a wonderful thing to see, but it ...FIGURE 7-5: Birds can enjoy outings just as much as the rest of us. Solomon, an...
7 Chapter 8FIGURE 8-1: A green-winged macaw soars over the Hollywood Hills in Southern Cal...FIGURE 8-2: A keel-billed toucan at Omar’s Exotic Birds in Lake Forest, Califor...FIGURE 8-3: Different feathers have different jobs: Some provide insulation, wh...FIGURE 8-4: Preening is both a grooming activity and a social behavior. FIGURE 8-5: A parrot’s opposable toes are invaluable when it comes to perching,...
8 Chapter 9FIGURE 9-1: Birds can receive high levels of veterinary medicine. Here, a pengu...FIGURE 9-2: This pigeon needs the same kind of preventive medical care as a mor...
9 Chapter 11FIGURE 11-1: This budgie suffers from obesity, which can severely affect the qu...
10 Chapter 12FIGURE 12-1: Feather-damaging behavior can leave birds partially or fully naked...FIGURE 12-2: Cockatoo species in general are a common group of pet parrots with...
11 Chapter 14FIGURE 14-1: Pictured are an Australorp (black) and a millefleur Belgian Bearde...FIGURE 14-2: A chicken wearing an apron — it’s not just about looking good. FIGURE 14-3: Ducks don’t need a large pond or lake, but they do need a source o...FIGURE 14-4: Guineafowl are endemic to Africa, but the helmeted variety, pictur...
12 Chapter 15FIGURE 15-1: Lovebirds can be happy with you as a companion; they don’t have to...FIGURE 15-2: The African grey parrot is a species especially gifted at picking ...
13 Chapter 16FIGURE 16-1: Gordy the Wonder Goose with Brian.
14 Chapter 17FIGURE 17-1: Cute as they are, unweaned babies such as this blue-fronted Amazon...
15 Chapter 18FIGURE 18-1: Alex is arguably the world’s best-known African grey, even years a...
16 Chapter 19FIGURE 19-1: Finches like this Lutino Gouldian are delightful and beautiful pet...FIGURE 19-2: Tufted budgies have a crest of feathers that stick up and forward....FIGURE 19-3: Chickens are no longer found only in farmyards; they’re surprising...FIGURE 19-4: Cockatiels come in a variety of color mutations and can be charmin...FIGURE 19-5: Quakers are named for the quivering motions of their babies. FIGURE 19-6: Affectionate and playful Senegal parrots are popular members of th...FIGURE 19-7: Parrotlets are the classic “big bird in a small package.” This is ...FIGURE 19-8: Pionus parrots tend to be easygoing and can be quieter than other ...FIGURE 19-9: A black-capped conure, one of the smallest members of this family ...FIGURE 19-10: A green-cheeked Amazon, also known as a Mexican red-headed parrot...
1 Cover
4 Table of Contents
6 Appendix: Resources
7 Index
8 About the Authors
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