Vicki Lewis Thompson

Do You Take This Cowboy?

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she’d spent her life surrounded by dark-haired, dark-eyed people. She had a weakness for men who looked like Austin.

      As they shook hands he smiled. “Really glad to meet you,” he murmured.

      “Same here.” Lord help her, she sounded breathless. He probably got that a lot.

      “Be done in a jiffy.” He released her hand, scooted back under the sink and bumped his head on the pipe. “Ow.”

      “Are you okay?” She leaned down to peer into the cabinet.

      “Yes, ma’am. Didn’t watch where I was going is all.”

      “He’ll be fine,” Cade said. “Junior’s practically indestructible.”

      “The name’s Austin.” His voice echoed a bit coming from under the sink.

      “Why do you call him Junior?” Drew walked over to the table and Cade got up to pull out her chair.

      He winked at her. “Because it’s his name.”

      Lexi leaned over and gave him a light punch on the arm. “He’s all grown up now. Retire the Junior thing.”

      “Yes, please,” came the voice from under the sink.

      “So I take it he was Junior when you all lived at the ranch?” Drew took a sip of her beer.

      “And still is, as far as I’m concerned.” Cade grinned as he went back to his seat. “I don’t care how big he gets, he’ll always be Junior to me.”

      “No respect.” Austin slid out from under the sink and rose to his glorious height, which had to be at least six-three. “I go and sell my truck so I can buy a plane ticket to attend your wedding and this is my reward—still stuck with the same old crummy nickname.” His dramatic sigh made his chest heave in a most arresting way.

      “I call you Austin,” Lexi said.

      “Yes, you do, Lexi, and I appreciate the support.”

      Cade tipped his chair onto its back legs and picked up his beer. “The way I heard it, you didn’t sell your truck to buy a plane ticket. You sold it because you wanted to buy a new one over here instead of shipping your old rattletrap across the Pacific.”

      “Technically, yes, but some of the proceeds went toward the ticket, so my statement stands.”

      “So you’re staying?” Drew hadn’t been clear on that but it was the best news she’d heard all day.

      “Yes, ma’am. New Zealand was great, but I missed Wyoming.”

      “And me,” Cade said. “I know you really missed me.”

      Austin laughed, flashing beautiful white teeth. “Can’t live without you, bro.”

      “And FYI, your beer’s getting warm the longer you stand there working your jaw.”

      “Let me wash up.” He turned back to the sink.

      Much as Drew would have loved to admire the ripple of his back muscles as he scrubbed his hands clean, ogling would be inappropriate. She redirected her attention toward Cade and Lexi. Why was she here, again? Oh, yes. “I think we got some great stuff today. I’ll edit it as soon as I get home and email you a link to a preview.”

      “Good.” Lexi reached for the chips. “I’m really excited to see it.”

      “So am I.” Cade returned his chair to its original position so he could also reach the chip bowl. “By the way, I was impressed that you walked up the steps backward while you filmed that last part. I’m not sure I could have done that.”

      “I know I couldn’t,” Lexi said.

      “My years of playing hockey probably helps. You have to have eyes in the back of your head to play that game.”

      “You played hockey?” Austin joined them at the table.

      “Yes, and I was really, really lucky that I got to. Some parents organized a Montana youth league and my brother and I were both in it. I don’t think that league exists anymore. For three years I lived and breathed hockey. Every night before I went to sleep I recited that famous Wayne Gretzky quote.”

      Austin picked up his beer and reached for a chip. “I don’t think I know that one.”

      “I do, more or less,” Cade said. “Instead of following the puck, you need to anticipate where it will be and go there.”

      “Aha!” Lexi looked as if inspiration had hit. “That’s why you’re such an excellent videographer. You’re always a little ahead of the action. I couldn’t put my finger on why your videos are so much better than others I’ve seen and I’ll bet that’s the secret.”

      Drew’s cheeks warmed. “Thank you. I never thought of it that way but if I manage to pull it off I’m glad.”

      “Montana, huh?” Austin’s gaze had remained on her ever since he’d come to the table. “Where in Montana?”

      “Billings. My parents own an Italian restaurant there.”

      “I love Italian food. Do you like to cook?”

      “God, no.” She shuddered. “I’m probably the least domestic woman you’ll ever meet.”

      “But you’re great with a camera,” Lexi said. “Plenty of people make videos but you make memories.”

      “What a lovely thing to say.” Drew savored the compliment. “Any chance you’d be willing to put that in a review on my website?”

      “Absolutely! I wish I’d thought of it before.”

      “No worries. You’ve been busy planning a wedding.”

      “Reviews make a difference,” Austin said. “The company I worked for always asked for them at the end of a ride.”

      “Horseback ride?” Drew made a guess based on where he’d grown up.

      “Yes, ma’am.”

      “What made you go so far away from home?” She’d done a little bit of traveling related to her videography but she’d never considered relocating to a different country. His willingness to seek out adventure added to his appeal.

      “Lord of the Rings. When I saw those movies I stayed for the credits. That’s when I made up my mind I had to go to New Zealand.” He popped another chip in his mouth.

      “How old were you?”

      “I must’ve been around thirteen.”

      Cade nodded. “Oh, yeah, you were thirteen, all right. I remember it well. You drove us all crazy with your fixation on those movies and New Zealand.” He looked at Drew. “Watch out for Junior. Once he gets an idea in his head, he’s like one of those bullet trains in Japan.”

      “That’s not such a bad thing.” Drew sent Austin a glance of solidarity. “Nothing wrong with being highly motivated to attain a goal.”

      He tipped his head in silent acknowledgment.

      “True,” Cade said. “But if you’ve booked a seat on that train you’d better be sure you want to go where it’s headed.” He looked over at Austin. “I’m flattered that you came back for the wedding, but surely you have other reasons for relocating to your old stomping grounds. At least I hope you do. I can only be entertaining for so long before I run out of material.”

      Austin rotated his bottle on the table and smiled at Cade. “The new truck’s a clue, bro.”

      Cade gazed at him and then he blinked. “I’ll be damned. I should have figured that out.”

      Lexi turned to Drew. “I have no idea what they’re talking about, do you?”

      “No.” But she was intrigued. Austin was clearly a man who knew what