Christy McKellen

The Dare Collection November 2018

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us both into next bloody Wednesday?’

      I opened my mouth to ask him why the hell wasn’t he doing exactly that but I’d already begged him to fuck me, twice, and he’d responded by turning his back on me. I wasn’t going for thirds.

      Right then, another terrible thought hit me, drenching me with ice water. ‘Please don’t tell me you performed oral sex on me but finally grew a conscience and stopped because of another woman. Because no matter how much you justify it to yourself, what we did already crossed the line the moment you laid a finger on me.’

      His face turned to stone. ‘One thing you should know about me, Leonora, is that loyalty and fidelity are paramount in my book. I don’t forgive easily and I never forgive the smallest betrayal. Remember that.’

      Relief crashed over me, as did the unsettling question of why he’d stopped himself from doing what we clearly both wanted. I wasn’t going to ask, though. With my orgasm now a hazy memory, my brain was circling back to the initial reason for coming to this room. I hadn’t told Gideon about my decision not to join the crew Monday.

      I opened my mouth to speak but he was striding towards the door. ‘Hang on a second.’

      He didn’t stop. ‘No, sweetheart, I can’t.’ Again there was that painful throb in his voice. ‘I bloody well can’t stay in this room much longer, smelling you, remembering how you taste, how you screamed my name when you came, the way you roll your body when you’re lost deep in pleasure. You’ve damned well pushed my control to the limits twice already. I don’t want to test it a third time. So I’m taking you home right now.’ He yanked open the door and stepped out into the hallway.

      The forceful delivery of his words and the renewed fireworks erupting through my body struck me dumb for several seconds, the questions that bubbled to the tip of my tongue forgotten.

      When he raised his eyebrow, I forced myself to move.

      In silence we left the casino. At the front entrance, a limo pulled up. He held the door open for me. I slid inside, stowing myself at the far corner.

      His admission that he wanted me affected me in ways I couldn’t describe.

      I’d never once taken advantage of my feminine power but, watching Gideon’s masculine body slide in after me, I was tempted to push his buttons, tempt him into taking things further.

      The door slamming yanked me back into my senses. Was it only yesterday that I’d condemned him for being just like my father in his brazen playboy attitude? And here I was, contemplating playing the siren.

      Shame dragged through me, rendering me silent as Gideon pulled his bow tie free and flung it away. It landed on the adjacent seat. Then he tugged on a few buttons before reaching for a decanter of cognac.

      When I shook my head at his raised eyebrow, he poured himself a shot and knocked it back.

      He was clearly wound tight, and, fresh from examining my own questionable feelings, I chose the safer subject of business. ‘There’s something I need to tell you.’

      ‘Is there?’ Clipped words, as if he was barely holding himself together.

      ‘I won’t be joining the crew on Monday.’

      Grey eyes snapped to my face. ‘Why the hell not?’

      ‘I redid the ratios and I’m confident you’ll be fine without me. I also spoke to the captain and his assistant. Between them they can tell you everything you need to know about the vessel.’

      ‘You knew all of this when you came to meet me. You knew this when I signed the agreement. So you deliberately misled me?’ Anger throbbed in his voice as he disposed of his glass.

      ‘I thought I could make it work but I can’t.’

      ‘Bullshit. You waited until I signed on the dotted line before attempting to renegotiate the terms. Well, too bloody bad for you, Leonora. I’m holding you to what we agreed.’

      ‘Your guest list isn’t so extensive that it needs the extra staff member, so it all works out—’

      ‘It doesn’t work out if you’re not part of the crew. The vessel is your baby. You’re supposed to be a good businesswoman. Are you really going to trust someone else to sell it for you?’

      ‘Are you really in the market for a new yacht?’ I countered.

      One eyebrow lifted. ‘If you don’t turn up on Monday like you said you would, you’ll never find out. And should you not turn up, I’ll do you one better and pull the commission altogether. Is that plain enough for you?’


      ‘Remember what I said about loyalty?’

      I bristled but he had me cornered. ‘Yes,’ I snapped.

      ‘Good, then this discussion is over. Attempt to pull something like that with me again and both of us will be very unhappy.’

      ‘Is that a threat?’

      ‘It’s whatever the fuck you want it to be. But here’s an interesting statistic for you. I had my assistant ring round yesterday to speak to a few of your other clients. They speak highly of you. You’ve never pulled anything like this before. So I’m thinking this sudden change of heart is related directly to me and not with any crew problems you’re having. Am I right?’

      I knew backing down would be a sign of weakness. ‘It makes business sense to recognise that we’re not compatible and to ensure you have a smoother sail without me on board.’

      He laughed, deep, but that edge still lingered in his voice. ‘You think we’re not compatible? You didn’t think so when you were begging me not to stop. When you were fucking my face into that screaming orgasm I can still hear echoing in my head.’

      ‘I didn’t mean that and you know it.’

      ‘Do I?’

      ‘You’re making this unnecessarily difficult.’

      ‘Not at all. You’ll sleep on it and know that I’m right. And come Monday morning, you’ll be on board along with your crew. Simple as that.’

      ‘You always this intractable?’

      ‘No, Leonora. Anyone else would’ve been fired on the spot.’


      ‘Because you asked me not to let business interfere with what we did in the blackjack room. This is me not letting it interfere. Shame you can’t get out of your own way to make this business opportunity happen for you, too.’

      His censure smarted but I knew I’d left myself wide open for that.

      ‘Was there anything else you want to discuss?’

      I shook my head, my thoughts scattered and irritated.

      ‘Good,’ he replied before dropping back against the headrest and closing his eyes.

      I would’ve thought he’d gone to sleep had it not been for the muscle ticcing in this jaw, and the rod of his erection, still very visible behind his fly. The thickness of it, the memory of it in my hand wouldn’t go away.

      Again I puzzled over why he’d called a stop. The thought that even now he could’ve been buried deep inside me, riding us both to bliss, wouldn’t let me go.

      My pussy pulsed hard and fast back to life, my blood firing up as my clit reawakened to clamour for another experience of what Gideon had given me.

      ‘Please do us both a favour and stop staring at me, darling,’ Gideon growled with his eyes still shut. ‘I’m hanging on by the barest fucking thread.’

      I jerked my gaze away from his cock, but not before I saw his hands bunch on top of his thighs.

      ‘If it’s this hard for you, why did you stop? And why the hell did you offer to take me home?’