David Machin

Medical Statistics

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occur on the feet and can cause pain and discomfort when you walk. We will discuss the different types of data given in this paper.

      (Source: Farndon et al. 2013).

Corn plaster Scalpel
n % n %
Gender Male 42 (42%) 42 (42%)
Female 59 (58%) 59 (58%)
Total 101 (100%) 101 (100%)
Centre Central 58 (58%) 52 (52%)
Manor 13 (13%) 20 (20%)
Jordanthorpe 10 (10%) 14 (14%)
Limbrick 3 (3%) 6 (6%)
Firth Park 7 (7%) 4 (4%)
Huddersfield 5 (4%) 4 (4%)
Darnall 5 (5%) 1 (1%)
Total 101 (100%) 101 (100%)
Smoking History Non‐Smoker 34 (35%) 40 (40%)
Previous Smoker 22 (22%) 16 (16%)
Current Smoker 42 (43%) 43 (43%)
Missing 3 (3%) 2 (2%)
Total 101 (100%) 101 (100%)
Number of corns evaluated 1 48 (48%) 66 (65%)
2 28 (28%) 23 (23%)
3 24 (24%) 12 (12%)
Missing 1 (1%) 0 (0%)
Total 101 (100%) 101 (100%)
n Mean SD n Mean SD
Age 101 58.5 15.6 101 59.7 17.5
Size of index corn (mm) 99 3.9 1.7 101 3.8 1.8
VAS pain (0–10) 100 5.7 2.9 101 4.9 3.0