Оливия Гейтс

The Proposal / To Tempt a Sheikh

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all so nice,” she said

      “I think they are nice, too. Did you get whatever you needed?” He wondered if she would join him for lunch if he were to ask.

      “Yes, my refrigerator and stove will be delivered by the end of the week. I’m so excited.”

      He couldn’t help but laugh. She was genuinely excited. If she got that excited over appliances he could imagine how she would react over jewelry. “Will you be in town for a while, Bella?”

      “Yes. I have a meeting with Marvin later this evening.”

      He raised a brow. “Is everything all right?”

      She nodded, smiling. “Yes. I’m just having a weekly meeting like you suggested.”

      He was glad she had taken his advice. “How about joining me for lunch? There’s a place not far from here that serves several nice dishes.”

      She smiled up at him. “I’d love that.”

      Jason knew he would love it just as much. He had been thinking about her a lot, especially at night when he’d found it hard to sleep. She was getting to him. No, she had gotten to him. He didn’t know of any other woman that he’d been this attracted to. There was something about her. Something that was drawing him to her on a personal level that he could not control. But then a part of him didn’t want to control it. Nor did he want to fight it. He wanted to see how far it would go and where it would stop

      “Do you want me to follow you there, Jason?”

      No, he wanted her in the same vehicle with him. “We can ride in my truck. Your car will be fine parked here until we return.” “Okay.”

      As he escorted her toward the exit, she glanced up at him. “What about your hot water heater?”

      “I haven’t picked it out yet but that’s fine since I know the brand I want.”

      “All right.”

      Together they walked out of the store toward his truck. It was a beautiful day in May but when he felt her shiver beside him, he figured a beautiful day in Savannah would be a day in the eighties. Here in Denver if they got sixty-something degree weather in June they would be ecstatic.

      He took his jacket off and placed it around her shoulders. She glanced up at him. “You didn’t have to do that.”

      He smiled. “Yes, I did. I don’t want you to get cold on me.” She was wearing a pair of black slacks and a light blue cardigan sweater. As always she looked ultrafeminine.

      And now she was wearing his jacket. They continued walking and when they reached his truck she glanced up and her gaze connected with his and he could feel electricity sparking to life between them. She looked away quickly, as if she’d been embarrassed that their attraction to each other was so obvious.

      “Do you want your jacket back now?” she asked softly.

      “No, keep it on. I like seeing you in it.”

      She blushed again and at that moment he got the most ridiculous notion that perhaps this sort of intense attraction between two people was sort of new to Bella. He wouldn’t be surprised to discover that she had several innocent bones in her body; enough to shove him in another direction rather quickly. But for some reason he was staying put.

      She nibbled on her bottom lip. “Why do you like seeing me in it?”

      “Because I do. And because it’s mine and you’re in it.”

      He wasn’t sure if what he’d said made much sense or if she was confused even more. But what he was sure about was that he was determined to find out just how much Bella Bostwick knew about men. And what she didn’t know he was going to make it his business to teach her.

      Bella was convinced there was nothing more compelling than the feel of wearing the jacket belonging to a man whose very existence represented true masculinity. It permeated her with his warmth, his scent and his aura in every way. She was filled with an urge to get more, to know more and to feel more of Jason Westmoreland. And as she stared at him through the car’s window as he pulled out his cell phone to make arrangements for their lunch, she couldn’t help but feel the hot rush of blood in her veins while heat churned deep down inside of her.

      And there lay the crux of her problem. As beguiling as the feelings taking over her senses, making ingrained curiosity get the best of her, she knew better than to step beyond the range of her experience. That range didn’t extend beyond what the nuns at the private Catholic schools she’d attended most of her life had warned her about. It was a range good girls just didn’t go beyond.

      Jason was the type of man women dreamed about. He was what fantasies were made of. She watched him ease his phone back into the pocket of his jeans, walk around the front of his truck to get in. He was the type of man a woman would love to snuggle up with on a cold Colorado winter night … especially the kind her parents and uncle had said she would have to endure. Just the thought of being with him in front of a roaring fire that blazed in a fireplace would be an unadulterated fantasy come true for any woman… . And her greatest fear.

      “You’re comfortable?” he asked, placing a wide-brimmed Stetson on his head.

      She glanced over at him and she held his gaze for a moment and then nodded. “Yes, I’m fine. Thanks.”

      “You’re welcome.”

      He backed up the truck and then they headed out of the parking lot in silence but she was fully aware of his hands that gripped the steering wheel. They were large and strong hands and she could imagine those same hands gripping her. That thought made heat seep into every cell and pore of her body, percolating her bones and making her surrender to something she’d never had before.

      Her virginal state had never bothered her before and it didn’t really bother her now except the unknown was making the naughtiness in her come out. It was making her anticipate things she was better off not getting.

      “You’ve gotten quiet on me, Bella,” Jason said.

      She glanced over at him and again met his gaze thinking, yes she had. But she figured he didn’t want to hear her thoughts out loud and certain things she needed to keep to herself.

      “Sorry,” she said. “I was thinking about Friday,” she decided to say.


      “Yes. Pamela invited me to dinner.”

      “She did?”

      Bella heard the surprise in his voice. “Yes. She said it would be the perfect opportunity to meet everyone. It seems all of my neighbors are Westmorelands. You’re just the one living the closest to me.”

      “And what makes you so preoccupied about Friday?”

      “Meeting so many of your family members.”

      He chuckled. “You’ll survive.”

      “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Then she said, “Tell me about them.” He had already told her some but she wanted to hear more. And the ladies who came to visit had also shared some of their family history with her. But she wanted to hear his version just to hear the husky sound of his voice, to feel how it would stir across her skin and tantalize several parts of her body.

      “You already met the ones who think they run things, namely the women.”

      She laughed. “They don’t?”

      “We let them think that way because we’re slowly getting outnumbered. Although Gemma is in Australia she still has a lot to say and whenever we take a vote about anything, of course she sides with the women.”

      She grinned. “You all actually take votes on stuff?”

      “Yes, we believe in democracy. The last time we voted we had to decide where Christmas dinner would be held. Usually we hold everything at Dillon’s because he has the main