Emily Forbes

Tamed By The Renegade

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experience people started to expect more from a relationship as it started to edge towards three months. Boyfriends wanted to know more about her. They would expect to be invited to an event as her plus one. Three months meant it was serious. It meant it would hurt if she was abandoned.

      ‘Besides,’ she added, ‘worrying about a plus one to the wedding is irrelevant as I assume Scarlett and Jake will postpone it. I can’t imagine Scarlett will want to get married while Rose is in hospital. She’ll want to wait until Rose has recovered.’ Ruby couldn’t voice the alternative. That Rose might not get better.

      ‘They haven’t said what they’re planning on doing?’

      Ruby shook her head. ‘No. It seems kind of an odd conversation to have in the ICU. We tend to talk about what the doctor’s latest update means and what treatment Rose should have. I think everyone is just avoiding the topic of anything to do with the future. I don’t think any of us can think more than a day ahead at this stage. So it means we sit there not really talking about much at all. It’s no wonder the days seem interminably long in Intensive Care, but it’s all we can do. Just be there for Rose.’

      ‘Let’s hope she’s out of there soon and then a few more of us can split the shifts and visit her.’

      Access to the ICU was restricted to family members only, and that reminded Ruby of the lonely motorbike man. She wondered why she hadn’t thought to ask Candice for information. She might have even been working on the day he had been brought in. She might be the one person Ruby knew who would have the lowdown on him.

      ‘Speaking of visiting, there’s a guy in the bed next to Rose who hasn’t had any visitors at all. He was brought into ICU yesterday. He looked as though he would have come through Emergency first. Were you working? Do you know anything about him?’

      Candice grinned. ‘I wasn’t working but I heard about him. He’s into motorsport apparently, a racing-car driver or something. By all reports, he’d done a fair bit of damage to himself but the girls were still very complimentary about him.’ Her grin widened. ‘It’s not every day they get to see quite such a glorious naked man. Even if they did have to cover him with sterile drapes, they copped quite an eyeful in between times.’

      Ruby’s imagination quickly added what Candice was describing to what she’d already seen for herself and created a rather glorious picture. Almost real enough to make her blush. ‘Do you know his name?’ she asked.

      ‘Neil? No, that’s not right.’ Candice shook her head. ‘Noel maybe? Something starting with an N anyway. The girls weren’t interested in his name.’ She laughed. ‘But I can find out if you like.’

      ‘No, that’s okay. I was just curious.’ She should have checked his chart while he slept, just to find out his name, but that seemed like invading his privacy just a little too much.

      ‘That would make you just one in a long line, from what I hear.’

      Ruby was curious but she’d hoped Candice would have been able to give her a name or something to enable her to do some research when she got home. She didn’t want to think of it as cyber-stalking but wasn’t that one of the purposes of the internet? But she still didn’t have enough to go on.

      It was ridiculous. She was never going to find out anything about him. She rather liked the fantasy of the lonely bachelor that she’d built up around him but she knew it was probably a complete fallacy. She knew the simplest way to get some answers would be to strike up a conversation with him. If she wanted to know more, she was going to have to drum up some courage and ask him herself.

      Normally she was up for a bit of fun, some harmless flirtation, as much as the next person. All right, usually a bit more than the next person. A girl had to know how to have fun but even she wasn’t sure that an intensive care unit was the appropriate place to attempt to pick up a man. She was sure it wouldn’t make the list in a women’s magazine when they printed their articles on the top ten places to meet men. Not unless you worked there and then it could technically come under the heading of a workplace.

      And although Ruby couldn’t be accused of being mainstream in her approach to dating, or even meeting men, even she wasn’t convinced that having an eye on a man who was lying in an ICU, no matter how hot he looked, was acceptable in the dating jungle.

       Tuesday, 16th December

      But nothing ventured, nothing gained was her motto, and the next morning was as good a time as any to venture, she decided as she keyed in the code to open the door into the ICU. Now that she knew he wasn’t an axe murderer or serial killer, she could relax. Her judgement had been known to let her down on occasion.

      She summoned up her courage and pushed the door open. She’d check on Rose and then strike up a conversation. There’d be no harm in saying a simple ‘Hello’ as she walked past. She didn’t need to crowd him. She could say hello and then the ball would be in his court. If he wanted to engage her in conversation she’d be a willing participant. He’d had no visitors, perhaps she could offer to help. There must be something he needed and, if not, at least she would have broken the ice.

      She was all ready to flash him her best smile as she made her way to Rose’s cubicle but his bed was empty, stripped of its sheets, leaving the mattress exposed, the machines all neatly packed away. The bed looked as though it had never been occupied.

      The adrenalin that had been coursing through her body clumped together to form a little ball of lead in her chest and plummeted to the pit of her stomach, leaving her feeling flat.

      He was gone and she’d missed her chance.

      She couldn’t believe it.

      It wasn’t really in her nature to be hesitant and she couldn’t explain why she’d held back. But she had and now she would never know anything more about him. Disappointment flooded her, joining the ball of lead in her gut.

      She stepped past the empty bed and into Rose’s cubicle. Seeing Rose still lying inert, her condition obviously unchanged, and hearing the mechanical suck and hiss of the ventilator didn’t do anything to lift her spirits.

      She leant over and squeezed Rose’s hand in greeting before kissing her cheek. Even if Rose wasn’t responding she had to let her sister know she was there. She kissed her mother next and then sank into a chair beside Lucy.

      ‘Has there been any change?’ she asked.

      Lucy shook her head. ‘No, but we’ve passed the forty-eight-hour mark.’

      Ruby knew that was a big milestone but what she didn’t know was how much that meant if Rose still hadn’t shown any signs of improvement.

      ‘Have the doctors seen her this morning?’

      ‘Yes, and they seem to think it’s a positive that Rose hasn’t declined any further.’ Ruby could hear the hopeful note in her mum’s voice, as if praying for Rose’s recovery would be enough to make it happen. That might have worked if they’d been a religious family but they weren’t. But, still, none of them were prepared to discuss anything other than the idea that Rose would recover, even though they all knew there were no guarantees. They only had their belief to get them through this. ‘Will you be able to stay until she’s better?’ Lucy added.

      Ruby nodded. She wouldn’t leave while Rose was critically ill. She’d stay as long as she could and hopefully that would be long enough.

      ‘What about work? Can you get extra time off?’

      Ruby hadn’t thought about work since she’d jumped on a plane before sunrise on Sunday and her mother’s question made her realise she hadn’t actually told work she was away. She’d been working as an agency nurse in Byron Bay. She’d been working as an agency nurse for years actually as the flexibility suited her. There was no commitment. She could almost come and go as she pleased, which she did on a fairly frequent basis. When she’d decided she’d had enough of one place she could up and leave without feeling like she was leaving an employer in the lurch.

      Had she