Кэрол Мортимер

To Marry Mccloud

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      She turned to smile at him. ‘Don’t you have a home to go to?’ she joked, knowing that her sister, Penny, and their three children would be waiting for him there. And this was Sunday, after all…

      Tall, and sparely built, his blond hair thinning slightly on top, David Latham had been her father’s personal assistant for the last fifteen years.

      His presence in the house had brought him into close contact with all the family, and twelve years ago he had married Chloe’s older sister Penny. Their parents had been thrilled at the match, and absolutely doted on their three grandchildren: Paul, aged ten, named after his grandfather, Diana, aged seven, and five-year-old Josh.

      ‘I just had to stop by and drop off some papers your father needed as soon as he gets back from church.’ He held up the papers. ‘And shouldn’t I be the one asking if you forgot last night that you have a home to go to?’ he drawled, eyeing her clothes pointedly. ‘I’m pretty sure you aren’t going to join your parents at church dressed like that!’ he added forthrightly.

      ‘You would be right,’ she grimaced.

      ‘Don’t look so worried, Chloe.’ He laughed softly. ‘I was young once, too, you know.’

      David obviously assumed she had been on a raucous night out. And it would be better for everyone if he continued to think that.

      ‘I won’t tell my father about you if you don’t tell him about me,’ she returned lightly, knowing that, right now, given her father’s precarious political position, appearances were everything, including those of his son-in-law and assistant, as well as his youngest daughter. ‘Now I think I had better go upstairs and shower and change—before anyone else sees me!’

      David grinned. ‘You look as if a little sleep mightn’t come amiss, either.’

      He was right, Chloe discovered a few minutes later on looking in the dressing-table mirror in her bedroom. There were dark shadows beneath her eyes, and her cheeks were very pale too.

      But it had been a long night. Most of it, she remembered, spent sleeplessly as she’d sat in that chair in Fergus McCloud’s bedroom, wondering what sort of man he really was.

      Oh, she knew his background. Knew Fergus and his mother had gone to live in his Scottish grandfather’s castle after his parents had divorced, that he had gone on to become a lawyer after university, that his career had been put on a back-burner since his rise to stardom as a writer six years ago. But those weren’t the things she needed to know about him…

      Was he a kind man? A compassionate man? A man who believed in fairness, even at a cost to himself?

      Those were the things she needed to know about Fergus McCloud—before she could even begin to ask him for what she really wanted from him.

      Contrary to David’s advice, she didn’t go to bed, lunching at home with her parents, and David, Penny, and the children would join them, as they usually did on a Sunday.

      Chloe spent the afternoon with her mother answering letters, and accepting or refusing the numerous social invitations they had received during the week. Where possible they were accepted; her father was about to make a political comeback, and being seen socially was necessary to that campaign.

      But thankfully there were only the three of them at home for dinner this evening, meaning they could eat more intimately in their family dining-room, rather than the much larger room they used when they had the numerous guests that were invited to dine here at least once a week.

      The meal was superb, as usual, but by the time they had been served and eaten dinner Chloe was definitely feeling the effects of her lack of sleep from the night before, excusing herself as her parents lingered over their coffee and brandy.

      ‘You’re looking a little pale this evening, darling.’ Her father looked up at Chloe concernedly after she had bent down to kiss him goodnight.

      He was tall, handsome, and distinguished-looking, at fifty-five, his dark hair only showing faint tinges of grey at his temples. Chloe absolutely adored her father, would do anything in the world that she could for him. Anything!

      He was infinitely kind, his compassion all consuming. He always thought of others before himself. In fact, he had all of the attributes Chloe was hoping to discover in Fergus McCloud!

      She felt a heaviness in her chest just at the thought of the other man. He was another one of the reasons she was going to her bedroom earlier than usual. She had been putting off telephoning him all day, partly because she felt a certain apprehension, but also because she hoped it would make him more curious about her when she did eventually make the promised call.

      Until she knew Fergus a little better, and could gauge the best way to approach him, she wanted to keep him guessing where she was concerned.

      And she had certainly done that this morning! It was probably extremely naïve of her, but it really hadn’t occurred to her when she’d made the decision to stay last night that Fergus would believe the two of them had spent the night together in his bed. One look at his face this morning and she had known that was exactly what he had thought!

      ‘I had rather a late night,’ she answered her father ruefully.

      ‘Then an early night today is the ideal thing, darling,’ her mother encouraged warmly as Chloe kissed her goodnight.

      Also in her mid-fifties, her mother was still very beautiful. She was tiny, with dark shoulder-length hair; her face was youthful, almost unlined, and her figure still as slender as when she had been Chloe’s age. Her deep blue eyes were always full of warmth and kindness. And never more so than when she looked at her younger daughter.

      Penny had already been ten when Chloe had been born, a rather late surprise for all of them. But even as a very young child Chloe had sensed she was all the more precious to them because of that. As her family, and their happiness, were now infinitely precious to her…

      ‘I’ll see you both in the morning.’ Chloe’s smile included them both, that smile fading as soon as she was out in the hallway. Much as she would like to, she really couldn’t put off telephoning Fergus McCloud any longer…!

      Once in the privacy of her bedroom, she took out her mobile phone and dialled his number—before she could change her mind! If she thought about it too long, she simply wouldn’t do it!

      She felt her heart sink as the number kept ringing and ringing. It had never occurred to her that he wouldn’t be at home when she did decide to ring him!


      ‘Fergus McCloud,’ came the sudden abrupt response as the receiver was finally picked up the other end.

      Chloe drew in a controlling breath before answering. ‘Have I interrupted something?’ she enquired with a husky confidence she was far from feeling. But it wasn’t going to help her cause if Fergus knew she had been so nervous about making this call and talking to him that she felt physically sick!

      There was a brief silence on the other end of the line, and then, ‘Chloe…?

      He sounded uncertain, less sure of himself than he had last night and this morning. Perhaps the waiting game had worked after all…?

      ‘Who else were you expecting?’ she came back. ‘Or is that a silly question?’ After all, he could have a woman—several women!—in his life.

      The enquiries she had made about him discreetly the last couple of weeks hadn’t uncovered too much concerning that side of Fergus’s private life. Although it seemed he hadn’t gone to his cousin’s wedding yesterday with a companion, otherwise he wouldn’t have been on his own last night at the club. Would he…?

      ‘Not at all,’ he drawled, sounding more relaxed now. ‘Actually, I was in the bath when the phone rang; I had to get out to answer it.’

      But he didn’t sound too put out by that fact… ‘Does that mean you’re standing there completely naked even as we