Geoff Rayner-Canham

The Periodic Table

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       Past, Present, and Future

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       About the Author

      Geoff Rayner-Canham, FCIC, FRSC, has published widely on aspects of chemistry education, particularly inorganic chemistry. With Tina Overton, he is coauthor of Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, which is currently in its 6th edition and which has been translated into six other languages. Geoff’s main research focus has been on the history of women in science — particularly chemistry. This research has been undertaken jointly with his partner, Marelene Rayner-Canham. In addition to many research papers, they have coauthored six books, the latest being Pioneering British Women Chemists: Their Lives and Contributions.

      For 20 years, accompanied by some of his students, Geoff has taken chemistry outreach to remote and isolated schools in rural Newfoundland, Labrador, Nunavut, and coastal Quebec. He has also been coauthoring a series of articles with his Inuk student, Chaim Andersen, on Chemistry and Inuit Life & Culture.

      With his colleague, Debbie Wheeler, Geoff codeveloped, and has been coteaching, the first online distance chemistry courses offered by Memorial University. One of the courses received a Canadian award for innovation in distance course technology. Students from as far away as Wuhan, China, and Sydney, Australia, have taken these courses. For his outreach and for excellence in chemistry teaching, Geoff has received the Chemical Institute of Canada, Chemical Education Award; the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada PromoScience Award; and a 3M Teaching Fellowship.

      Geoff continues to teach and undertake research at the Grenfell Campus, Memorial University, Corner Brook, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada, where he currently holds the rank of Honorary Research Professor.


       About the Author


       Chapter 0The Periodic Table Exploration Begins!


       Chapter 1Isotopes and Nuclear Patterns

       Proton–Neutron Ratio

       The Cobalt–Nickel and Tellurium–Iodine Atomic Mass Anomalies

       Nuclear Shell Model of the Nucleus

       Limits of Stability



       Chapter 2Selected Trends in Atomic Properties


       Electron Gain and Loss

       Ionization Energy

       Electron Affinity

       Relativistic Effects on Atomic Properties



       Chapter 3First Period Problems

       Hydrogen Location: An Overview

       … And Then There Is Helium



       Chapter 4The Group 3 Problem

       A History of the Debate



       Chapter 5Categorizations of the Elements