Sue MacKay

The Midwife's One-Night Fling

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is first,’ Angela said. ‘It’s all set up for you.’

      ‘Thanks, Angela,’ he said. ‘Freya.’

      She gave him a smile. ‘Richard.’

      Finally she knew his name.

      And, more than that, he was still stunning.

      He had been wearing scrubs when they’d met, but this morning he wore a dark suit and a crisp white shirt with a silver-grey tie. His straight hair was damp, and rather more in need of a cut than the last time she’d seen him, and he was unshaven.

      In seconds she took in every delicious detail, and the last few didn’t quite fit. He was so well turned out that the unshaven jaw stood out for Freya.

      Instead of heading to the suite, he took the patient’s notes and walked over to the desk. The sharp, fresh scent of his cologne lingered. Freya saw him removing his jacket as she followed Angela back into D5.

      ‘Good news,’ Angela said. ‘The anaesthetist is here.’

      ‘Well, where is he, then?’ Ben demanded.

      ‘Dr Lewis is just reading up on the notes.’ Angela gave Kathy a lovely smile. ‘I shall leave you in Freya’s hands. You’ve been amazing, Kathy.’

      Kathy nodded and tried to say goodbye, but was overwhelmed by another contraction. Freya took over, rubbing Kathy’s back and trying to establish a rapid bond with the woman, and also with her husband.

      ‘Would you like to come and rub her back?’ Freya suggested, but Ben stood against the wall and gave a tense shake of his head.

      Yes, it was all terribly different from anything she was used to. Usually Freya would have seen her patients at antenatal clinic, and often their partners too.

      ‘Well done, Kathy,’ Freya said as the contraction faded. Knowing that the anaesthetist was here, Freya suggested that Kathy empty her bladder and walked with her, pushing the IV pole, to the en suite bathroom attached to the delivery room.

      ‘He’s nervous,’ Kathy said, explaining Ben’s behaviour.

      ‘Of course he is,’ Freya said. ‘It’s hard work for the women but it’s hell on the men.’

      That made Kathy laugh a little.

      Freya waited outside, and when Kathy came out after washing her hands, she asked Freya a question. ‘Do you have children?’

      ‘No.’ Freya said. ‘I’ve got nieces and nephews, and my best friend’s expecting, but I’d definitely like my own someday.’

      She was actually enjoying getting to know the women here, and opening up to people who didn’t know her at all, Freya realised. At home, had she said that, it would have been all around town that she and Malcolm were trying for a baby.

      ‘We tried for ages...’ Kathy sighed. ‘I thought it would never happen.’

      ‘Well, it clearly is.’

      ‘Thanks, Freya,’ Kathy said as Freya pushed the IV pole. But as they got to the door she paused. ‘Please...’ she said. ‘Don’t mind Ben. His bark is far worse than his bite.’

      ‘I know that. You’ll be feeling a lot more comfortable soon, and I’m sure he will too.’

      She was just helping Kathy back onto the delivery bed when the door opened and she saw the beautiful man she now knew was called Richard come in.

      ‘Where the hell have you been?’ Ben said by way of greeting.

      ‘I’m Dr Lewis,’ he responded. ‘Consultant anaesthetist.’ Then he smiled at his patient. ‘Hello, Mrs Hudson.’

      But Ben wasn’t finished yet. ‘She was booked to have an epidural hours ago, but she’s been left screaming in pain.’

      ‘I’m aware of that, Mr Hudson, and I agree that it’s unfortunate, but I’m here now.’

      ‘It’s more than unfortunate, it’s not good enough,’ he retorted.

      ‘Ben, please...’ Kathy pleaded, but her husband still wasn’t done.

      ‘Where were you?’

      ‘Actually,’ Richard said as he rolled up his sleeves, ‘I was in bed when I was called to see if I could come in. I’m not supposed to be here until eight.’

      It was only just after seven. And Freya understood now why he hadn’t shaved.

      ‘Now...’ He looked over to his patient as he tied on a plastic apron. ‘Would you prefer me to call you Mrs Hudson or Kathy?’


      ‘Well, Kathy, we’ll have you feeling a lot more comfortable soon.’

      He was very meticulous. As Freya helped Kathy to sit on the edge of the bed for the procedure Richard Lewis went through all that had been set up. He made no small talk as he checked and rechecked everything.

      ‘Right,’ he said, as if to himself, and then he addressed Kathy. ‘You’re going to feel a sting from the local anaesthetic and then a bit of pressure. I’ll need you to stay as still as you can—do you understand that?’

      ‘I do—but what if I get a contraction.’

      ‘It’s fine. I’m used to them. I’ll work around it.’

      He went through everything that she could expect to feel, and as the next contraction came he put on gloves, waiting for the pain to diminish before the procedure commenced.

      ‘I’m sorry,’ Ben said suddenly.

      ‘It’s fine,’ Richard responded. ‘It’s awful to see someone you love in pain. However, by all accounts your partner has been doing marvellously. Let’s try and make this last bit a whole lot easier for her, shall we?’

      Whoa! Freya thought as she held on to Kathy. He had somehow accepted the apology while reminding the husband just who this day was about.

      ‘Why don’t you come this side?’ Freya suggested to Ben. She knew he was really just terribly anxious. ‘You can hold Kathy’s hand.’

      This time he didn’t shake his head and came and took his wife’s hand.

      Richard worked quietly and soon the epidural was in. Kathy lay back on the delivery bed.

      ‘You’ll need to stay in bed now,’ Richard reminded her as he disposed of his sharps and then removed his gloves. ‘Thank you, Freya. Can I leave my mess to you? I believe I’m wanted in D3.’


      Freya checked Kathy’s obs, and those of the baby, and by the time she had tidied up Kathy was indeed starting to feel the benefits of the epidural.

      ‘You should try and get a little rest now,’ Freya suggested. ‘I’ll be in and out, and there’s the call bell if you have any concerns at all.’


      Her name was called the second she stepped out of the room. ‘Can you go and take the baby in D7?’

      Freya nodded and headed to delivery suite number seven. ‘Taking’ a baby was wonderful indeed. It combined all the joy with barely a hint of the pain.

      Stepping in to the delivery suite, she found the atmosphere was lovely and peaceful. Kelly, one of the other midwives was there, along with the soon-to-be father, who had his arms wrapped around his wife’s shoulders.

      In fact Kelly was so calm that even when she told Freya that Dr Mina and the anaesthetist had been paged she did it in such an open way that there was no jolt of alarm from the mother.

      ‘The baby is small for the dates and the head is smaller than expected,’ she said, and Freya checked all the equipment was ready.