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Years ago, during an early gig as a consultant, I sat at a desk that had a For Dummies book on the shelf. The book was something office related, like SQL For Dummies. I took a sticky note and wrote the word “Ron” with a black marker, then placed the sticky note over the word “Dummies” on the spine of the book, so it read, “SQL For Ron.” It fit nicely.
Since starting my test-prep company, I’ve had students who would go on to do great things, and many have gone on to have amazingly successful careers. You, too, are in this group of future success stories. How do I know? Because you’re on your way to a good school for a college degree, which will open lots of doors, and you’re oh-so-close to getting started. You just need to get past this one hurdle called the SAT.
The SAT challenges your ability to conjure up everything you’ve covered in high school — some stuff you haven’t touched in years. Really all you need is a refresher, some strategies, and practice. This book has all that and more: It goes beyond rehashing what you’ve learned (and forgotten) by providing exam-specific strategies and tips for answering questions quickly and getting through the exam. There are examples, practice questions, and practice exams to help you build your skills, identify areas you need to work on, and build your confidence for test day.
I know deep in my heart that every person I work with can do well on this exam. Right off the bat, I aim for 100 percent with each student. You’re a little rusty here, haven’t seen that there, could use a few tips, but you’ll pick it up fast and do just fine. Succeeding on the SAT is like handling any other task: If you know what to do, and you practice, you’ll be fine. I get you started with some review and guidance, and you can take it from there.
About This Book
SAT For Dummies, 10th Edition with Online Practice, is a whirlwind tour of the SAT. This book takes you through each section of the exam, explaining what the test-makers are looking for and how you can deliver it. This book starts at the very beginning to cover all the basic math and verbal concepts, and because you have the capacity, it then challenges you with SAT-level questions. This book also shows you how to approach these questions, avoid making common mistakes, and master the intuitive tricks that help you knock it out of the park.
To earn a top score on the SAT, you have three goals:
1 Know what’s on the exam.That’s in this book, so read the whole thing. No matter how well you know a topic, you can discover strategies and avoid common traps, and the SAT has a way of asking a question that’s different from what you’re used to — or what you learned in the classroom. This book has dozens of tried-and-true strategies so you can cut through the muck and get the most points on the SAT.
2 Strengthen your weak subject areas.Turn to specific sections for targeted information. This