Jennifer Morey

Justice Hunter

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anyone can carry out a lie that size, what else are they willing to do to get their way?”

      She meant Jared. Like her, Lucas had learned the hard way that people could say things that sounded believable when inside their thoughts ran another agenda. His ex had been that way. He’d believed her teary profession that she was pregnant, that she was so sorry, that she hadn’t planned on it happening. The one thing he believed most was her claim that she hadn’t been thinking when they slept together. He hadn’t, either. But she had been thinking afterward.

      He recalled how she’d pursued him, a hot navy SEAL trainee. Young. Virile. She’d been upset when he’d told her he quit. She wanted a SEAL for a husband. No doubt she’d have enjoyed his deployments, freeing her up for affairs.

      “You’re really upset about that,” Rachel said.

      He looked down to see the steaming cup she offered. “I made a mistake quitting. I’m not a quitter, but the SEALs see it differently.”

      “You think you should have married her and not quit.”

      “Yes. I’d have learned she lied either way.”

      “You put fatherhood first. There’s nothing shameful about that. She lied to you. You did nothing wrong.”

      “Justify it any way you like. The fact remains that I quit.”

      “There are worse things in life.”

      “Dying. That’s it.”

      She sipped her coffee. “Well, you didn’t die, so be thankful instead of bitter. There’s nothing you can do to change the past.”

      Everything happens for a reason? “Is that how you view your juvenile record?”

      Holding the cup with both hands, she averted her gaze and then returned it to him. “I’m not perfect. I wish I could change my past, but yes, I know I can’t.”

      “You’re bitter about it?”

      “No, not bitter. Just...regretful. I used to be angry at the world and the universe and God for killing my parents. Now... I realize it’s”

      They shared a long look. She seemed so good. Nice. Honest. Nothing like what he’d expected. Maybe he should give her a chance. Maybe he should tell her the truth.

      He’d just gotten finished telling her how his ex-wife had lied to him. She could see how much that had hurt him. How could he do the same to someone else? Granted, his lie wasn’t as life-altering as his ex’s, but it was still a lie.

      She stepped toward him, reaching for his face, caressing him, and then pressed her body to him.

      “Rachel...” How could he begin?

      “Shh.” Her forefinger ran across his lips and stopped in the middle. Then she slid her hand around to the back of his neck as she rose up onto her toes to kiss him.

      “There’s something...” I need to tell you stayed in his mind as she opened her mouth and kissed him in earnest.

      He drew her closer, intense passion firing. Just a little more of this and then he’d tell her. He felt her fingers in his hair, felt her move as though yearning to be closer. Kissing her became strained. He wanted her naked. Sexual desire gnawed at him.

      “This is crazy,” she whispered against his mouth.

      He kissed her. Crazy. Yes. She had no idea.

      “Why do you turn me on so much?” She dug her fingers into his hair again, pressing him to her mouth for another firecracker kiss.

      “I want you so much,” she said. “I’ve never felt this kind of passion before.” And then, with that, she stepped back, her hands still on his chest as though stopping touching him was the most difficult thing she’d ever had to do. “Why you?”

      Logic sank through the drugging desire. What a question. He didn’t have an answer. He could ask the same about her. Why her?

      Rachel couldn’t stop thinking about Luke. Over dinner he’d been so obsessed with her job at the insurance company she wondered if he had something wrong with him. Would he turn into a stalker or something equally weird or more dangerous? But then that inexplicable attraction she had, and he for her—she felt it between them, a living thing that kept expanding. That was what made her invite him in.

      Talking the way they had changed her perception of him. He’d revealed himself, more than he had so far. Where before she felt he’d played a role, last night she’d gotten to know the real Luke Bradbury. And she liked him.

      Leaving the break room toward the end of her workday, she started down the hall toward her desk. Hearing a laugh that sounded like Marcy’s, she stopped and headed in its direction. Might as well say good-night.

      “I know. She thinks this is real,” Marcy said. “Like we’re all really her friends.”

      Rachel stopped short on the other side to the cubicle wall.

      “What’s Joseph going to do when she finds out?” another woman asked.

      Was she talking about Rachel? She had to be.

      Rachel felt coldness spread through her face, and prickles of apprehension sank down her arms, making her hands tremble.

      “Hire somebody else, I guess. I’m not going back to work for him. He knows I want the job in Legal.”

      They were talking about her. No.

      Betrayal snaked into her. In seconds she added up what this meant.

      “Why did Lucas lie to her? Why not tell the truth?” Marcy’s friend asked.

      Yeah, Rachel wanted to know the same thing. Lucas? Was that his real name? He’d lied to her about his name? His identity?

      “His ex-wife’s been calling, did you know that?” Marcy didn’t answer her friend’s question.

      “No. Are they getting back together?”

      Rachel swam in confusion. Who was this man? Did his ex-wife really lie to him? Had he made it all up?

      “I bet she’d like that. Who wouldn’t? He’s hot.”

      “And rich.”

      The two laughed in borderline giggles.

      “I almost feel sorry for Rachel,” Marcy’s friend said.

      “She’s going to find out what he’s up to eventually,” Marcy said. “It won’t be too hard for her to figure out.”

      “Did Joseph tell you why Lucas wanted him to hire her or why they lied about who they were?” Marcy’s friend asked her question again.

      “No, but I heard Lucas joined some hotshot private detective agency. Have you heard about that guy whose daughter was kidnapped and killed a few years ago? Kadin Tandy?”

      “No. Who is he?”

      “He’s famous for his involvement in cold cases. Dark Alley Investigations is the name of his agency. He only takes cold cases. People go to him for help in finding their lost kids or family members, or to help them solve their murders.”

      “Really? Lucas was sexy before, but that makes him even more so. Maybe we should tell Rachel about him. Have you seen the way he looked at her yesterday?” Rachel pictured Marcy’s friend fanning her face in her pause. “Could have lit the place on fire.”

      “Are you sure?”

      “Oh, yeah. I don’t even think he’s aware of what he’s doing.”

      Marcy’s cell phone chimed. “Gotta go. My new boss is texting me.”

      “Don’t stir up any trouble,” her