href="#u2e19cff6-4d5d-4e01-adb7-04fd5d70f411">John Snow, the Father of Epidemiology Cholera Today Cholera and Nursing Cholera and the “Immigrant Problem” Coda
11 9 Smallpox, the Spotted Plague A Look Back The Disease of Smallpox “Catching” Smallpox Variolation Vaccination Vaccination and Its Social Context Coda
12 10 Preventing Plagues: Immunization The Immune System Inflammation and innate immunity Acquired immunity Clonal selection theory Autoimmunity Diphtheria Emil Behring and serum therapy Paul Ehrlich Toxin, antitoxin, and toxoid Diphtheria today Diphtheria, whooping cough, and the DTaP vaccine Why Do Antibodies Work? Attenuation and Immunization Influenza Measles Mumps Rubella Whooping Cough Chickenpox Polio John Enders Jonas Salk Albert Sabin Aftermath Cell-Mediated Acquired Immunity Coda
13 11 The Plague Protectors: Antisepsis to Antibiotics Barbers, Bloodletting, and Antisepsis Surgery, Disease, and Anesthesia Laughing gas Ether Chloroform Disease, Dyes, and Drugs Prontosil Penicillin Aftermath Antimicrobial Resistance How AMR is acquired What can be done about AMR? Coda
14 12 The Great Pox Syphilis A Look Back Spirochete Discovered The Disease Syphilis “Catching” Syphilis Syphilis and Its Social Context Diagnosing Syphilis Treating Syphilis Syphilis and the Social Reformers Distribution and Incidence of Syphilis Vaccines against Syphilis Coda
15 13 The People’s Plague: Tuberculosis A Look Back The Germ of TB The Disease of TB Today’s Diagnosis of TB Heroin and TB Controlling Consumption Selman, Schatz, and Streptomycin Drug Resistance Drug Resistance Redux Vaccination against TB Incidence of TB Coda
16 14 Leprosy, the Striking Hand of God A Look Back The Disease of Leprosy Where Leprosy Is Leprosy Today “Catching”