Jennifer Morey

A Rancher's Dangerous Affair

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      With a scowl, her brother handed their mother her wine and then his wife’s, watching in disgust as she drained the champagne glass with one hand and took the pinot with the other.

      The band started playing. Many in the crowd cheered. Even Eliza was impressed with the turnout. If only Brandon could appreciate it as much as she did.

      “When are you going back to Hollywood?”

      Ryker sounded as though he couldn’t wait for her to go. “We planned a week here.”

      “Can you handle being away from all that excitement for so long?”

      “It’s not excitement, Ryker. It’s my job. My business.”

      “You have a fascinating job. You get to meet rich and famous people,” Aegina said, sipping her wine and taking in the party.

      “She craves that. Don’t get too close to Eliza. She’ll leave you in the dust without a backward glance in her pursuit of good times and lots of money.”

      “You’re not exactly slumming it,” Eliza’s mother interrupted. He was being unfairly harsh.

      “In Vengeance, Texas.”

      Aegina drank some more, but Eliza caught the hurt in her eyes.

      “You have a wife and family here.”

      Ryker drained his whiskey and placed it on the table next to Aegina’s empty champagne glass. “I’m going to go mingle. It’s my birthday party after all.” He zeroed in on Eliza. “Or is that what this is all about?”

      “Of course it is. What else would it be?”

      “Another way for you to be the life of the party.” With that, he walked off.

      “If he’s so damn unhappy, why the hell doesn’t he divorce me and move to the East Coast like he’s always complaining he would have done?”

      “Because he loves you,” Eliza said.

      “He loves his kids, too,” her mother added.

      “He loves you, too, Mom.”

      “Oh, I know that.” Her mother swatted the air with her hand.

      Aegina grunted contemptuously. “He accuses you of being selfish. What does that make him?”

      Eliza had never thought of it that way. Her brother always made her feel guilty for leaving him here. And he was doing the same to his own wife. She tied him to Vengeance the same as his mother. Or at least that’s how he’d calculated it in his mind. “Selfish.”

      Aegina shook off the slight sheen in her eyes. “You aren’t selfish, Eliza. You went after your dream and got it. That’s admirable. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.”

      “Hear, hear.” Her mother lifted her wine and then sipped.

      Eliza’s first impulse was to agree. Something kept her from letting it carry her away. Why had she gone to Hollywood, and why had she worked so hard to be among the best event planners in the country? Moreover, why hadn’t she spent more time here in Vengeance, with her mother and her brother?

      The answer was standing across the room, a woman jabbering away while all he did was stare at her. For a moment, she slipped into that gaze, so full of impossible fantasies. If only…

      The woman followed his gaze, and Eliza recognized Jillian. Her face tightened with jealous intimidation. Covering it before saying something to Brandon, she managed to capture his attention. He said something back that made her smile. And then he took two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter and handed her one. She beamed even more. The woman had it bad for him. The poor thing.

      As she sidled closer to him, she looked across the room at Eliza, pure triumph and a dash of warning. If that wasn’t a hands-off sign, Eliza didn’t know what was. Brandon better be careful. If he kept leading Jillian on like that, she might do more than pound on his door and yell.

       Chapter 3

      The party was a hit. The whole town would be talking about it tomorrow. Eliza would probably be in the local paper. The Vengeance High School bad girl was back with a bang. Good thing his stupidity wouldn’t be printed. How could he have allowed that kiss to happen? Brandon was still cursing himself, and guilt came at him in waves. How could he do that to his own brother? A brother who was missing and could be in trouble while they enjoyed a party.

      Watching her direct the cleanup, Brandon knew deep down why he’d kissed her. He’d watched her all night—to make sure Jillian didn’t try anything. But as the night had gone on, something else entirely drove him. The Eliza he remembered thrived on being the center of attention, and tonight she’d done it without stealing her best friend’s boyfriend or dancing on the bar with a beer in her hand. She’d changed. Matured. Brandon had to commend her for turning her bad habits into a lucrative career.

      Her brother had left hours ago, when people had first begun to leave around ten. He’d practically had to drag his wife with him. She’d wanted to stay with the rest of the diehards who hadn’t left until midnight. This wasn’t a nightclub. It was a birthday party for a thirty-seven-year-old. One David hadn’t shown up for.

      Something had to be driving him away from Eliza. After witnessing her hosting this event, he wasn’t as convinced she was the main cause. David hadn’t come to Brandon for help, and that could only mean bad news. What kind of trouble had he gotten himself into this time? And did the note Eliza had received have something to do with it? Brandon didn’t think so. Jillian might have sent it. He couldn’t be sure, though. He’d been busy all day around the ranch and hadn’t seen anyone drive up. It could have been anyone.

      But Jillian was his first bet. She’d shown up here tonight as though nothing had happened. He’d been civil with her because they were in public. He was afraid that had encouraged her. She’d left happy, sending him bedroom eyes as she waved goodbye around eleven. Crazy woman. If he hadn’t been there, would she have gone after Eliza? He wouldn’t take the chance.

      Checking his watch, Brandon had an idea of where he’d find David. Unless something had happened to him. Hopefully, he was all right and only drinking his troubles away for the day. Or gambling again.

      When all that was left was the hotel staff, Eliza finally noticed him. Or maybe she had noticed him and hidden it by pretending to be busy until now. That kiss had to be weighing on her, too.

      She approached him and stopped a few feet away, keeping her distance. “What are you still doing here?”

      He’d have to make extra sure he never touched her again. “I think I know where David is.” He pushed off the bar and started for the door.


      “The Cork. We have about an hour before they close.”

      “How do you know he’s there?” She walked with him toward the exit.

      “I don’t. It’s worth a try, though. He goes there every time he comes to town.”

      “He spends all afternoon and night there?”

      “It’s a favorite nightspot. I’m hoping he’s there.”

      Outside, she walked beside him. “I’m not so sure I want to find him.”

      Because he’d kissed her or because David hadn’t shown up tonight?

      “We need to make sure he’s all right.” He opened his big diesel truck’s door. “We’ll get your car later.”

      Reluctantly, she climbed up into the cab and he shut the door, annoyed that he was aware of every curve in that dress of hers.

      He drove away from the hotel. The tension was palpable between them. He could almost feel her thinking about that kiss, just like him, and at the same time wondering why David had disappeared all day. If something