(2.2.7) to include dam–water interaction (Section 2.4) and dam–foundation interaction (Section 3.2.4).
2.2.2 Earthquake Response: Horizontal Ground Motion
In preparation for response spectrum analysis of the dam including dam–water–foundation interaction subjected only to horizontal ground motion (to be developed in Chapters 3 and 4), such analysis for the dam alone is presented first.
The response history of the modal coordinate
Having temporarily limited the earthquake response analysis to the x‐component of ground motion, the superscript x may be dropped from
where D1(t) can be determined by numerically solving Eq. (2.2.8). Substituting Eq. (2.2.9) in Eq. (2.2.1) gives the displacement history of the dam
We will be especially interested in the peak value of response, or for brevity, peak response, defined as the maximum over time of the absolute value of the response quantity:
where the subscript “o” attached to a response quantity denotes its peak value. The peak displacements can then be expressed as
The equivalent static forces associated with the peak displacements [Eq. (2.2.12)] are given by (Chopra 2017: Section 17.7)
in which
wherein the superscript x has been dropped from
In this section we will present results for hydrodynamic pressures on the upstream face of the dam for two cases: (i) a rigid dam excited by x and y components of ground motion; and (ii) a flexible dam undergoing motion in its first mode of vibration; the three excitations are shown schematically in Figure 2.3.1. All three of these results will be utilized in deriving the fundamental mode response of the dam–water system (Section 2.4), and the hydrodynamic pressures on a rigid dam will be compared with classical solutions.
2.3.1 Governing Equation and Boundary Conditions
Assuming water to be linearly compressible and neglecting its internal viscosity, irrotational motion of the water is governed by the two‐dimensional wave equation
where p(x, y, t) is the hydrodynamic pressure (in excess of hydrostatic pressure), and C is the speed of pressure waves in water; C = 4720 fps or 1480 mps. The hydrodynamic pressure is generated by horizontal motion of the vertical upstream face of the dam and by vertical motion of the horizontal reservoir bottom. The boundary conditions for Eq. (2.3.1) governing the pressure are expressed in Eqs. (2.3.2)–(2.3.5).