Tama Leaver


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       Political Interference in the US

      What was most notable about the IRA Instagram accounts is that they did not begin as political accounts, but rather built a distinct and reliable network through what appeared to be legitimate content, before periodically integrating explicitly political material which usually favoured then-candidate Donald Trump and denounced Democratic candidate Hilary Clinton. Of 133 IRA Instagram accounts mapped in a New Knowledge report (DiResta et al. 2018), the largest account, @blackstagram__ had over 300,000 followers, with their content receiving more than 27 million likes. The aim of this account appears to have been to sow distrust and discord amongst black communities and convince them that voting for any candidate was a waste of their time. Moreover, many of the most effective Instagram posts were memes of various kinds, some recognizable, some using the images of the presidential candidates, but all clearly conveying a political payload. Some IRA accounts went as far as to sell merchandise, both as a fundraising effort for their own messaging campaigns but also, crucially, as a means to gather both clearer personal data (name, exact address, credit card details) and as a marker of clear political leaning, as the purchasing of political merchandise is a very direct marker of political allegiance.

      It is clear and undeniable that Instagram is a space for political discussion, political debate and, to date at least, political manipulation. The fact that the IRA went to so much effort to utilize Instagram shows their belief in the value of the social ties that exist between Instagram users. Targeting Instagram confirms that Instagram matters as a realm of taste, politics and cultural knowledge, something explored in more detail in chapter 5. How Instagram, Facebook and others respond to the more explicit political uses, and misuses, of their platforms may well colour how much trust, and use, these platforms enjoy in years to come.

       Molly Russell’s Suicide and Self-Harm Images on Instagram

       Instagram by Facebook
