Linda Hudson-Smith

Promises to Keep

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just starting out. There’s not a lot of room on this table so I didn’t want to fill too many plates at once. Don’t worry. My $34.99 will not go to waste, especially the way I love breakfast food.”

      “I hope not,” J.R. countered. He looked over at his wife’s plate. “Now this sister knows how to pack it. What amazes me is she doesn’t gain an ounce after eating a ton of food.”

      “J.R.,” Monica scolded lightly, “you should never talk about a woman’s weight in front of her or any other ladies. It’s rude and insensitive. And leave Courtney alone.”

      J.R. hunched his shoulders. “I call it like I see it—and you already know that about me. What do you think, Courtney?”

      Before Courtney could respond, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. “Had I known you liked this place, I would’ve invited you to join me. I eat here often. Hello,” he said to J.R. “I’m Darius Fairfax.” He then nodded at Monica. “I’m one of Courtney’s clients,” he told J.R. “She’s handling an engagement reception for me.”

      J.R. wiped his right hand on a white linen napkin before extending it to Darius. “You got the right lady for the job. So nice to meet you, man. Care to join us?”

      “As a matter of fact, I’d love the company. I’m alone. Since I haven’t filled a plate yet, I’ll do that first. Thanks for the invite.” With that said, Darius strolled off.

      J.R. looked right at Courtney, though she felt as if he were looking right through her. “What’s up with this Darius Fairfax? He may be getting married, but he definitely has a thing for you. What’d you do to that man to make him go off the deep end? He’s spellbound. The brother couldn’t take his eyes off you.”

      Monica tried to reel her husband in, but his fishing expedition was already too deep. Courtney hadn’t taken the bait, yet he felt he had a right to reel her in. Monica looked on as he continued firing questions at her boss, barely giving her a chance to respond.

      “J.R., you know I love you, but please put a lid on it. There is nothing between Darius and me. He’s a client and I’m his hired gun, with major firepower. Got it?”

      J.R. nodded. “Yeah, and so has he. The man has it bad for you. Don’t be surprised if he backs out of this commitment. He can’t possibly love another woman and look at you like you’re the queen of his heart. Sparks are flying every which way between you two. Mark my words, ladies. Anyone care to make a wager?”

      Monica gave Courtney a pleading look, hoping she could ignore her husband and forgive him. It was like he’d suddenly lost all his marbles. Courtney returned a nod of understanding. J.R. wouldn’t say these things in front of Darius. He’d never embarrass his wife or her. The three friends very much respected and relished their closeness.

      Upon Darius’s return to the table, he sat down next to Courtney. As his arm accidentally brushed against hers, she felt a rush of heat. If it wouldn’t be so telling, she’d fan herself to cool the hot flames singeing her skin.

      Discreetly, Courtney surveyed Darius’s attire. Though dressed more casually than when she’d last seen him, he still looked like a man of means. He wore a black blazer with a gold royal crest and his light blue silk shirt was open at the collar. The revealing bit of thick chest hairs made her want to see so much more of his sexy attributes. A sudden thought of him standing under the shower naked caused her to gasp.

      Darius looked at Courtney with concern. “Are you okay?”

      She managed a believable smile. “I’m fine. Something must’ve gone down the wrong way. It’s okay now.” Things were definitely going down the wrong way, but she had no clue as to how to redirect them. Gushing over an engaged man was simply insane.

      Noticing the tiny beads of sweat on Courtney’s forehead didn’t convince Darius that everything was fine with her, but he thought it best to let it ride. The last thing he wanted to risk was embarrassing her in front of her friends.

      “I know Monica works for Courtney, but what about you, J.R.? Are you employed by The Party People, too?” Darius inquired.

      “I work for Courtney on occasion. If she has clients who need a band, we accommodate her if we’re free. However, I’m a music teacher at Rutherford Junior College. I also teach private keyboard and drum lessons to youngsters. Writing music is the part of my career I love best.”

      Darius smiled broadly. “That’s good to know, man. Have you ever written music for a film or television?”

      J.R. shook his head in the negative. “Can’t say that I have, but I’d sure love to give it a try.”

      “Let’s set up a meeting before we leave here. I’m the owner of D.F. Film Productions, Inc. My offices are here in Hollywood. Have you heard of my firm?”

      “Who hasn’t heard of your company?” Impressed with Darius’s success, J.R. wondered if he might help something extraordinary happen in his music career. “Great things are said about what you’re doing for blacks in theater arts. I’m awed by what you’ve taken on. The power people in Tinseltown are not easy adversaries.”

      “I try not to see them as opponents. My desire is to partner with some of the best producers and directors working in this city. There’s enough for all of us in the world of entertainment. And we always need music.”

      “I’d love to hear what you’re looking for. Monica always said that might be just the right ticket for me. She’s my wife, and she means everything in the world to me.” J.R. leaned over and kissed Monica full on the mouth.

      Darius grinned. “The way you two look at each other made that an easy call. Body language tells its own story. Love between two people reveals itself in a number of ways. The lack of love between partners is just as easy to read.”

      “Yeah, I know,” J.R. remarked. “Love is loud and clear, with or without vocals.”

      Darius’s eyes suddenly flickered. “I like that! People in love are blessed. It’s a thrill to watch actors communicate love in a romantic story without saying a word.”

      Talking about love and romance had gotten to Courtney, a hopeless romantic who had yet to experience a genuine loving relationship. The man of her dreams was out there, but she had no idea when he’d show up. If he did appear, she wasn’t sure she’d recognize him immediately.

      Glancing at Darius, she recalled her heart reaching out to him the moment she’d laid eyes on him. Unfortunately for her, his heart and love already belonged to another.

      Chapter 3

      Gathering together the papers she needed for the staff meeting, Courtney slid them into a manila folder and headed toward the conference room. She was early, but the extra time would give her a chance to sip a cup of coffee and go over her notes again. There was much to discuss this morning and the staff had a lot on its plate, literally.

      The months to come were filling up quickly and quite a few dates had been booked up to the end of the year. Several Christmas parties, both day and evening events, were already on the December schedule. Deposits had been obtained.

      Remembering when she only had one or two events scheduled in a single month made Courtney laugh. Even when dates were scarce and far and few between, she never thought about giving up. Anything worth having was worth working hard for.

      Courtney entered the conference room and set down her briefcase at the head of the table. Monica—sweet, highly efficient—Monica stayed on her toes. From the looks of things, as usual, her assistant had set up the conference room for the staff meeting sometime before she’d left the office on Friday. Copies of the meeting agenda had been placed on the long table in front of each high-back leather chair and cups of pencils and pens were within easy reach.

      A quick glance to her left revealed a linen-covered table fully stocked with both regular and flavored tea bags, dry packets of creamer, sugar, various artificial sweeteners, plastic stirrers, regular-size