Yvonne Lindsay

Desire September 2017 Books 1 -4

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      “This is true,” Willow confirmed.

      Ivy, however, wasn’t convinced. “What kind of issues?”

      Jasmine forced herself back to her task, listlessly sifting through the racks. She wasn’t sharing Royce’s secrets. They were his to share, not hers. Willow reached over her to pick up dresses she’d overlooked.

      After an uninspired search, they wandered toward the dressing rooms with just a few items. “Did the Jeffersons give you flack because you’re dating your client?” Willow asked.

      “Nope. Which surprised me a little. I wasn’t sure how they’d feel.” Jasmine glanced over at Willow and lowered her voice a little, even though they were the only ones there at the moment. “Turns out Marilyn used to be Don’s secretary.”

      Willow’s green eyes went wide. “Wow. Never would have guessed that one. Every time I’ve met them, she just seems to...fit.”

      “I know. From admin assistant to billionaire wife. She has always seemed the perfect person to be at Don’s side.”

      Ivy called from her dressing room. “Ooh, maybe I should join the trend...”

      Jasmine was standing in the hallway not far from Ivy’s curtained alcove. “It isn’t as easy as you think.”

      “Why not?”

      Jasmine couldn’t tell if Ivy was being serious or just giving her older sister a hard time, which she liked to do on occasion.

      “What if it ends?” Jasmine finally asked. “You’re in the position of needing a new job then. If just one of you decides it isn’t working, it can get messy. How do you act in front of people?” Jasmine was up close and personal with that particular situation, which was made even trickier because her business was dependent on appearances. “How much do you tell? How much do you keep to yourself? It’s just very complicated.”

      “True. Still...”

      Willow leaned closer but didn’t bother to lower her voice. “Have you seen Ivy’s boss? He’s dreamy. He might actually be worth the risk.”

      “Well, if Ivy thinks it’s worth it, she can have this ring.” It was just complicating Jasmine’s life. Though she’d never admit it to her sisters, the ring had indeed done its job. She couldn’t deny that she wanted Royce forever...but a big part of her still doubted she would actually have him that long.

      “Maybe the night of the masquerade,” Ivy said, “especially if I wear this—”

      She came out of the dressing room in a formal green dress. It faithfully followed her curves. Jewel chips formed flowers across the bodice and down one hip. The fit was gorgeous on Ivy’s petite yet rounded figure. The color perfectly complemented her dark blond hair.

      “Wow, Ivy,” Jasmine breathed. “That’s beautiful.”

      “Considering he’s never seen me in anything but a business suit, I certainly hope my boss thinks so...”


      Jasmine hung her dress in the alcove off the ballroom of Keller House, once again amazed at its brilliant blue color. The off-the-shoulder style and intricate beading were perfect. A fitted bodice flowed into a layered, full skirt that showcased her shape. Thank goodness the owner of the shop had stepped in and found an answer to her dress conundrum.

      If only everything else were that easy.

      The next two days certainly wouldn’t be. She was at Keller House today to oversee the final setup. Most of tomorrow would be spent in preparation for the masquerade tomorrow night, and then there would be the event itself. Sunday she was hoping for a lazy sleep in, but as little as poor Rosie had seen of her this week, she wasn’t holding her breath that the munchkin would cooperate.

      She could at least have a lazy Sunday at home, though.

      She made her way through the finished hallways to the incredible kitchen Royce had had installed. It was up and running, the catering staff currently finding a home for everything. She could see Geraldine laying out her plan and giving instructions on how to execute it. Having worked with the woman before, Jasmine didn’t think there would be any problems there. Geraldine was as thorough and organized as Jasmine.

      It would all work. The food was one area Jasmine didn’t have to worry a lot about, but she couldn’t stop herself from going over her checklist.

      “Dominic, are you bumming samples?” Jasmine teased when she found the photographer in the kitchen.

      He grinned. “Busted.”

      “We can always use an independent taste test,” Geraldine said.

      “Then you are a more generous woman than me.” Jasmine smiled. “Of course, I know exactly how much he likes the sweet stuff. Doesn’t Greg keep you in good supply at home?”

      “Don’t give away my secrets,” Dominic said in a mock whisper.

      “Okay... I’ll distract you with a video, instead.”

      “Miss Rosie?” he asked.

      “You bet.”

      Jasmine pulled out her phone and cued up the video Ivy had sent her from the night before. She’d been in the other room on the phone, confirming the catering list. Her sisters hadn’t wanted to yell and distract Rosie, so they’d videoed it while they could. Thank goodness for modern digital technology.

      Dominic gasped when Rosie started to show off her new crawling skills. “She’s been rocking for a couple of weeks now...” Jasmine explained.

      “And she just took off?”

      Jasmine nodded. The excited conversation attracted the attention of the caterer and the kitchen staff, who converged on the phone to see Jasmine’s daughter’s new and exciting prowess.

      Dominic shook his head, eyeing Jasmine with a mischievous look over the crowd. “Oh, you are in trouble now, girl.”

      “For what?” Royce asked as he entered the room. His business voice was one she rarely heard anymore—the no-nonsense, almost stern tone he used to command and commandeer. She and the entire kitchen staff jumped.

      Dominic ignored them. “Check out this video of Rosie, Royce.”

      Jasmine suddenly felt like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. The phrase not a day care roamed round and round in her brain. Not only had she been discussing her daughter in detail during work hours, but she’d distracted the staff with the video, also.

      She was disrupting their productivity and focus...

      Surprisingly, Royce did look at the video...actually, he frowned. To Jasmine’s shock, he then swiped a finger across the phone and started the video over again.

      Finally, he said, “She crawled? Even though she’s so little?”

      Royce’s gaze met hers, and she could see her own feelings mirrored in his eyes. Awe, excitement and a touch of fear.

      Dominic said, “Cool, isn’t it?”

      “She’s actually crawling right on time,” Jasmine said, unable to quell her need to chatter. “Seven months. The doctors had worried about issues with her motor skills after...” Jasmine swallowed hard, trying to push back the memories of Rosie’s mother struggling with drugs early in her pregnancy to ease the pain of her cancer. But the moment she’d known Rosie was there, she’d never touched anything her doctor didn’t approve. “But she’s a little trouper.”

      Royce shook his head slowly back and forth. “I’d be afraid of stepping on her or losing her.”

      Jasmine and Dominic shared a smile. “Well, it’s not like I’m suddenly giving her