department, and then target the minister
responsible for this area of government.
Finally, international political campaigns (like those that want to change international laws) tend to change the world on a slightly more removed
level. Changing international law often does not directly change people’s lives immediately. But it does allow for other campaigns to utilize these changes and influence their national laws which will change lives. Don’t be discouraged: if you’re hoping to change an international law then
you’re enabling others to change their lives. You’re still doing amazing things.
If you’re going to implement international changes, then you’ll probably be lobbying an international organization, such as the UN, NATO or the EU. These bodies can be really complicated. However, they will all usually have ministers or individuals that lead departments dedicated to
certain changes. For example, I found out that I needed to lobby the European Commissioner for Finance to instigate the tampon-tax-ending change to EU law that secured my campaign’s UK victory. Similarly, if you find the department that relates most directly to your campaign then you can identify your decision maker(s) too.
ToP tIp: If you ever worry that you’re not
capable of making your change, think of my papa’s
favourite saying: ‘if you think you are too small
to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with
a mosquito.’ Speaking from experience of living
in mosquito-filled Portugal, it’s true!
Political changes don’t have to be large. They can be everyday actions. This could include conversations with your friends and family about taboo subjects that really shouldn’t be taboo (like periods!), hush-hush topics like mental health and self-harm, or even something entirely different – like countries introducing new laws in support of the LGBTQ+
community, including India, which decriminalized gay sex just last year! Talking about these topics is so important. It spreads awareness of them. It gets people thinking about the problem you’re interested in solving.
Even ‘liking’ pages on Facebook,
‘following’ a change-maker in
your field of interest on Twitter or
‘reposting’ an article about the
problem you’re tackling on Instagram makes a big difference. You’re spreading your message.
You’re supporting other tree surgeons/change-makers. Vocal campaigners empower other campaigners. Ripples become waves.
YoUr eVeRyDaY
aCtIoNs cAn mAkE
a HuGe ImPaCt.
2) ImpaCtfuL sOcIaL cHaNgEs
Some campaigns aren’t dedicated to changing a particular policy or law. They aren’t directed at altering anything tangible. Instead they want to change the ways that we think about something in particular. They are awesome too. For example, some campaigns promote messages of self-love and body positivity (see Chapter 4 for more information!). They want to change the way women in society are viewed and in doing so they hope to
eMPowEr amazInG wOmEn lIkE yOu!
If you’re hoping to instigate a similar change in mindset, then your decision maker will usually be the general public, or perhaps a particular group of people, such as girls. But you CAN make this tangible. Think specifically about what you want.
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