Louis N. Molino, Sr.

Emergency Incident Management Systems

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issue of each discipline having their own individual frequency. This caused interoperability problems when trying to communicate between discipline, unless there was face‐to‐face communications. The state had issues communicating with the locals, and the locals had interoperability issues communicating with federal response agencies. Communications between certain disciplines was nearly impossible; however, the state was able to communicate with federal resources via radio. Much of this was overcome by having face‐to‐face communications with mobile command centers that were brought in, who would then relay the information. This proved that mobile command centers that are placed within walking distance of each other helps to at least partially mitigate communications issues.

      In looking at the response to the Aum Shinrikyo attacks on the Tokyo subway system and comparing it to the Oklahoma City Bombing, it is obvious that there needed to be a clear command and control in Tokyo to effectuate a positive response. It should also be apparent that integration of resources, interoperability, and open communications would have improved the response. The integration of resources and the use of an IMS method should have been a long‐term goal long before the Tokyo incident ever happened.

      Instead of turning chaos into calmness, this response added to the chaos. Confusion ensued throughout not only the response but also through the entire investigation and even years beyond that day. Rather than removing the uncertainty, the Tokyo response added to the uncertainty, thereby substantially increasing it for many hours.

      Through the use of an IMS method, these issues could have been mitigated, but only if the chosen IMS principles were practiced and used on a regular basis. In order to be effective, IMS methods need to become a response lifestyle, rather than using them for only major incidents. In a review of the incident, Pangi (2002) states that some method of IMS should be enacted in Tokyo, and throughout Japan. Had IMS principles and an IMS method been used, the outcome of the Tokyo sarin attack by Aum Shinrikyo would have likely been very different. It is likely that the death and injury toll likely would have been substantially less. Additionally, the incident likely would have been recognized as a terrorist attack utilizing a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) substantially sooner. The earlier identification of this likely would have led to shutting down the train and securing the larger scene much faster. Secondary contaminations likely would have been reduced as well.

      Utilizing an IMS method in the response mode would have been more effective because resources likely would have been identified, and specific tasks would have been assigned, based on the resource's abilities and equipment. There would not have been any duplication of resources, and personnel would have been more succinct operationally. If a Unified Command (UC) were set up, divisions could have been based on geographical areas. This would have allowed autonomy at a given site for the situation they faced, yet provided an integration of resources at a higher level.

      Additionally, if an IMS method was integrated, public health authorities could have been brought into the mix, allowing them to know the number of patients and which hospitals were capable (and had room) for the type of injuries the patients suffered. Of course, this would have also provided clearly defined lines of who would be responsible for each aspect, and where strike teams and task forces were needed to improve the response. It also would have expedited the incident from a response into a recovery mode. This is based on the assumption that with a fully collaborative effort, ending the response mode would have occurred more quickly. Let us not forget that had an IMS method been used, the integration of the subway authority would have likely reduced the death and injury toll because that authority would have been informed sooner about the type of incident, thereby reducing the spread of the sarin contamination.

      While there is no way to know for sure, it is believed that the Tokyo sarin attack and the Oklahoma City Bombing may have caused some countries around the world to rethink how they respond to major disasters. In other cases, major incidents that occurred in their country caused the responding agencies in other countries to create a system to better manage future incidents.

      Chapter 2 Quiz

      1 Incident management isA way of understanding how to train first responders.The skill of making decisions that will mitigate the negative effects of an emergency incident.The skill of motivating people to follow your orders.A method of making sure that all the paperwork is completed.

      2 True or False: The utilization of a proven IMS method usually causes disasters to last longer.

      3 The use of an Incident Management System (IMS) method helps to reduce the __________ of an incident.CooperationLifecycleCollaborationCommunication

      4 True or False: If an incident is managed, and resources are used in an efficient manner, it will usually reduce the negative effects of that incident.

      5 What are the three common attributes of any emergency incident?

      6 True or False: The Tokyo sarin incident was well managed, even without using an IMS method.

      7 In the Tokyo incident, how did hospitals confirm that the method of attack was sarin gas?

      8 Yes or No: Did the way the Tokyo incident was managed increase the number of patients that needed to be seen at the hospital?

      9 What proven IMS method was used to manage the response in the Oklahoma City incident?

      10 What mitigation measure was taken in the Oklahoma City incident when communication with some hospitals could not be made?

      11 True or False: Placing mobile command centers in close proximity to each other at the Oklahoma City incident helped to facilitate communications, especially agencies that were using different frequencies.

      12 A Family Assistance Center was set up for immediate family members at the Oklahoma City incident. Name three organizations that were included in providing comfort.

      13 True or False: The military and the National Guard was under a different IMS method than the rest of the agencies on scene at the Oklahoma City Bombing site.

      14 What agency was in charge of the criminal investigation of the Oklahoma City incident?The Oklahoma State PoliceThe Oklahoma City Police DepartmentThe FBIThe ATF

      15 True or False: Using an IMS method, the Oklahoma City incident had fewer issues than the Tokyo incident which did not use an IMS method.


       Final Report (1996). Final Report: Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Bombing April 19, 1995. Stillwater, OK: International Fire Service Training Association.

       Fire Engineering (1995). Report from Fire Chief. Fire Engineering 148: 10. Retrieved from https://www.fireengineering.com/articles/print/volume-148/issue-10/features/report-from-fire-chief.html#.

       Manzi et al. (2002). Critical Information Flows in the Alfred P. Murrah Building Bombing: A Case Study. Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute. Retrieved from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/Digitization/194411NCJRS.pdf.

       Murakami (2000). Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche. New York, NY.

       Pangi (2002). Consequence management