David Bowers

Understanding Clinical Papers

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33Figure 33.1 Assessing agreement with Cohen's or Fleiss' κ .Figure 33.2 Agreement about types of intercranial haemorrhage between three ...Figure 33.3 Injury Severity Scores (ISS) given by two observers to 16 trauma...Figure 33.4 Bland–Altman plots of Patient‐Reported Outcomes Measurement Info...

      34 Chapter 34Figure 34.1 The main components of a linear regression model.Figure 34.2 Scatter plot of birthweight against cord serum EPA acid concentr...Figure 34.3 Results of multiple linear regression from a prospective study t...Figure 34.4 A simple coding design for the nominal variable Ethnic group of ...

      35 Chapter 35Figure 35.1 Multivariable logistic regression model for the association betw...Figure 35.2 Multivariate logistic regression analysis of effects of method o...

      36 Chapter 36Figure 36.1 Incident rate ratios (IRRs) and their 95% confidence intervals, ...Figure 36.2 Risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals, for effect of adherenc...Figure 36.3 Distribution of days of sickness absence among pregnant women in...Figure 36.4 Results (simplified) from a zero‐inflated Poisson regression mod...Figure 36.5 Incidence rate ratios (IRRs), from a cross‐sectional study into ...Figure 36.6 Goodness‐of‐fit (as measured by log‐likelihood) of four regressi...

      37 Chapter 37Figure 37.1 Kaplan–Meier survival curves from a randomized trial of the effe...Figure 37.2 Kaplan–Meier analysis of post‐progression survival (PPS) in the ...Figure 37.3 Hazard ratios showing the association between several individual...

      38 Chapter 38Figure 38.1 Based on Facchin and Margola (2016).Figure 38.2 Sample of three themes and corresponding meaning units. From a s...Figure 38.3 Illness narratives among drug users living with HIV/AIDS.Figure 38.4 A theory of reconciling incompatibilities.

      39 Chapter 39Figure 39.1 Extract from a results section to illustrate the interplay of te...Figure 39.2 Extract from a results section to illustrate more complex interp...Figure 39.3 Abstract from a clinical trial to illustrate the setting out of ...Figure 39.4 Abstract from a case–control study to illustrate the setting out...Figure 39.5 How the clarity of a table depends on its layout and the legend....Figure 39.6 How the clarity of a table depends on its layout and the legend....Figure 39.7 A table that successfully uses brackets, dashes and the word ‘to...

      40 Chapter 40Figure 40.1 Trial profile, showing who was potentially eligible and what hap...Figure 40.2 Pie chart, showing categories of otology cases discussed at mult...Figure 40.3 Bar chart comparing disease prevalence before and after fly cont...Figure 40.4 Bar chart with error bars.Figure 40.5 Line graph with error bars, showing mean sleep durations for var...Figure 40.6 Stacked bar charts displaying a pattern over time.Figure 40.7 Chart using horizontal marks (with error bars) to indicate relat...Figure 40.8 Histograms shown in a hybrid figure (also showing a scatterplot)...Figure 40.9 A comparison of two box plots (or box‐and‐whisker charts) accomp...Figure 40.10 An infographic – carefully selected material from a clinical gu...

      41 Chapter 41Figure 41.1 A Discussion that starts with a résumé of the study findings bef...Figure 41.2 Critical appraisal of a study's results.Figure 41.3 A summary box which outlines a study's importance and main findi...


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


      1  iii

      2  iv

      3  vii

      4  viii

      5  ix

      6  x

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