Table of Contents 1
I.1. Why this book?
I.2. The scope of this book
I.3. The challenge of this book
I.4. How to read this book
PART 1: The Sharing Economy or the Emergence of a New Business Model
1 The Sharing Economy: A Concept Under Construction
1.1. Introduction
1.2. From simple sharing to the sharing economy
1.3. The foundations of the sharing economy
1.4. Conclusion
2 An Opportunity for the Business World
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Prosumption: a new sharing economy trend for the consumer
2.3. Poverty: a target in the spotlight of the shared economy
2.4. Controversies on economic opportunities of the sharing economy
2.5. Conclusion
3 Risks and Issues of the Sharing Economy
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Uberization: a white grain or just a summer breeze?
3.3. The sharing economy: a disruptive model
3.4. Major issues of the sharing economy
3.5. Conclusion
4 Digital Platforms and the Sharing Mechanism
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Digital platforms: “What growth!”
4.3. Digital platforms or technology at the service of the economy
4.4. From the sharing economy to the sharing platform economy
4.5. Conclusion
PART 2: Big Data Analytics at the Service of the Sharing Economy
5 Beyond the Word “Big”: The Changes
5.1. Introduction
5.2. The 3 Vs and much more: volume, variety, velocity
5.3. The growth of computing and storage capacities
5.4. Business context change in the era of Big Data
5.5. Conclusion
6 The Art of Analytics
6.1. Introduction
6.2. From simple analysis to Big Data analytics
6.3. The process of Big Data analytics: from the data source to its analysis
6.4. Conclusion
7 Data and Platforms in the Sharing Context
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Pioneers in Big Data
7.3. Data, essential for sharing
7.4. Conclusion
8 Big Data Analytics Applied to the Sharing Economy
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Big Data and Machine Learning algorithms serving the sharing economy
8.3. Big Data technologies: the sharing economy companies’ toolbox
8.4. Big Data on the agenda of sharing economy companies
8.5. Conclusion
PART 3: The Sharing Economy? Not Without Big Data Algorithms
9 Linear Regression
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Linear regression: an advanced analysis algorithm
9.3. Other regression methods
9.4. Building your first predictive model: a use case
9.5. Conclusion
10 Classification Algorithms
10.1. Introduction
10.2. A tour of classification algorithms
10.3. Modeling Airbnb prices with classification algorithms
10.4. Conclusion
11 Cluster Analysis
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Cluster analysis: general framework
11.3. Grouping