Karen Whiddon

Wyoming Undercover

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seen of Ezekiel’s house, the outside gardens and what Deirdre had been wearing. Whenever Rachel circled around to the wedding, Sophia changed the subject. Finally, Rachel appeared to get the hint and began chattering away about things her students had done that day at school.

      Listening to her friend, Sophia reflected on Deirdre’s words. Unless she did something dishonorable and completely contrary to the laws of COE, Sophia would never have children of her own. Never have the experience of carrying a child inside her body for nine months or holding her son or daughter close to her breast for the first time.

      Part of her—the rebellious, secretive part she’d long kept deeply buried—wanted to go find a man, someone like the mysterious stranger Thomas had brought from outside, and have wild sex with him. Enough times as it took to make a baby.

      The other part of her—the rule-abiding, good Child of Eternity—was appalled. Ezekiel had been Anointed and he’d chosen his Children. He only did what was best for each and every one of them. If he wanted Sophia to be his wife and remain childless, who was she to question?

      She went to sleep that night with her heart heavy and her throat aching from unshed tears.

      The next morning, though the sun had not yet risen, the overcast sky and warmish temperatures promised thunderstorms. After her shower and breakfast, she walked to work like she always did, arriving early. She liked to get to the clinic first and turn on the lights, get a pot of coffee going and have everything in order and ready so the doctor could start the day off right. Ana always wandered in right before her assigned start time, acting surprised and grateful at all the work Sophia had already done.

      And Sophia found the familiar routine calming. She’d begun to discover that if she kept busy, she could forget about the wedding looming in one month.

      As she approached the medical clinic, a figure detached itself from the wall. She jumped back, startled, glad the sky had lightened enough so the man, whoever he might be, wasn’t hidden in complete shadows.

      Assuming he was either sick or injured, she hurried over. Then she realized he was the handsome man from outside. Jack. Despite herself, her heart skipped a beat.

      “Good morning,” he said, smiling at her. “I’m here to report for work.”

      “What?” All she could do was stare at him.

      “Yes. I’ve been reassigned to the clinic. I’m to be an aide or intern or something. Thomas said you need someone to do the heavy lifting.”

      Her flush heated her entire body. “I apologize for my surprise. No one told me,” she said quietly. Digging her keys from her pocket, she unlocked the back door. “Follow me inside. There’s a lot to do before this place is ready to open in the morning.”

      Though he did exactly as she’d asked, staying close behind her, his silence and size made her very conscious of his presence. And she was unsettled. She and Ana had gotten along fine for years. As far as Sophia knew, Dr. Drew had never complained.

      Of course, being second in command under Ezekiel, Thomas’s orders were law. What he wanted, he got. If he said Jack was to work in the medical clinic, then they’d make room for him no matter what they had to do.

      It seemed, once again, she wouldn’t be given a choice. Again, she had to struggle with resentment, which wasn’t at all like her.

      Putting her mood down to stress about her upcoming life change, she summoned up a smile as she showed Jack around the clinic.

      “Funny, I was a patient here first and now I’ll be working here,” he mused. “This place was the first part of the compound I ever saw.”

      “It’s a good place to start.” While her reply might not be as certain as usual, it would have to suffice. “Dr. Drew is the physician on call.”

      He nodded, giving her a curious glance. “Is the other woman who works with you very strong?”

      Strange question, but okay. “She and I are about the same, though she’s a bit taller. Why?”

      “I was told that I’m needed to help lift patients and heavy supplies. I guess I assumed she was doing that previously since you’re so tiny.”

      His comment made her smile. “I might be small, but I’m pretty strong. And anyway, together Ana and I manage. We always have.”

      “How long have you worked here?”

      She actually had to think. “Since I was eighteen. So that would make it six years now.”

      His gaze darkened. “That would make you twenty-four.”

      “Great math skills,” she shot back. “How old are you?”

      “Older than that.” And then he laughed, the masculine sound making her mouth curl up in response.

      Something about this man... Just being around him for a few minutes made her feel energized. Exhilarated. She took another look at him, with his dark hair and startling blue eyes, trying to decide what it was about him that drew her. Handsome, true. But there were many good-looking men here at COE and none of them had made her wonder how it would feel if he put his mouth on hers.

      Heat suffused her. That thought had come out of nowhere. Luckily, she was saved from making a fool of herself by Ana arriving.

      “Hi, Sophia.” Ana’s gaze slid past her to Jack. “Hi, uh...?”

      “Jack,” he said, stepping forward and holding out his hand. “Jack Moreno.”

      Gingerly, Ana shook it. “You look familiar. Weren’t you a patient?”

      “No,” Sophia answered for him. “Jack’s been assigned to work with us here.”

      Ana choked. “What? Why? Who assigned him? Dr. Drew?”

      “Thomas,” Jack said smoothly. “You seem surprised. Why?”

      “I, uh...” Ana looked at Sophia for help.

      “We’re just not that hectic here,” Sophia said. “But I’m sure we can find enough work to keep you busy.” She pretended to think, snapping her fingers as if the idea had just come to her. “As a matter of fact, we’ve been talking about reorganizing the storeroom. How about I show you where that is and you can get started on that?”

      Though she tried for a calm, unruffled exterior, inside Sophia was a quivering mess of nerves. Around him, she felt a mishmash of unfamiliar sensations. She felt overly sensitive to his every movement, so much so that she could swear she heard every breath he took. Her pulse jumped, making her wonder if even her heart beat in time with his. Foolish, she knew. But something about this man lured her, as powerful as the spring sunshine guided a field flower to open toward it.

      She’d need to be careful around him. Just his presence could turn out to be dangerous to her peace of mind.

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