AlTonya Washington

Provocative Passion

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that the time?” Sophia barely glanced at her wristwatch and turned for the door again.

      “We need to discuss this, baby. I’m thinking of something intimate. Right here at the house.”

      “Mama, I’m in a hurry. I’ve got a lot to do before tonight.”

      “Oh?” The last piqued Veronica’s rampant curiosity regarding the private lives of her daughters. “Anything exciting?”

      Sophia shrugged, deciding to feed the woman’s interest. “Dinner with Santigo Rodriguez.”

      Veronica’s gasp filled the foyer, and glee illuminated her face once more. She was so overjoyed that she could only clasp her hands and press them to her chest.

      Sophia took advantage of her mother’s rare bout of speechlessness. “See you later.” She kissed Veronica’s cheek and hurried out the door.

      * * *

      “Now that is strange.” Detective Sergeant Jofi Eames rubbed the stubble on his jaw and frowned. “Are you sure the guys haven’t passed the man’s bench before?”

      “Nah.” Tigo gave a slow shake of his head. “Not so much as a parking ticket between the two of them. These are two of the good ones, Jof.”

      Tigo’s meaning was clear, and the detective nodded his understanding. “Could be some kind of election or publicity stunt.” Jofi reared back in his desk chair. “It could put him in a rough spot if he’s seen as a softy on car thieves.”

      “Well, they’ll cross that bridge soon enough. Families just want ’em granted bail. They’re no flight risks, Jof, and...” Santigo’s words trailed into silence when he saw Sophia arrive on the floor.

      “I’ll take this to mean the discussion’s over?” Jofi smirked at his friend’s captivated expression.

      “Sure.” Tigo left the metal chair he’d taken next to Jofi’s desk. “You can take it from here.”

      Jofi grinned. “Why, thanks for your vote of confidence.”

      Focusing on Jofi, Tigo smirked and moved to shake hands and hug his old friend.

      “I’ll call if I make any headway,” Jofi promised as Tigo headed out of the cramped, dank office space.

      Tigo found Sophia leaning against her desk and browsing a file. His single knock sent her head lifting, eyes widening at the sight of him.

      “Did I get our date wrong?” She quickly pushed to her feet.

      Tigo raised his hands. “You’re good—don’t worry. I had other business and thought I’d drop by and congratulate you in person, Lieutenant.”

      “Well, are we still going out?” Sophia didn’t care how anxious she sounded.

      “Mmm-hmm...” The confirmation trailed off into quiet when he dipped his head to kiss her.

      “My walls are glass,” she reminded him, breathless and already curling her fingers around his jacket lapels to bring him closer.

      He grinned, the gold flecks in his dark eyes sparkling with devilish intent. “We should give ’em a good show then. Don’t you think?” His tongue was enticing hers into a naughty battle before she had time to respond to his question.

      Sophia managed a shaky moan as her tongue tentatively answered the call from his. Her heart thudded, heavy in her chest, the sound reverberating to her ears. Mere moments passed before she was kissing him with sheer lust and need fueling the gesture.

      Tigo exercised the cooler head then and tugged on the hem of Sophia’s short-waist blazer to draw her down. “I’ll see you tonight,” he promised, smiling into her lovely dark face while brushing his thumb across her well-kissed mouth. The playfulness returned to his gaze, and he shrugged as if skeptical.

      “What?” Sophia knew she sounded dazed and dumbfounded. What the hell... He did that to her.

      Tigo expelled an exaggerated sigh and focused on a curl that had found its way down inside her shirt. “We’re on for tonight, unless the hard-core detective gets called away on assignment.”

      “Hmph.” She rolled her eyes. “Haven’t you heard? I’m now the hard-core chief of detectives.” She blew an unruly curl from her forehead. “Getting called away on assignment and hurling myself into the lines of fire are now things of the past.” She massaged the middle of her forehead. “At least they would be if my parents could have their way.” Her mounting frustrations cooled to a simmer as if quelled by magic when her gray eyes settled once again on the enticing curve of his mouth. She bit her upper lip, hungry for the pleasure of another kiss.

      Santigo was more interested in the Hails’ reaction. “What’d they say?”

      “Nothing bad.” Sophia leaned against the desk. “I don’t think they’ve ever been happier with me.”

      “Well, isn’t that good?” Tigo sat next to her, nudging her shoulder with his. “It’s better than having them give you grief over it, right?”

      “I don’t know. Is that why you seem so thrilled?”

      “It is.”

      Sophia’s jaw dropped over the easy admission.

      Tigo took her parted lips to mean she craved another kiss, which she did. He obliged, but only for a sweet moment. Then, he stood and brushed his nose across hers once, twice...

      “Be ready by seven.” His voice was a gruff whisper and then he was gone.

      “Oh, boy...” Sophia groaned.

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