Megan Hart

Naughty Bits

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      The rough wood cuts across the backs of my thighs. I cry out, half startled, half from the pain. Tears spring to my eyes, my lungs tighten and my shoulders press up to my ears as prickling heat radiates up my body to the core of me.

      “Yes, indeed. Quite well. Don’t you agree, my sweet?”

      Heated arousal washes over me at the tone of your voice and I begin to relax. The muscles of my shoulders sag, and all the air flows out of me. “Indeed, Master.”

      The switch hits again, this time more gentle. The tip taps and taps my buttocks and thighs, slowly increasing in intensity and frequency. Warming my skin, readying my muscles for the more intense strokes I know will follow.

      I pull on my hands. I twist against the leather cuffs that restrain me and stomp my feet. The hits get harder and closer together and I cry out, “Fuck!”

      “Indeed. Take a deep breath and breathe, my love.” You pull in a sharp lungful of air and I know before the sound of the switch cuts through the air this will be a harsh one. I tense, readying for the heat and pain.


      The switch harshly caresses my ass.

      I inhale through clenched teeth, and slip…slip into that state I so crave. My muscles liquefy and peaceful calm washes over me. I stand absolutely still and quiet as a shy child, hanging in the blissful haze as the leather cuffs and rope hold me.


      The switch cuts again with the same harsh intensity. I moan at the heat and tingling in my ass as my pussy gushes and fevered arousal courses through me.


      I rock and sway to each knee-weakening hit.

      You stop. I hear your heavy breathing behind me. Your fingertip gently traces a welt on my ass. I lift my head just a fraction then drop it back down. Your footfalls on the dirt indicate you are coming around to the front of me. The warmth of your breath caresses my ear.

      “How are you doing, my love?”

      I lick my lips and swallow. “Quite well, Master.”

      “Exactly what I wanted to hear.” Your finger traces my lips and my tongue slides out and snakes about it. “Stand up straight.”

      “Yes, Master.”

      I shift, pulling my ass in and straightening my shoulders.

      The sting that hits my breasts is soothing, a sensation I know well and love. The little rubber flogger I purchased for you for our one-year anniversary. The pricking warmth of each hit sends pleasure waves straight down my stomach to my clit. The tiny hardened button throbs as you continue flogging each breast and my shoulders.

      I flinch as the lash changes focus to my thighs. Each hit stronger, the tips brush, sting, and arouse me.

      “Part your legs.”

      “Yes, Master.” I slide them apart and the flogger slices across my labia with a thud. I jump, suck in my breath, and quiver with pleasure as my muscles and my pussy clench.

      The flogger hits again and the pleasure shoots straight to my womb. I scream as bliss grabs me and I spill juices onto the tails.

      You reach in between my legs and the rubber handle pushes up into my weeping cunt. I groan. Deep. The sensation wracks my body as my pussy opens to you and your probing.

      You slide the flogger back out and then in again, the tails brushing my thighs with each fuck of the handle. Your thumb rides against my clit as you push the handle deep.

      The fire rushes through my body and I reach for the climax thundering in my veins. In and out the handle goes, sliding in my slick juices. My wetness is audible. I am soaking for you.

      Your thumb glides in the same relentless rhythm against my button. I tremble and my toes curl in my boots as my hips arch toward you. “Please, please, Master. May I? May I please?”

      “Come for me, my love.”

      With your words I shatter.

      My body convulsing, my pussy clenches the flogger handle in wave upon wave.

      You lean in and suckle my breast. Tingles shoot through the tissue and I come again, shaking for you as I feel your lips smile against my skin.

      You remove the flogger and slide the blindfold from my eyes.

      I blink and stare at you, my handsome master, filled with love and devotion.

      You smile. “You did very well.” Your eyes are thick black pools of arousal. You walk around behind me, trailing your fingers along my stomach and side. The gentle caress on my oversensitized skin tickles and I jump and shake, pulling away from you as I giggle.

      “Ticklish, eh?”

      “Yes, Master.” I close my eyes and try to relax the thundering in my veins.

      Your finger gently traces one of the switch marks on my ass. The caress is filled with love, wonder and pride. Strange how a simple touch I can’t even see expresses all of that. I know I will have the marks from this scene for days to warm my thoughts and make me smile thinking of you, of this moment, of our love.

      As you slide your finger about the wide base of the glass gift in my ass, I shake. The tips of your fingers forage beneath the ridge. The press of your flesh against my slick bottom renews the arousal in my veins. My breath quickens and I whimper.

      Slowly you slide the bulb-shaped plug out. My anal ring stretches over the wide part of the egg and sensation spirals hot and cold through my ass, cunt and gut. I hear a ting as the glass hits the ground.

      My muscles are liquid and you place your cock at my pucker. Your hips rock forward. A tiny single push in, and my body gives way to you, yielding over your large width without hesitation.

      I groan at the sensation of being filled with you, being joined in this primitive dance of us.

      You moan and pull your cock back out to the tip.

      Your fingers grasp my hips and you fuck me. You thrust hard; my body shakes and sways against you. My ass jiggles with each slap of your groin against my plush bottom. Each slip of you into me, you groan.

      Sensations like no other overload me as your thick cock stretches me. I shake and gasp for breath. You press deep and my pussy squirts gush after gush from my core. The slick fluid slides down my legs and they tremble. My god, I want your dick in my cunt…your cunt.

      You grab my hair and arch my head back. Your hips slow the rapturous pounding I so adore. Slipping from my ass, I feel you wipe your cock on something. You slide down my crack and directly spear my pussy. I suck in a pleasurable whimper. Aggressively you renew the onslaught of my cunt hole. “Oh yes. Yes, Master. Fuck me.”

      “Um-hum. Is this what my cunt wants?”

      “Oh! Oh yes, Master.”

      I gush and shake violently against you in pleasure. I love the way you fuck me, the way your thick prick glides effortlessly in and out of me, joining more than our bodies. Our souls intertwine and fly.

      Wanting to feel every inch of your glorious cock, I clench the muscles of my pussy about your invasion. You groan and your dick twitches within me. A telltale sign you will come soon. I grin, wanting that. To hear you cry out as you seek and find bliss.

      You pull out and I gasp at the loss of you. I feel the tug of the straps on the cuffs and my arms lower. You step in front of me.

      Your hand rises to my shoulder and your loving gaze caresses my face. I know what you want and I instantly drop to my knees. Your cock is glistening with my juices and steely hard. I want to taste you, your essence mixed with mine as I swallow you up.

      I spit into my palms and place them on