forbidding look stole over his face once more. It had been missing for the last two days. “Wouldn’t it be horrifying if it were true,” he muttered, absently rubbing his chest. “I’ll come by tomorrow with ski gear for you and Philippe from the shop. With four children, we’ll need two cars.”
Her pulse accelerated to a wild pitch. She’d hoped he’d want to join them. “They’ll love it more if you’re there.” The children would provide a buffer so she could enjoy his company. A stab of pain jolted her to realize the New Year would be here before she knew it. The thought of being without Raoul was anathema to her now.
“Before you go, I have a question. I know what Lise and Fleur want for Christmas, but I need help with Albert. What do you think?”
“He loves games with plastic pieces and can never have enough.”
“That helps me. In town I saw a pirate ship he could build. I don’t think he has one. At least I didn’t see one over there this evening.”
“I’m pretty sure he doesn’t. He and Philippe will have a lot of fun putting it together.”
She nodded. “See you tomorrow.”
“Bonne nuit, Crystal.”
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