Justine Davis

Operation Unleashed

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gesturing at Luke.

      The dog was on his feet instantly. He walked a few steps forward, then stopped to look back at the boy. Luke looked at his mother.

      “It’s all right,” she said, although Hayley thought she heard a bit of doubt yet.

      “We’ll sit at the table by the window,” she said. “You’ll be able to see them.”

      Alyssa let out a breath and nodded. “Thank you.”

      With a whoop, Luke took off after the dog and they heard the clatter as the pair went down the stairs.

      And now, Hayley thought as they went to the table she’d mentioned, to open that package of familial dynamite, as Quinn had put it.

      * * *

      “The first thing you need to know, if you don’t already,” Quinn said, “is that Baird Oliver is out.”

      Alyssa’s breath caught audibly. Her gaze shot to Drew. He wasn’t sure what to say or how to say it. And in that moment of indecision, she got there.

      “You knew!”


      “You knew he was out?”

      He sighed. “I’ve been tracking it, yes. I knew it was nearly time, so I started making calls. And found he’d already been let out, three months early.” His mouth twisted. “Nice, for a guy with a record pages long, everything from petty theft to assault with a deadly weapon.”

      “And you didn’t tell me?”

      “I only found out for sure a little while ago. Just before this whole thing with Luke, and I didn’t want to upset you even more.”

      “So you decided to keep me in the dark? When the career criminal who got Luke’s father killed is out?”

      “I was going to tell you, just not then.”

      “And the week since?”

      Drew flicked a glance at the couple opposite them. It was awkward, but he didn’t see any way out of it. There was only one reason he hadn’t told her Doug’s partner in crime had been released and was now a free man.

      “It’s been so...nice, I didn’t want to ruin it.”

      Her eyes widened slightly. And to his surprise, she smiled. A warm, acknowledging smile.

      It had been nice. They had both been so relieved that Luke was all right, so focused on the boy and his welfare, that things had been quite pleasant. Something he should remember, Drew told himself. All it really took to keep her happy was that Luke was happy. He had the feeling she’d be content living in a tiny apartment somewhere, on a tight budget, doing without, as long as her son was happy.

      And the biggest thing she could probably do without was him.

      But that smile...

      “We’re trying to track him down,” Quinn said briskly, as if he was used to emotional moments like this occurring in his workplace. As, given the work Foxworth did, perhaps they did. “But since he served his entire sentence and isn’t on parole, that’s going to take a little time.”

      “Because he doesn’t have to check in with anyone?” Alyssa asked.

      Quinn nodded. “He’s free and clear.”

      “Except for that matter of a felony record,” Drew said.

      “Yes. But all I meant was that no one has any leverage.”

      “I’m hoping,” Drew said, “that since it’s been three months, he either can’t find us or isn’t looking.”

      Quinn’s gaze sharpened. Then he gave Drew a short nod of approval. “Glad to see I don’t need to explain that.”

      “Wait,” Alyssa said. “You think he’ll come looking for us? Baird? Why?”

      “I just think it’s better to be cautious,” Drew said.

      “Always wise when dealing with a man with his kind of rap sheet,” Quinn said.

      Alyssa watched Drew for a moment. “That’s why you had that alarm system put in this summer, isn’t it?”

      “Partly,” he admitted.

      She’d teased him then, about being paranoid. An alarm system seemed completely unnecessary on their quiet little street in their quiet little neighborhood in a quiet little town. But he’d simply said he wanted them safe when he was working long hours on a job, and he was having one installed at the office anyway for insurance reasons. Which was at least partially true. He didn’t see any point in reminding her that Doug’s co-felon would be released soon. And she’d looked over at Luke, busily drawing a picture of their hike the day before, and thanked him.

      She’d even reached out to him that night. It had been a long time, and he was hungry enough to take what she offered, even knowing it was out of gratitude rather than love. It didn’t happen often, but considering they’d started out with her insisting she would never, ever sleep with him he supposed it was something. He’d found it amazing how you could almost get used to not having sex if you went long enough. Like you went numb or something. Except for those times when the need became overwhelming and he’d resorted to the oldest method in the world, with stupid fantasies about his wife running through his head.

      He saw her cheeks turn pink, knew she was remembering that night as well. It had been good, even she couldn’t deny that. But she’d been so glum afterwards, as if she felt guilty, he knew it would be a long time before he got that offer again. And he’d spent a long time after that cursing his dead brother for having such a hold on her. He just didn’t understand it. She was a bright, clever woman, why couldn’t she see who Doug really was?

      Alyssa turned away, looking out the window where Luke and Cutter were playing under the watchful eye of the guardian Quinn had promised. Liam Burnett looked young from here, but Quinn had assured them he was more than competent.

      “He’s been trained by the best,” Hayley had added with a loving glance at her fiancé. “And young enough he’ll probably end up playing right there with them before long.”

      Drew wondered what it would be like, to have your woman look at you like that. He knew Alyssa respected him, was grateful to him, and—God help him—appreciated him. But love him, the way Hayley clearly loved Quinn? No. And he had no right to expect it. Ever.

      “We’ll find Oliver, wherever he went,” Quinn promised now. “And no matter how long it takes. We’re dealing with a different sort of situation now.”

      “More what you usually do?” Alyssa asked.

      “Yes,” Quinn agreed, “but we won’t stop on the other. We’ll just add finding Oliver to it. And if necessary, once we do we’ll keep an eye on him from then on.”

      Alyssa turned back. “That could get expensive,” she said with a frown.

      Drew hadn’t even asked. Her safety and Luke’s was something he didn’t put a price tag on.

      “Foxworth doesn’t charge,” Quinn said.

      Drew blinked. “What?”

      “Once we decide to take on a case, we fund it.”

      Suspicion bit, deep and hard. “And just how do you manage that?”

      “We’re funded by a trust, set up with my parents’ life insurance.”

      “They’re both gone?” Alyssa asked softly.

      Quinn nodded. “Years ago.”

      “I’m sorry.”

      There was no doubting the genuineness of her tone. Alyssa had that down to her bones, that capacity of empathy. Perhaps because of what she herself had been through, she had a knack for making people realize she truly did know