Donna Kauffman

Walk On The Wild Side

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      “Now there’s a woman with intuitive parents. My folks? Joseph.” He snorted. “Are you kiddin’ me?” He shook his head. His dark hair was so short it didn’t move. Another contrast with his brother. Interesting. She’d have figured Nick for the controlled short hair and Joey for the wilder, messier look. Hmm. But more intrigue she didn’t need. She was not about to get involved with the D’Angelo brothers.

      “I think Joseph is a fine name,” she said. “Very strong.”

      “Biblical. Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard it all.”

      She laughed. “Somehow I don’t think you’ve let it slow you down all that much.”

      He shot her a mock sly grin. “I see my reputation precedes me.” He moved closer. “So, exactly why are you in Nick’s office?”

      “I’m a new employee here and I was just making arrangements for a ride.”

      “Get out! Nick hired you?”

      She raised an eyebrow. “Yes, he did. Why do you ask?”

      “I like it when you get all ice princessy on me. Very nice. I bet that makes Nick nuts.”

      “I don’t think much fazes your brother. And he hired me because you’re leaving early for school.”

      He looked honestly chagrined by the reminder. “I know. But Mama Bennie and Nick understood. I just figured they’d find someone without having to advertise.” He studied her a second. “Unless one of my cousins got married without me knowing, or you’re Italian on your mother’s side about six times removed.”

      She laughed again. “Nope. No Italian in my history.”

      Joey’s grin returned. “Well, then, I guess my brother finally came to his senses.”

      “Actually, it was Mama Bennie who—”

      Nick came into the office. “Sunny, your cab is—Hey, Joey.” He caught his brother in an affectionate bear hug. “I thought you were already headed east.”

      “I was. But then Steve backed out on me.” He turned to Sunny. “What a pal, huh? I mean, he agrees to sublet my apartment, then backs out on me when his girlfriend invites him to move in. I ask you, is that fair?”

      “Perhaps she made a more tantalizing offer,” Sunny teased. Then the light bulb went off in her head. “Hey, maybe I can help you out.”

      Nick stepped between them. “No.” Gone was the easy affection he’d exuded moments ago.

      “What do you mean, no?” Joey moved his brother behind him and pasted on a wide smile. “This is between me and the lady.” He looked over his shoulder. “Unless perhaps you were planning on her stayin’ at your place?”

      “No!” When Sunny and Joey’s eyes widened at his sudden vehemence, Nick frowned and tried again. “I mean, where she stays is none of my concern, as long as she reports to work on time.”

      Joey turned to Sunny. “Perfect. Because it will be hard for her to be late if she’s sleeping right upstairs.” He held out his hand. “Come on, I’ll show you the place and we can talk terms.”

      Sunny blinked. “Upstairs? You live over the restaurant?”

      “You bet. It’s a great place. I even cleaned it up for Steve. The bum. Although I’m thinkin’ now maybe I owe Steve, you know?” He hustled her from the office. Over his shoulder, he said, “Cancel the cab, Nick. She won’t be needing it.”

      Nick responded by grabbing Joey’s arm and dragging them both back to the doorway. “Hold on just a minute. She’s only here short-term. I’ll find someone to rent your place. Just leave me a spare set of keys.”

      “Excuse me,” Sunny said, extracting her arm from Joey’s grip and moving between the two brothers. “I believe this is between Joseph and myself. Even if I don’t remain under your employ, I will need a place to stay.”

      Joey chuckled. “Don’t you just love it when she talks like that?”

      Nick scowled. “Don’t do this, Joey.”

      Joey was totally unaffected by his brother’s demand. He shrugged. “Hey, you’re the one who hired her.”

      Nick turned to Sunny. “Surely a Chandler can do better than renting a one-bedroom walk-up in this part of town.”

      Joey started to say something, but Sunny cut him off. “This Chandler will reside wherever she sees fit. And right at this moment, I think Joey’s place sounds great. So, if you’ll excuse us?”

      Nick swore under his breath. “I knew this was going to be a huge mistake.”

      Joey punched his brother on the arm. “Lighten up, will ya? If she lasted a day with both you and Carlo on her case, she’s already outlasted the first six women you hired for the kitchen. And they were your cousins.”

      Suddenly feeling better than she had all day, Sunny tossed Nick a victorious smile and allowed Joey to lead her to the back stairs.

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