Christine Rimmer

Garrett Bravo's Runaway Bride

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she’d mentioned. He found her registration and proof of insurance in there, too. He even found her fancy ring. It had a platinum band and a large, square-cut diamond. The ex-fiancé might not have been the guy for her, but at least he wasn’t a cheapskate. He stuck the ring in his pocket.

      Finally, he managed to crawl into the back seat and get the trapdoor to the trunk open. After a little groping around back there, he got hold of the hoodie she’d asked for.

      The purse was more of a satchel, big enough that he could stick the notebook, pens and car documents in there, too. He tied the sleeves of the hoodie around his neck, shoved the straps of the satchel up his arm as far as they would go and crawled from the wreck.

      He’d made it halfway back up to the road when he heard Munch frantically barking, followed by a bizarre, pulsing cry.

      Adrenaline spurting, every nerve on red alert, Garrett froze in midstep. He knew that strange cry. Black bears made that sound when you stole their food or otherwise pissed them off.

       Chapter Two

      Dropping the purse, grabbing for branches to pull him forward, Garrett scrambled as fast as he could up the hillside. Somewhere up ahead Munch barked like crazy and the bear’s angry vibrating yowl continued.

      Then Cami’s voice joined in. “Shoo! Back! Get out of here, you!”

      Garrett grabbed the slim trunk of a cottonwood sapling and hauled himself higher, finally getting close enough that he could see them through the brush. They were maybe ten yards below the road. Cami had lost the flip-flops but had found a long stick. She held off the bear with it while Munch ran in circles around them, barking.

      With no weapon handy, Garrett grabbed a rock and threw it at the bear, striking it on the rump. The bear turned and let out a quick growl in Garrett’s direction, but then went right back to chuffing and growling at Cami, pawing the ground.

      She yelped in response and kept jabbing with her stick. “Back! Go!” Munch continued circling them, barking frantically.

      Garrett scuttled closer and threw a bigger rock.

      That did it. The bear turned on him. Black bears could move fast when they wanted to. And that one flew down the hill straight at him.

      “Garrett!” Cami’s terrified scream rang through the trees as Garrett lunged to the side, counting on gravity and the bear’s forward momentum to drive it right past him.

      It worked. The bear saw him move but couldn’t stop in time. It lost its footing and started to roll.

      A split second later, Munch zipped by, too.

      “Munch!” Garrett shouted. “Stop!”

      But the dog was already out of sight down the ravine. He heard the bear make that threatening sound again. There was scrabbling in the brush and grunting from the bear.

      And then a loud, startled cry from his dog.

      The bear gave another angry grunt. Brush rustled and branches snapped. Garrett caught a flash of dark fur through the undergrowth—the bear running off.

      And then there was silence.

      “Omigod!” Cami came sliding down the bank toward him. “Munchy! Oh, no!” She toppled.

      Garrett caught her before she could fall. “Hey now. Hold on.” With a gasp, she blinked up at him. He asked, “You all right?”

      “Let me go.” She tried to break free. “I have to—”

      “No,” he said softly. When she kept struggling, he shouted it. “No!”

      A whimper escaped her. “But Munch...”

      He took her by the shoulders. “Go back to the Jeep.”

      “I can’t—”

      “Look at me, Cami. Look at me now.” She moaned, but she focused. “Whatever happened down there, it’s over. Don’t believe what you see in the movies. Black bears as a rule aren’t aggressive and that one’s already run off.”

      “But where’s Munchy?”

      “I’ll go see.”

      “Oh, Garrett. I was going to stay in the Jeep, I promise. I’m so sorry.” Tears filled her good eye and seeped from the injured one.

      “It’s okay. Just let me—”

      “God, I feel so terrible. Munchy started barking. He jumped right over me and out the open window.”

      “He probably caught the bear’s scent. We had a couple of bears messing with our trash on a camping trip once. Munch was only a pup, but he chased them away. Just doing his job, that’s all.”

      “If anything has happened to him, I’ll never forgive myself.”

      He gave her shoulders a gentle shake. “Look at me. Listen. It’s not your fault.”

      “But I—”

      “I’m sure he’s fine.” No, he was not sure. But he had to say something to settle her down. Last night, he would have sworn that nothing could shake her, but right now he feared she might lose it completely. “I need to get down there and see what’s going on, okay?” She swallowed hard. And then, finally, tear tracks shining on her too-pale cheeks, she nodded. He instructed, “I want you to wait right here. Do that for me. Please?”

      “Yes.” The agreement came out of her on a whisper of sound. And then more strongly, she added, “Okay.”

      “Come on now. Over here...” He guided her to a boulder that poked up from the bracken and slowly pushed her down. “I’ll be right back,” he promised. She just stared up at him, tears dripping from her chin.

      What else could he do? He took her hoodie from around his neck. It zipped up the front, so he wrapped it around her. “You going to be okay?”

      She sniffled and stuck her hand in a pocket of the hoodie. “Go,” she commanded, pulling out a rumpled tissue and dabbing her eyes. “I’m fine.”

      He wasn’t so sure about that, but he turned anyway, and started down the bank, passing her purse where he’d dropped it. Several yards farther on, he spotted Munch’s tail sticking out of a clump of brush.

      His whole body went numb, a strange coldness creeping in, freezing him in place. He’d worried that Cami might break. Now, the sight of that unmoving tail almost broke him.

      And then that tail twitched.

      “Munch?” He practically fell the rest of the way.

      Landing hard on his knees, he shoved the brush aside.

      The poor guy was just lying there, as though he’d stretched out on his side for a nap.


      There was a weak little whine. And then, woozily, Munch lifted his head.

      “Munch. Munch...” For some reason, Garrett couldn’t stop saying the mutt’s name. He bent close. No blood that he could see.

      The dog whined again.

      “How you doing, boy? Where does it hurt?” Garrett ran seeking fingers over head, neck, back, belly and down the long bones of each leg. He checked the paws, too.


      About then, Munch gave his head a sharp shake.

      “You okay, buddy?” The dog wriggled his way upright and started wagging his tail.

      Relief poured through Garrett, bringing another wave of weakness. He plunked back on his butt in the brush and grabbed the dog in a hug. “Guess you’re all right, after all, huh?”

      For that, he got sloppy doggy kisses all over his face.