Rudolph Fisher

The Conjure-Man Dies: A Harlem Mystery

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      ‘Did either of the other two return to the waiting-room?’

      ‘No, suh. Guess they all left the same way. Only one that came back was Jinx, when he called me.’

      ‘And at that time, you and the women were the only people left in the waiting-room?’

      ‘Yes, suh.’

      ‘Very good. Could you identify those three men?’

      ‘’Deed I could. I could even find ’em if you said so.’

      ‘Perhaps I will. For the present you go back to the front room. Don’t try anything funny—the house is lousy with policemen.’

      ‘Lousy is right,’ muttered Bubber.

      ‘What’s that?’

      ‘I ain’t opened my mouth, mistuh. But listen, you don’t think I done it sho’ ’nough do you?’

      ‘That will depend entirely on whether the women corroborate your statement.’

      ‘Well, whatever that is, I sho’ hope they do it.’


      ‘BRADY, ask the lady who arrived first to come in,’ said Dart, adding in a low aside to the physician, ‘if her story checks with Brown’s on the point of his staying in that room, I think I can use him for something. He couldn’t have taken that club out without leaving the room.’

      ‘He tells a straight story,’ agreed Dr Archer. ‘Too scared to lie. But isn’t it too soon to let anybody out?’

      ‘I don’t mean to let him go. But I can send him with a couple o’ cops to identify the other men who were here and bring them back, without being afraid he’ll start anything.’

      ‘Why not go with him and question them where you find ’em?’

      ‘It’s easier to have ’em all in one place if possible—saves everybody’s time. Can’t always do it of course. Here comes the lady—your friend.’

      ‘Be nice to her—she’s the real thing. I’ve known her for years.’

      ‘O. K.’

      Uncertainly, the young woman entered, the beam of light revealing clearly her unusually attractive appearance. With undisguised bewilderment on her pretty face, but with no sign of fear, she took the visitors’ chair.

      ‘Don’t be afraid, Mrs Crouch. I want you to answer, as accurately as you can, a few questions which may help determine who killed Frimbo.’

      ‘I’ll be glad to,’ she said in a low, matter-of-fact tone.

      ‘What time did you arrive here tonight?’

      ‘Shortly after ten-thirty.’

      ‘You’re sure of the time?’

      ‘I was at the Lenox. The feature picture goes on for the last time at ten-thirty. I had seen it already, and when it came on again I left. It is no more than four or five minutes’ walk from there here.’

      ‘Good. You came directly to Frimbo’s waiting-room?’

      ‘No. I stopped downstairs to see if my husband was there.’

      ‘Your husband? Oh—Mr Crouch, the undertaker, is your husband?’

      ‘Yes. But he was out.’

      ‘Does he usually go out and leave his place open?’

      ‘Late in the evening, yes. Up until then there is a clerk. Afterwards if he is called out he just leaves a sign saying when he will return. He never,’ she smiled faintly, ‘has to fear robbers, you see.’

      ‘But might not calls come in while he is out?’

      ‘Yes. But they are handled by a telephone exchange. If he doesn’t answer, the exchange takes the call and gives it to him later.’

      ‘I see. How long did stopping downstairs delay you?’

      ‘Only a minute. Then I came right up to the waiting-room.’

      ‘Who was there when you got there?’

      ‘Four men.’

      ‘Did you know any of them?’

      ‘No, but I’d know them if I saw them again.’

      ‘Describe them.’

      ‘Well there was a little thin nervous man who looked like he was sick—in fact he was sick, because when he got up to follow the assistant he had a dizzy spell and fell, and all the men jumped to him and had to help him up.’

      ‘He was the first to go in to Frimbo after you arrived?’

      ‘Yes. Then there was a heavy-set, rather flashily-dressed man in grey. He went in next. And there were two others who seemed to be together—the two who were in there a few minutes ago when you and Dr Archer came in.’

      ‘A tall fellow and a short one?’


      ‘About those two—did either of them leave the room while you were there?’

      ‘The tall one did, when his turn came to see Frimbo.’

      ‘And the short one?’

      ‘Well—when the tall one had been out for about five or six minutes, he came back—through the same way that he had gone. It was rather startling because nobody else had come back at all except Frimbo’s man, and he always appeared in the hall doorway, not the other, and always left by the hall doorway also. And, too, this tall fellow looked terribly excited. He beckoned to the short one and they went back together through the passage—into this room.’

      ‘That was the first and only time the short man left that room while you were there?’


      ‘And you yourself did not leave the room meanwhile?’

      ‘No. Not until now.’

      ‘Did anyone else come in?’

      ‘The other woman, who is in there now.’

      ‘Very good. Now, pardon me if I seem personal, but it’s my business not to mind my business—to meddle with other people’s. You understand?’

      ‘Perfectly. Don’t apologize—just ask.’

      ‘Thank you. Did you know anything about this man Frimbo—his habits, friends, enemies?’

      ‘No. He had many followers, I know, and a great reputation for being able to cast spells and that sort of thing. His only companion, so far as I know, was his servant. Otherwise he seemed to lead a very secluded life. I imagine he must have been pretty well off financially. He’d been here almost two years. He was always our best tenant.’

      ‘Tell me why you came to see Frimbo tonight, please.’

      ‘Certainly. Mr Crouch owns this house, among others, and Frimbo is our tenant. My job is collecting rents, and tonight I came to collect Frimbo’s.’

      ‘I see. But do you find it more convenient to see tenants at night?’

      ‘Not so much for me as for them. Most of them are working during the day. And Frimbo simply can’t be seen in the daytime—he won’t see anyone either professionally or on business until after dark. It’s one of his peculiarities, I suppose.’

      ‘So that by coming during his office hours you are sure of finding him available?’


      ‘All right, Mrs Crouch. That’s all for