Irwin W. Sherman

The Power of Plagues

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3.2G). But there remained a puzzle: how was the infection transmitted? Bilharz and others were aware that flukes closely related to Schistosoma had intermediate stages in snails, but when Harley examined snails from a region where schistosomiasis was prevalent, he found no evidence of larval stages. Despite this failure, the suspicion remained that humans acquired the infection either by eating infected snails or by drinking water containing the ciliated larva called miracidia. In 1870, Spencer Cobbold, working in London, obtained eggs from a young girl living in the Cape of Good Hope and found that although the eggs would not hatch in urine, they did so in fresh or brackish water. Then, in about 1904, Japanese physicians found that a related blood fluke, named Schistosoma japonicum, could also infect humans, but this species had eggs without a spine. In 1905, Patrick Manson discovered another type of schistosome egg, one with a spine on its side (Fig. 3.2D); this was in the feces of an Englishman who had lived in the West Indies but had never visited Africa; this new type was duly named Schistosoma mansoni. Now there were three known species of human-infecting blood flukes.

       Snail fever, the disease

      Schistosomes differ from other flukes (trematodes) in that the sexes are separate and they inhabit the blood vessels. The adult worms are ~10 mm in length, and the stouter males have a groove running lengthwise, called the gynecophoric canal, where the female normally resides (Fig. 3.2E). It is this groove in the male that is the basis for the worm’s generic name Schistosoma, meaning “split body.” Both males and females have two suckers at the head end of the worm, and the more anterior one surrounds the mouth. (Bilharz mistakenly took the two suckers for two mouths, and thus he called the worm Distomum, “two mouths.”) The schistosome adults, in sexual union, live in blood vessels (veins) close to the bladder and small intestine. Mating occurs in the gynecophoric canal, and then the paired worms move “upstream” into smaller veins, where the female worm deposits the fertilized eggs. The pathology of schistosomiasis is due not to the adult worms themselves but to the eggs. Each day hundreds of embryo-containing eggs move across the walls of the veins into the bladder or intestine, aided by the host’s inflammatory response, and in the process eggs become enclosed in a small tumor called a granuloma. It is the passage of eggs through the bladder wall that results in bleeding and gives the telltale sign of hematuria. Once in the bladder or intestine, the egg becomes freed of the granuloma and is eliminated from the body either with the urine or in the feces.

      Schistosomiasis is an arithmetic disease: the severity of its symptoms and cumulative damage are directly related to the number of worms present, and the latter depends on the degree of exposure. In heavy cases there may be hundreds of worms, and the adults may live for 20 or 30 years. Clearly, with time and increased invasion by cercaria, a person becomes more and more debilitated. Yet over the centuries the adult inhabitants of areas where the disease is endemic, such as Africa, developed some measure of immunity largely as a result of continuous exposure; Europeans and Americans with no such immunity suffer more-severe symptoms as a result of higher burdens of worms.

       Where snail fever is found

      Schistosomiasis has not been eliminated. It is estimated that at present there are 240 million