Wasn’t being with him better than not? And ultimately her child’s welfare had to come first.
‘OK!’ The word was just a cautious whisper, but Alexi felt a fierce thrust of euphoria that was better than any multi-million-pound deal he’d accomplished after months of wrangling. She would be his.
‘You’ve got a deal,’ she continued before she could allow doubt to dissuade her. ‘But only on my terms,’ she added quickly. She couldn’t allow him to take her over; she needed to remain strong. ‘We’ll have a long engagement, and—’
‘No, we will not!’ He cut across her firmly. He wasn’t going to allow her to wriggle away from him again. ‘It’s my terms or nothing—my way or nothing.’
‘Alexi!’ Her heart was thundering against her chest now; she didn’t like the steel in his voice, in his eyes.
‘I’ve arranged for Captain Roberto to marry us here on board the Octavia before we leave for Greece tomorrow.’
‘Hold on a moment—’
‘No, Katie! You will play the dutiful wife, you will do everything that I ask of you, and in return I will treat you with respect and generosity: those are the terms.’
The terms hurt, they stung through her system like strong alcohol over a deep cut. ‘I’m not a possession, Alexi!’
‘Yet.’ He reached and took hold of her wrists and gently moved her closer towards him. ‘But I want to possess you, Katie … over and over and over again.’
She looked up and saw the fierce light of passion in his eyes, yet instead of pulling away she wanted to move closer.
OK, he didn’t love her, but he did want her … he did crave her. And right now as he leaned closer and captured her lips with a fierce, possessive hunger she knew that would have to be enough—because she was incapable of saying no to him.
And maybe she loved him enough for the two of them.
She returned his kisses with equal passion, winding her arms up and around his neck. She didn’t want to need him like this—but she did. So all that was left to her now was surrender.
She was breathless and shaking when he released her. The silence between them was filled by the sound of the party, the babble of conversation and music, and the rapid, thundering beat of her heart.
‘I want you, Katie.’ His voice was hard with desire. He stroked a finger over her skin, and it sent a million butterflies fluttering inside her. ‘But we’ll do this right. Tonight you will sleep alone here, on board ship. And then tomorrow we will consummate our marriage.’
A member of staff walked over towards them, interrupting them, and Katie took the opportunity to break away.
‘Sir, we are about ready for the firework display. Do you want to say a few words before we proceed?’
Alexi glanced over and nodded. ‘I’ll be along in a moment,’ he said dismissively.
They were left alone again, and for a few moments neither spoke.
A cool breeze whispered across her skin. She was scared, truly scared, by the speed with which things were progressing and by the emotions racing inside her. ‘Alexi, we have over six months before the baby is born.’
‘And we are going to use that time to get to know each other.’ His eyes drifted down over her body. ‘To enjoy each other again …’
She tried not to be turned on by the heat in his eyes and in his voice—tried to tell herself that she wasn’t going to allow him to treat her like a sex object. But her body was sending conflicting signals to her brain. Her body was telling her that she wanted him and that it was a matter of great urgency.
He smiled as he saw the answering flame in her eyes. ‘Tomorrow you will belong to me again, Katie.’ He said the words with soft emphasis. ‘The chapel is booked for three-thirty tomorrow. And after the service we will fly to Greece for a few days’ honeymoon and a lot of catching up.’
Before she could get her breath to reply to that, he was walking away from her.
Katie turned and leaned against the ship’s rail as she tried to gather herself together. She stared down at the water, at the glittering reflected lights from the ship and from the island of Manhattan as they danced and blurred on its silky darkness.
Had she done the right thing, accepting Alexi’s proposal? She wanted him so much. Too much …
A breeze whispered against the heat of her skin, and she shivered violently and turned her back on the sea.
The party was heating up. There were about a hundred guests milling about on the deck, and the band was playing a rhythmic number.
She saw Alexi making his way purposefully through the assembled crowds. He looked very confident and in control as he stopped by the stage area and spoke to the string quartet who had set up ready to take over from the band later.
Then he took a mike someone handed him and, as the band finished their session and a round of applause broke out, the compère for the evening brought him up on stage.
He was greeted with wild applause and a lot of cheering, which made Katie smile.
Everyone liked Alexi, she thought wryly. He was a ruthlessly tough businessman, yet he had a way with people. She supposed it was because he was always fair, always straight. You knew where you stood with him.
She wished she didn’t. She almost wished that he had lied to her and told her he was falling in love with her. But then that wouldn’t be Alexi! She bit down on her lip. And she didn’t want to be treated like a fool, she told herself hastily.
‘Ladies and gentlemen, I’d just like to welcome you all here tonight and thank you for coming. Also a big thank-you to everyone who has worked so hard to make sure Octavia was finished on time and to such high specifications.’
A big cheer went up from the crowd at that.
‘Also, I would like to announce my engagement to Katie. A few of you might know Katie; she worked as Project Manager at Demetri Shipping for a few months, and now is with me at Madison Brown. She has consented to become my wife, and we will be married here on board Octavia tomorrow.’
The crowd broke into wild applause, and a spotlight circled, searching for her, and then caught her in its bright beam as everyone turned and clapped.
Katie was mortified. Why had he announced their wedding like this?
The spotlight faded away as Alexi continued swiftly. ‘It just leaves me to say that I hope you enjoy the evening. The fireworks are about to commence, so take your places and raise your glasses to Octavia. The next piece of music to be played is for my wife-to-be … for Katie.’
As he finished speaking, a string quartet started to play a classical number. The heartrendingly beautiful music swelled and resonated through the night air, holding everyone spellbound.
It was one of Katie’s favourite pieces of music. A piece that always made her feel emotional.
She remembered telling Alexi that once when it had been playing on a CD in her apartment.
She was surprised that he remembered.
Damn man! She blinked away the sudden tears that sprang to her eyes and moved away from the crowds that were milling around her.
Suddenly she needed to be on her own.
It wasn’t hard to find space and dark solitude towards the front of the ship. She watched as golden fireworks exploded out over the water and showers of glitter rained down over the darkness.
‘So, what do you think?’ Alexi’s voice close to her ear startled her, and she looked round and found herself too close to him.
‘I was a bit taken aback by the announcement!’