra make-up. Subtle and captivating.
‘You’ve solved it.’ It was what he wanted, had hired her for. So why the heaviness in his chest, and the sudden nausea attack?
She nodded and he swung away to fetch his chair, wheeling it over to her desk. His gut told him it wasn’t good and he braced for the worst. Her delicate fragrance taunted him with every intake of air.
Her blue screen was blank except for a familiar symbol.
‘And this is...?’ He already knew—wanted confirmation yet dreaded receiving it.
Lauren hesitated, hating that what she was about to reveal would hurt him, She had no choice, pressed enter, and a box with a request for a password appeared.
‘It’s deliberate and there are limited people who had access. Joanne said—’
‘You’ve discussed this with her?’ His body surged forward. Anger flashed in his eyes, giving them more animation than she’d seen since they met.
‘No! We shared a coffee break yesterday, and she said they’d lost good employees. You referred to the staff turnover last Thursday.’
‘I did. I apologise.’ It was terser than he’d been lately, with no relenting of his indignant stance.
‘It wasn’t gossip. Joanne admires your father very much. I got the impression his health had worried her for ages. She said how well he and the staff got on, what a great boss he was, and that he’d installed a number of the programs himself.’
‘I didn’t know. I wasn’t here.’ He ground one fist into the other palm.