Susan Mallery

Fool's Gold Collection Volume 3

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His mother sat on the sofa, her spine straight, her expression defiant. “This is where we were happy as a family. You saw the state of the house and the land. I want to fix it. Even if I don’t get to keep the ranch, I want to leave a part of myself there. I want it to be better for what I’ve done.”

      He dropped into the club chair on the other side of the large coffee table and held in a groan. “Which means what?”

      Determination softened as her gaze seemed to shift to something beyond him.

      “I want to make a home here. Oh, Rafe, we had so many wonderful years here in Fool’s Gold. I know money was tight and we didn’t always have the newest of everything, but we were a family.”

      He ignored the fact that his memories of the past and hers had very little in common. “Buying the ranch isn’t going to give you a do-over, Mom. Your children aren’t going to be small again.”

      “I know, but I’ve been dreaming about the Castle Ranch since we had to leave, all those years ago.” She shifted her gaze to him and tears filled her eyes. “I know things were difficult for you here. I let you take care of me and of everyone else. You were just a little boy and you never got a chance to be a child.”

      “I was fine. You were a great parent.”

      “I hope so, but I’m not blind to my faults. You worried for me and about me. Maybe that’s why you can’t be happy today.”

      He thought longingly of a good legal battle with another corporation, or winning a contract against impossible odds. All things he enjoyed. Nearly anything would be better than talking about his feelings with his mother.

      “I’m plenty happy.”

      “No, you’re not. All you do is work. You don’t have anyone in your life.”

      “I have lots of people.”

      “Not someone special. You need to fall in love.”

      “I’ve been in love.” It wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

      He’d made what seemed like the intelligent choice—fallen for a young woman who should have been perfect. She’d been pretty, smart, caring and supportive. He’d been more interested in her than in anyone he’d ever met, and had been able to imagine growing old with her. If that wasn’t love, then

      what was?

      Their brief, two-year marriage had ended when she’d suggested a divorce, and he’d felt little more than a vague sense of dissatisfaction and failure.

      “You weren’t in love,” his mother told him. “Love is powerful. Love sweeps you away. You were never swept away.”

      “Fine. But I’m going to find someone now. So I’m happy.”

      May wrinkled her nose. “You’re going to a matchmaker, Rafe. Who does that? What does this Nina person know about you, anyway? When the time is right, you’ll find the one. Just like I found your father.”

      “Mom,” he began.

      “No. You have to listen. I’m right about this. You need to find someone who you’re willing to risk it all for.”

      As if that was going to happen. “I’ll find the right woman,” he promised. “We’ll get married and have children.”

      If he hadn’t been so set on having kids, he would have never considered marrying again. But he was conventional enough to want a traditional family. Mother and father. He’d been unable to get it right himself, so he was hiring a professional. For him, hiring a matchmaker was no different than hiring a good travel agent or successful sales rep. When he wasn’t the best at something, he found someone who was. Nina had a nearly perfect track record.

      “I would love grandchildren,” his mother told him, her smile returning. “Just think, I’ll have the ranch and you can bring your family to visit.”

      There was a particular vision of hell, he thought grimly. “Ah, sure, Mom. That’ll be great.” He guided her back on topic. “You’re sure about the ranch? You want it?”

      “Yes. I want to live there permanently. Maybe have a few animals and a garden. I could grow my own fruits and vegetables.”

      “Not with the goats around.”

      “Heidi and I will work something out.”

      Rafe didn’t bother telling her that Heidi and her grandfather weren’t going to be an issue. Like Nina, Dante was the best at what he did. There was only going to be one winner at the end of the day, and it wasn’t going to be Heidi and her goats.

      “Isn’t the ranch close to nearly a thousand acres?”

      May shrugged. “I’m not sure. I know there’s a fair amount of land.”

      Maybe he could figure out something to do with it, so his time here wasn’t a complete loss. Because the bottom line was—he wasn’t leaving. Not until May had what she’d come for.

      He stood and pulled his mother to her feet, then hugged her and kissed her temple.

      “Okay, then,” he said. “You want the ranch, I’ll get it for you.” No matter what it cost.


      HEIDI WAS PLEASED THAT her hand was steady as she poured coffee into four mugs on the table. May had made good on her promise of setting up a meeting. Now, barely twenty hours after the judge had dismissed them, they were in Heidi’s kitchen, about to make decisions that could potentially change her life forever. She wanted to tell herself not to be dramatic, but she had been unable to chase away the lingering sense of panic. Sure, the judge had given her a reprieve, but she could still lose the ranch, and then what? Where would she and Glen go?

      Worries for another time, she reminded herself as she took her seat at the rickety table. For now, she was going to cooperate with May and figure out how to come up with two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in, say, the next three weeks.

      “Thank you so much for having us,” May said, smiling at Heidi.

      “You’re more than welcome.” Heidi tried to smile back, all the while ignoring the challenging expression on Rafe’s face.

      This was the first time she’d been in a relatively small room with the man, and she was annoyed to discover he took up too much space. He had broad shoulders that spilled past the back of the chair. She couldn’t seem to focus on anyone but him, which frustrated her and made her want to pretend he wasn’t there. An impossible task, with his dark eyes holding her captive.

      “I’ve decided to stay in town,” May continued, apparently unaware of the undercurrents swirling.

      That could have been because they were only swirling on Heidi’s end of things. Maybe Rafe was naturally surly and barely knew she was alive. Maybe—

      Get a grip, she commanded herself, deliberately focusing on May.

      “There’s so much I remember about the ranch,” the older woman continued. “I have so many happy memories here.”

      “It’s a real family place,” Glen told her. “We appreciate your willingness to work things out.”

      “Of course. Neither of us has to be disappointed by what happened. There’s a solution.”

      Rafe muttered something Heidi couldn’t hear, but she knew it wasn’t friendly agreement.

      May shot her son a warning look, then turned back to Heidi. “Do you think you could take us on a tour? I’d love to see the changes and understand a little about your business.”

      “Um, sure.” Heidi would have preferred giving them directions back to San Francisco, but that wasn’t likely to be an option. “When were you thinking?”