Кэрол Мортимер

Point Of No Return

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look so pleased with yourself,’ she snapped as he handed her into the low dark green sports car. ‘I’m not here through choice,’ she added moodily, resisting the impulse to turn and look at The Towers, telling herself she didn’t really want to catch a glimpse of Jerome Towers.

      Roddy turned to grin at her. ‘But you are here.’

      ‘Yes!’ Megan snapped.

      He accelerated the car out on to the narrow, winding road. ‘Where shall we go?’

      ‘Here is far enough, I think,’ she told him rigidly. ‘I only agreed to meet you so that I can tell you I won’t be forced into meeting you again.’

      ‘Forced, Megan?’ He raised one blond eyebrow.

      ‘Yes, forced! You knew I wouldn’t want your brother to hear about the trouble I had at the hospital, that I wouldn’t want anyone to know,’ she added hastily as she saw the speculative look in his eyes.

      ‘But you specifically mentioned Rome,’ he said thoughtfully. ‘Why him especially?’

      ‘I only mentioned him because he happened to be the witness to your blackmail,’ she said awkwardly. ‘I like your brother even less than I like you—and we both know my feelings towards you.’

      They were still driving, the high hedges making it impossible for them to see anything but the road in front of them. It gave them an intimacy Megan found irksome.

      ‘You looked like another of the fatalities to Rome’s charm to me,’ Roddy scorned. ‘You hated him seeing you in my arms.’

      ‘I hated being in your arms,’ she corrected forcefully. ‘Your brother’s presence there was irrelevant.’

      ‘You’re a liar, Megan Finch,’ Roddy told her harshly. ‘I don’t know what it is about Rome, but the women go down like ninepins whenever he’s around.’

      ‘My mother tells me he has a girl-friend in London.’ In which case he had no right to have asked her out—even if he had changed his mind.

      ‘She must mean Stella,’ Roddy said knowingly. ‘She’s been Rome’s woman for over a year now.’

      ‘His woman!’ Megan spluttered. ‘My God, what a charming description,’ she said disgustedly.

      ‘But a true one. Stella wouldn’t mind, she likes being his woman. She would probably like to be his wife too, but Rome doesn’t go in for permanent relationships.’

      ‘A year sounds pretty permanent to me.’

      ‘And me,’ Roddy grinned. ‘But one day Stella will wake up and find Rome has just eliminated her from his life. She’ll keep calling him, crying all over the place, pleading for him to come back to her, and he’ll just ignore her as if he never knew her. I’ve seen it all before, many times. I’ve even got myself a couple of girl-friends that way.’

      ‘He sounds a right swine,’ and she was well out of the situation! thought Megan.

      ‘I’m his one weak spot,’ Roddy told her with satisfaction. ‘Rome can see no wrong in his little brother.’

      ‘Meaning?’ her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

      ‘Meaning that even if you told him the truth about what had happened at the hospital he wouldn’t believe you. Rome’s opinion of women isn’t too hot.’

      ‘You mean he’s never caught you in a compromising situation, never caught you trying to force some other poor girl into bed with you?’ Megan scorned him, angry with both men. ‘Not even Patsy?’ she asked softly.

      Hot colour stained his cheeks. ‘What do you know about her?’

      ‘I know that she’s newly married, that she’s frightened to work at the house while you’re there. What did you do to the poor girl?’

      ‘Nothing,’ he said moodily. ‘And I don’t see that it’s any of your business anyway.’

      Megan shook her head. ‘Why don’t you choose a woman who’s attracted to you in return?’

      ‘Who says she isn’t?’ he asked sneeringly.

      ‘I do. Patsy’s only been married six months, I doubt she’s interested in extra-marital affairs just yet.’

      Roddy gave an unpleasant smile. ‘Every woman is interested in an affair, married or not.’

      ‘The trouble with you, Roddy,’ Megan taunted, ‘is that you think every girl is playing hard to get. Well, I wasn’t, and I’m still not interested. Now I won’t tell your brother anything about you, Roddy, if you don’t tell him anything about me. I think it’s a case of mutual silence.’

      ‘Maybe,’ he agreed consideringly. ‘Does that mean you aren’t going to go out with me?’

      ‘It means,’ she controlled her anger with difficulty, ‘that I want you to stay away from me. You’ve already ruined my career, I don’t want you to do any more damage to my life. No one knows, not my family or anyone, that you’re the man involved in my dismissal. I’d like it to stay that way. Will it?’

      ‘I suppose so,’ he gave a grudging nod.

      Megan heaved an inward sigh of relief; one of her problems was solved at least. ‘Right, well you can take me back now.’

      Roddy gave her a sulky look. ‘You could at least go out with me now you’re here.’

      ‘I’ve said what I want to say—No, perhaps I haven’t said it all. If you dare to tell anyone about those incidents at the hospital I’ll make sure your brother knows the truth—about myself and Patsy. We can’t both be lying.’

      ‘God, you’re a hard little bitch!’

      ‘You get that way when your reputation is in shreds, when even your own family isn’t quite sure you’re telling the truth,’ she recalled bitterly. It had taken some time to convince Brian, although her mother had instantly believed her.

      ‘For God’s sake,’ Roddy snapped, ‘I’ve said I’m sorry!’

      ‘No, you haven’t,’ she contradicted. ‘But even if you had it wouldn’t make things any different, only telling the hospital authorities could do that.’

      ‘Which I’m certainly not going to do,’ Roddy scorned. ‘Rome would be sure to find out, and he would stop my allowance—among other things,’ he grimaced.

      ‘At your age you should be out at work earning your own money, not sponging on your brother.’

      ‘God, what a nag you are!’

      ‘Aren’t you glad I refused to go out with you?’ she taunted. ‘You can take me back to The Towers. I have to see Mrs Reece. The housekeeper,’ she added.

      ‘I know who she is,’ he said moodily.

      The drive back was completed in silence. After droppping Megan off outside the house Roddy accelerated the car back out of the driveway at such speed that some of the small stones flew high into the air.

      Megan found Mrs Reece in the kitchen taking her afternoon tea. And if this afternoon had been as hectic as this morning had been then the poor woman was much in need of it. Megan had promised the housekeeper she would pop in to see whether or not Patsy would be in tomorrow. She had offered to come in all day herself if the other girl was to be absent again.

      ‘She isn’t coming back at all,’ Mrs Reece told her with a sigh. ‘Apparently her Donald has decided he doesn’t want her to work any more.’

      Roddy had done a good job of frightening the other girl away. Donald Jones was a possessive boy, and the slightest sign of interest in Patsy from another man would be enough for him to stop her coming here any more.

      ‘Well, I could come in for a few days full-time,’ Megan offered.