Amy Blankenship

Dark Flames

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sofa against the wall.

      “He’s probably going to sleep for a while,” Zachary said from behind her.

      She traced her fingers through Jason’s soft blonde hair like one would do a child. To save people like him was why she’d started fighting demons in the first place. She only wished he could have stayed innocent instead of finding out the monsters under his bed were real. She had known they were real even as a child. In her opinion…. knowing sucked.

      Her lips curled into a grateful smile remembering the death of the demon who had tagged Jason for death. She had to admit Syn was going to come in handy… too bad he was also psycho.

      “Go get some sleep,” Zachary said softly. “We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us and we need everyone at their best.”

      Angelica nodded and slipped into her bedroom down the hall. Looking toward the huge bed then down at herself, she decided a shower was in order to get the demon stench off of her body.

      Moving silently into her personal bathroom, she turned on the hot water and stripped before turning to the mirror to check for wounds. Not finding any after all the fighting she’d done in the last couple hours was a little startling. Again the image of the man that had shadowed her all night taunted her… Syn.

      Every time one of the demons would have gotten a hit in… he’d been there to interfere. What disturbed her most was that the times she hadn't seen him… she’d caught herself looking for him.

      Turning, she stepped into the hot spray and tried to clear her mind of the man who had decided to become her shield against the demons. She’d learned a long time ago to only count on herself so she wouldn’t be disappointed. She wasn’t going to change that theory now.

      She scrubbed her body until the skin shown pink then started on her hair. Angelica couldn’t contain the groan as her nails gently scraped along her scalp and closed her eyes in bliss. Had she been paying attention, she would have seen the shadow of the dark figure standing just on the other side of the frosted shower doors.

      Syn stood perfectly still in the steamy bathroom watching Angelica do something so simple and gaining pleasure from it. It reminded him of the times he had washed her hair for her and she’d welcomed his touch.

      He placed one hand against the glass that separated them as he felt the need to touch her rise within him. To a sun god, the concept of time didn’t hold the same meaning as it did to humans; therefore, usually they were a patient race… but even the gods had their weaknesses. His was within reaching distance and very naked.

      Angelica felt sudden heat blaze to life between her thighs and closed her eyes, loving the familiar yet seldom sensation. Quickly soaping up her rag again, she ran it back over her breasts and felt them swell under her touch.

      Dropping the rag to the shower floor, she soaped up her hands with a good, thick lather and ran them over her breasts. Letting her fingers skim across her nipples one at a time for added sensation, her lips parted and her breath quickened.

      Syn watched one of her hands lower from her breast and slide between her thighs in an attempt to ease the heat he had created in her. His gaze slowly trailed up to where she was biting her lower lip to keep herself from crying out and inhaled sharply. Syn moved his hand against the glass caressingly and smiled wickedly when the hand between her legs mimicked his movements.

      Angelica leaned back against the glass of the shower when her fingers found her favorite pleasure spot and worked it in circular motions. This wasn’t the first time she’d done this by far and it had been a while, but it was probably the best she had ever felt.

      She thought again about one day finding someone to do this with and Syn’s image flashed through her mind’s eye. The vision of his dark eyes and long dark hair made the coil in her belly release and she opened her mouth in a silent scream as she came hard. It took all of her willpower to stay on her feet when she felt the liquid heat slide over her fingers and her body twitched pleasurably with the many aftershocks.

      After several minutes, Angelica turned the water off and Syn vanished the moment she opened the shower door. Grabbing the towel, she wrapped herself up in it then caught her reflection in the mirror. It wasn’t her body that drew her attention however… it was the handprint on the frosted shower door behind her.

      Spinning around, she frowned and raised her hand to place it over the print on the door. Her frown deepened seeing how much bigger it was compared to hers. This place was warded against evil… or so Storm had assured them. Wouldn’t that make her peeping tom on the side of the angels?

      Backing away from the shower, she decided to worry about it later. Even though she felt much better, only sleep would completely recharge her batteries.

      After drying and brushing her hair, she returned to the bedroom and pulled her black oversized nightshirt from the dresser, smiling at the name of her favorite rock band on the front. Going to that rock concert had been one of the only normal things she’d done as a teenager and she cherished the memory.

      She slipped it on and slowly walked toward the bed, grinning as she pulled back the covers and turned off the lamp. Feeling for her I-pod, she turned the volume on low, letting the song Evil Angel fill the silence. Snuggling deep into the soft mattress, she closed her eyes and let it lull her to sleep.

      Syn stepped from the shadows of the room and approached the bed as he listened to the song. She’d known he was there and trusted him enough to do nothing about it. This was another sign that her true soul was awakening.

      He had overheard her statement of ‘home sweet home’… echoing Damon’s thoughts almost exactly. Damon needed a home for his new mate Alicia, and Angelica would need the same when he finally reclaimed her. Kane and Tabatha… again, the same predicament… the women had to be protected and cherished above all others.

      ‘Damon,’ Syn called mentally as he turned away from the bed and approached the window. ‘It is time to find a new family home… ours is beginning to grow.’ Damon’s contemplation was felt through their mental bond before Syn felt him come to a decision.

      ‘I have the perfect place in mind,’ Damon answered as he spooned Alicia against him. ‘I’ll look into it tomorrow.’

      Syn’s body seemed to dissolve in the soft breeze coming in through the window, only to reappear on the roof. He walked along the battlement that circumvented the inner courtyard of the castle, stopping occasionally to look up at the sky or down at the ocean beyond the property.

      Feeling an old and familiar presence behind him, Syn turned his head to look over his shoulder.

      “Long time no see,” Storm said quietly. “I’m glad you have found your soul mate.” He’d known Syn would come for her, that’s why he’d had Zachary protecting her all this time.

      The corner of Syn’s lips curled upward slightly, “I see you have new recruits for your army… rather young aren’t they?”

      Storm shrugged, “No younger than your sons when you gave them eternity.”

      “What do you want time traveler?” His tone was a warning to his mood.

      “You were there. You saw what came out of the rift,” Storm stated.

      Syn gave him a stoic look, “I care not for your petty wars.”

      Storm knew the truth behind those words. He’d heard the truth from Syn’s own lips… though it hadn't happened yet in the sun god’s time line. Syn would one day tell him that the last time he had been at war with anyone… he’d destroyed his own planet. The only reason Syn had shared that secret with him was because they were both gods. But for now… it gave him a better understanding of Syn.

      “Angelica wants to protect the humans because she was raised as one… many times now, though she doesn’t remember the past lives. Your children are also very protective of the innocent… as I know you are.” Storm whispered calmly. The fact that Syn had not vanished meant he had agreed to listen.
