Mia Ross

Beneath Montana Skies

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the end of her patience already, she opted to scoot out a side door and wait for him outside.

      To her annoyance, Ty trailed after her. He didn’t say anything, but just having him next to her was both a distraction and an annoyance. He’d picked up a new cologne, she noticed even though she was supposed to be beyond registering that kind of thing about the man she’d come to think of as the runaway cowboy. The scent had a campfire, leathery quality to it, and she grudgingly admitted that it suited him well.

      But there was no way she was telling him that. Instead, she folded her arms and scowled up at him. “What do you want?”

      He grinned back, and she braced herself for what was coming next. In a million years, she never could have predicted what she heard.

      “Y’know, I always did admire your spunk.” Leaning back against the tree behind him, he went on. “I also admire the way you have with animals. Instinctive, like you know what they’re thinking. Whether it’s training a new horse or herding calves, you’re always a step or two ahead of ’em so you can head ’em off before they get into trouble.”

      “That’s all well and good, but what does any of that have to do with the meeting?”

      “And then there’s that laser focus of yours,” he added with a chuckle. “The thing is, when your eyes are on the prize, sometimes you miss things that are fanned out to the sides.”

      “Such as?”

      In answer, he pulled out his phone and scrolled down the contact list to the name he thought might interest her. He handed it over, and when she took in the name, her eyes widened as they met his. “You know Congressman Barlowe?”

      “Turns out Craig’s a big rodeo fan. We’ve had dinner a few times, and he strikes me as a good guy who really cares about protecting Montana’s natural treasures. I think the conservancy would be something he’d want to know about.”

      “I’ve written a dozen letters to him,” Morgan confided in a dejected tone very unlike the feisty cowgirl he used to know. “I always get a form response that basically says he’s a busy man with a lot to do, so we’ll have to get in line behind everyone else.”

      “How many folks are in the group so far?” She hesitated, and he said, “Let me guess. You and JD.”

      “And some others.” He gave her a nudging look, and she relented with a sigh. “Okay, there’s six of us so far. This energy company’s only been here a couple times, and most people don’t see any harm in them hand-drilling for soil and core samples. The trouble is, if they find something, the bulldozers and excavators will be here within a few weeks. Once they have permits and geological surveys that tell them where to start prospecting, it might be too late for us to stop them.”

      Still the smartest kid in the room, he thought. “Sounds like you’ve done your homework.”

      “You have no idea. This kind of thing goes on all the time, and in places where the residents don’t have the will or organization to put up some resistance, the big energy companies get what they want. I know the country needs to find more sources of oil and natural gas, but there must be better ways to do it.”

      “I don’t doubt that, but it’ll take some really smart folks working together to make that happen.”

      “That’s what the conservancy is all about. We just need more members.” After a pause, she frowned. “A lot more.”

      He hated seeing her so dejected. He much preferred the in-your-face attitude she’d had earlier, even if it made him a target every once in a while. Fortunately, he held the key to lifting her spirits this time, and it felt great.

      “You also need a bigwig who can help bring the right kind of attention to your cause.” Ty rocked his phone side to side. “Wanna meet your congressman?”

      “Yes,” she replied without even a hint of trepidation. “You convince him to visit Mustang Ridge, and I’ll take it from there.”

      He almost agreed, then realized there was a golden opportunity for him in this. It might be his only chance to mend fences with her, and he couldn’t let it slip by without at least giving it a shot. “Not so fast. Craig and I are friends, and he’ll be staying at my place while he’s here. I’m not just gonna make introductions and step away. I wanna be involved in the conservancy and what it’s trying to do.”

      Those gorgeous blue eyes narrowed into glittering slits. “Why? You never cared about stuff like that before.”

      “I do now. I want our daughters to grow up the way we did, in a wild place with plenty of fresh air and open space. Not choking on the pollution from a bunch o’ gas and oil rigs.”

      He knew she wouldn’t accept his help on its own merit alone, but reminding her of one of her own reasons for doing this might persuade her to take him on despite their rocky history.

      The front doors banged open, and several people flooded out, still arguing about what to do. JD was among them, and he detoured away from the group to join Morgan and Ty.

      “Ready to go?” he asked his daughter.

      Clearly thinking about what Ty had said, she hesitated and then nodded. “Yeah.” Connecting with Ty again, she gave him a wry grin that told him she wasn’t thrilled with his proposal but recognized that it made sense. “So, call your politician buddy and set up a visit. You and I can take him around and show him how beautiful this area is and let him see for himself why it’s worth saving.”

      Thrilled with her approval of his plan—however reluctant it might be—he barely held back a triumphant whoop. Instead, he grinned and nodded. “Will do.”

      “And you can stop being all grown-up,” she teased, the grin shifting to a slightly warmer version. “I know you’re dying to go all yee-hah on me.”

      “Well, now, that’d be immature. I’ll wait till I’m in my truck.”

      That got him a short laugh, and she walked away with JD, shaking her head. Ty watched her go, and for the first time in months, he felt as if things might finally be shifting to go his way.

      What she’d given him wasn’t exactly the I forgive you that he was hoping for. But it was a start.

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