Addison Fox

The Paris Assignment

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      “No games, Carlotta. I promise.” He set his champagne glass onto a small tray with a heavy thud and was grateful the stem didn’t break. With quick moves, he reached for the hands that cupped his neck and face, not surprised at the tight, determined grip.

      “Yes, games. Always games with you. You think I didn’t know how you wanted me? How you longed for me?”

      Campbell fought the urge to roll his eyes as he tried to shift their bodies. Although he wasn’t a short man by any means, her tall frame was augmented by five-inch designer heels and a dark cloud of hair atop her head. The combination of all three conspired to obscure his vision of the possible threat to Abby.

      What couldn’t be obscured was the cool, collected voice that resonated over his shoulder.

      “Darling. Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

      Chapter 3

      Abby fought the urge to clench her fists and wondered how she ended up agreeing with Campbell Steele’s harebrained scheme to be fake lovers. What had seemed like a good idea at the time suddenly felt petty and childish in light of the barracuda wrapped around him.

      As Campbell worked to remove himself from the diva’s arms, Abby amended the mental reference to octopus. She was also more than a little surprised to feel a spear of jealousy tunneling its way through the center of her heart. Since the emotion was as unwelcome as it was unexpected, she pasted on a smile as she turned toward Campbell and the opera singer.

      “Abby. Let me introduce you to the evening’s entertainment, Carlotta Luchino.”

      Campbell wasn’t kidding on the entertainment, but Abby forced every ounce of good breeding into her voice as she extended her hand to the singer. “It’s lovely to meet you, Ms. Luchino. Your performance this evening was beautiful.”

      The woman preened slightly under the compliment and did release her grip on Campbell as he made quick introductions. Abby could practically see the question on the singer’s expressive face as the woman’s eyes narrowed. “You own McBane Communications?”

      When Abby confirmed she was both owner and CEO, the transformation was nearly instantaneous. A broad smile covered the diva’s face and she barely gave Campbell another glance.

      Whatever else she was, Carlotta Luchino was a businesswoman and she knew the success of the evening depended on the generosity of its patrons. The hand she’d left on Campbell’s arm fell as she smiled broadly and gestured to the room at large. “You are enjoying the evening, no?”


      The lie tripped off her tongue as Campbell’s freedom from the woman’s clutches gave him the opportunity to resume his perusal of the guests. Although she hadn’t paid any attention to her surroundings until Campbell had pointed out the man, it was all she could do to stay still and not go after him herself and find out what he wanted from her.

      And why he was watching her.

      When Campbell’s scan of the room turned up nothing—evidenced by a slight shake of his head—he reached for her hand. “Carlotta, while it was lovely to see you again, I’m afraid we’re going to need to get going.”

      Carlotta sighed, but Abby didn’t miss the narrow-eyed gaze the woman had already bestowed on an aging widower standing at the edge of a nearby conversation circle.

      “That was interesting.”

      “To say the least.” Campbell tugged on the collar of his shirt and it brought a quick smile to Abby’s face. While she knew it wasn’t all that broad-minded of her, she couldn’t quite shake the small stab of glee that he’d spent those last few minutes with Carlotta as uncomfortable as she.

      And then he went still, his discomfort vanishing as if it had never been.

      “What is it?”

      “Your friend is back.”

      Abby fought the urge to turn around and instead, reached for Campbell’s arm and forced an adoring tone into her voice. “Walk me toward the door? I’m in need of some fresh air.”

      He clasped his hand over hers where it rested on his forearm and she followed his guidance as they walked through the throng of partygoers. Her heels were high, but she couldn’t quite see over the people milling around and she’d do far better to simply allow Campbell to lead her where they needed to go.

      “Do you see him?”

      “Yep. He’s near the far side of the theater and heading for the stairs.”

      She felt the impatience in his large body and pressed a hand to his lower back. “Go. Don’t let me hold you up.”

      “Stay here among all these people. You’ll be a lot safer here.”

      “What if this guy’s capable of real harm?”

      “An even better reason you should stay. In fact, why don’t you find security and suggest they head for the parking garages. I’m pretty sure that’s where he’s going.”

      The urge to argue was strong; the urge to follow him even stronger.

      And stay or follow, it was more than a little unnerving to find herself left behind as he took off through the crowd.

      She gave herself the briefest moment to watch him depart, his height ensuring she could see his head as he threaded his way through the crowd.

      How the heck did I end up with a bodyguard?

      The thought gonged long and loud in her mind as she moved in the opposite direction of Campbell and toward a couple of security guards she’d seen earlier.

      The bodyguard thought continued to press at her as she navigated the jovial crowd.

      She’d hired a computer expert, not a bodyguard. And now Campbell had placed himself in potential danger on her behalf.

      She picked up her pace, moving to the perimeter of the crowd to find the guards.

      “So here you are.”

      A flood of adrenaline rushed her system as Abby looked up into the face of the man who had been pointed out to her. With her only thought the safety she felt in Campbell’s presence, she took off down a nearby well of stairs and her last memories of Campbell’s retreating body.


      The heavy adrenaline rapidly morphed into sheer panic as Abby worked to keep her high heels steady on the stairs. She felt the man boring down behind her and let out a small scream when he reached out to touch her shoulder.

      She had to get away.

      Had to get to Campbell and safety.

      She saw the gray-tinged lights of the parking garage spread out before her, the glass entry doors that separated the performance building from the parking lot propped open at the base.

      The thought crossed her mind that Campbell may have changed course, but that fear vanished as she heard him scream her name.


      Scrabbling footsteps echoed behind her as the man pursuing her realized she had backup. He whirled on his heel, the heavy sensation of his body bearing down on hers vanishing immediately.

      From her periphery, she saw Campbell change gears, moving from his path to intercept the man who’d followed her.

      And then she could only stare as it all happened in a blur of motion.

      Campbell’s long strides had him easily reaching the man, who he collared and slammed into the nearest car, all in one coordinated move. He kept the man pinned to the car and a silent thrill rode her as she observed Campbell’s predatory grace.

      “What do you want with her?” The mild-mannered man who’d accompanied her to the opera had vanished, and in its place was a man who obviously